Yeah, Boop it like that internet-meme dog does at a cat. I'm a retarded son of a bitch that should get his face bashed in, why? Because i'm impatient as hell! I don't know if I really want to be impatient or not, since I seem to be it no matter what!
Everytime I like someone, I keep rushing things, Everytime I want to go somewhere, I rush it. Exercise is the same. (Thanks for the tips though Weenog. You also got the heat going on the Furnace of War inside of me.)
In school, I keep thinking 'Oh doesn't matter, i've got looaads of time'. I've always had the complex of "Don't have to do it right now? I'll do it Laaateeeeer" - Then turn out to either not do it, or do it as little as possible. Same with training, I always believe that the snowball effect will rule in my favour. When I was a kid, I had THE fastest learning speed in the whole Sweden. (That had gotten noted). Now i'm lucky if I can hear things correct the first time without needing to focus.
I just don't know what the fuck I want to do with my life, so here's some profanity while I sob it all off with depressive music.
TL;DR: I'm a wuss that QQs about his life, and this is a rant caused by midnight depression.
Btw. Weenog, if you read this, could you recommend me a good way to get a better 'Condition'? As in, pulse rate and stuff. I begin wheezing at pretty much everything, but whenever I try to go even faster and yaddayadda, it doesn't seem to get 'worse'. It feels like when I begin wheezing, that's the limit of my pulse rate... Till I begin vomitting and can feel the blood pumping around my head, and a pressure around the heart. >Detailed information was a question to the ones able to answer my question- Yeaaah i'm beginning to mumble. Night.