Dang, so much stuff happened today. I had to savescumm so much and yet ended with a pretty bad bargain:
- Stupid burgundians thought rebelling would be fun. The ensuing war took intervention from France, Austria and half the HRE plus tons of loans from me.
- Ruler decided to die and his lil boy is just a bit softbrained(2/3/0 IIRC). That coupled with the legitimacy drop put me on the path to civil war and all I could do was sit there and watch the timer tick.
- Civil war ticked just a bit after a peasant's war broke out in Burgundy. Meaning my military workhorse was too busy to help me. At some point I was running through one loan per month to keep my mercenary army up.
- Protestantism got kickstarted and I already have one province converted. I'm really feeling like giving the pope the finger for this campaign.
- Aragon got cocky with Castille again. The war has helped me regain some prestige(the civil war pushed me from 70ish to -18), but Portugal pulled out and I'm not sure I want to stay there either. And oh the joys of looting, why did it take me so long to find out.
Now if I may pester you with questions again:
- What's the deal with succession? My heir's claim was strong and yet boom, legitimacy went from ~90 to ~25 on sucession.
- Is there no way to raise a ruler's attributes? Having mil < 1 was the only thing increasing the civil war timer and yet all I could do was sit and watch it tick.