Well, even with MEIOU and Taxes, all I can do while playing this game is look into all of the things that they got wrong in the process. Not major things, but just small details like... well, the existence of Arbanon in 1356 (I can't find any bit of info on that whatsoever, especially the part where it is a vassal of Achaia) or the conquering of Serres (which has the wrong land borders anyway) in 1360.
Guess it is back to making suggestions on their forum...
Unfortunately M&T runs like crap and was a letdown in comparison to the [smarter] changes of VET. If they combine and consolidate [see: overcomplicated trade node paths that slow down the game too much with no real bonus or added depth beyond a couple of nodes that should have exit paths but don't in vanilla] I'll be interested but M&T in its current form is rather unplayable for me since there's a total conversion that
doesn't run at 1 day/second.
Honestly, I wish the trade node modifications would stop deciding arbitrarily that all trade should go to London/Lubeck/Amsterdam. Trade should not always end up at the same nodes. Those nodes severely need an exit path [to eachother?], or some sort of mechanic that gets diminishing returns from being the *only* trader in a node, a la stagnation in EU3. Giving them exit paths to eachother would atleast incentivize the three powers that always eventually form around these free money pits to be challenging eachother to control their favorite nodes. I'm thinking I'll just do this myself and see how it affects balance.
The way it works currently is if you're located in London/Lubeck/Amsterdam you will always have a metric fuckton of free cash due to free money always ending up at these nodes and piling up over time without any real chance to slow down the inevitable 100+ trade values in each node. Or, an alternate strategy is to rush for the Amsterdam/Lubeck/London trade nodes if you're anywhere in Europe because all your trade ends up there anyways. It's pretty 1-dimensional.
Note: I'm in 1600ish in the 'wealth expansion' and I don't have any options to form new trade nodes or change paths of any sort, like I inferred from the description. Kinda not sure what the expansion does besides add piracy buttons and a Lisbon trade node.