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Author Topic: I badly draw your reports!  (Read 343979 times)


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #330 on: September 08, 2012, 12:45:53 pm »

Reminds me of a post someone had of his noble, who belonged to a caste system that he'd been fiddling with.  The Queen liked gems, but absolutely detested dwarves, dwarves and DWARVES!!!!

This reminds me of the old .40 days where it seemed that cave adaptation made dorfs a whole lot more nauseous and pain made enemies barf much more easily.

I had a goblin siege with maybe four or five squads against my single squad of Legendary warriors.  They spent more time barfing than fighting.  The combat logs looked something like:

The dwarf Axelord vomits!
The dwarf Axelord vomits!
The dwarf Axelord hits the goblin in the arm with his Steel Battleaxe, severing the part.
The goblin vomits!
The goblin vomits!
The dwarf Axelord vomits!

By the end of the battle, the goblins were dead and the whole battlefield was covered in barf and blood.

Just got this report of two of my guys versus and Ibex. Intermediate wrestler and some marksdwarf I'm trying to wep spec.

Basically, the marksdwarf bit the Ibex on the head and shook it around, while the wrestler hit it in the teeth, and the severed part sailed off in an arch. A bit more shaking, and a falcon punch to the brain and it was over.

So now I have like 20 teeth scattered in a half circle surrounding an Ibex corpse right on my doorstep.

EDIT: My marksdwarf vomited all over the Ibex right about the time the teeth went flying btw. xD

The way DF handles contaminants can be.... interesting. I once dug out an access point in the frozen sea. When it melted, there was water contaminant on the ocean floor, and a layer of salt pile one z layer above.

Goblin attempts kidnapping.

Kills kid and knocks him down 4 z-levels.

Runs like hell as the victim's angry mother starts firing at him with her crossbow.

I'd like to see how the OP's graphical interpretation of this event (happened during arena testing):

The flying {steel bolt} strikes Arena Dwarf 1727 in the right eyelid, but the attack glances away!

Arena Dwarf 1727 likes bolts, bolts, bolts, bolts, bolts, and bolts for their sharp tips.
I don't have a report this time as much as I have a scenario: my adventurer, Idri Agoomba (any relation to you? ;) ) beating down zombies from a Necro tower with help from her Skinless Deer Fiend companion!

Edit: I forgot to mention she uses a Lead Ladle

I used to have that hat but... it was confiscated by my teacher and it got lost in his desk forever...
Engraved from the wall is masterfully desinged image of GoobaGeek by Cheesoburgor. The GoobaGeek is admiring game log and replacing every water word with booze

My wooden badge was delicious.


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #331 on: September 08, 2012, 01:54:59 pm »

I think the kidnapping oen amounts to what actually happened when he fled for his life. How he didn't get shot is beyond me.


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #332 on: September 08, 2012, 06:21:05 pm »

Ooo, ooo! I have one!

Don't have the actual report, happened a while ago, but:

A mother went hunting. This was a savage biome, but nothing tougher then giant insects had been seen. Then, all of a sudden, a Giant Jumping Spider appears nearby, assualting her. It bites her arm, knocking her over, and attacks the baby. It drags the baby away, biting it repeatedly till it died from bloodloss. At that moment, the mother all of a sudden wakes up, and strikes it with bolt or 10. Then she walks up to it, it now bleeding on the ground, and beats it to death. Then she takes her baby back, then comes back for the spider. Then she has it cooked and eats it.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #333 on: September 08, 2012, 06:25:14 pm »

"It slew my child.... So I took vengence. Then I consumed it's heart to gain its strength."


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #334 on: September 08, 2012, 06:29:48 pm »

the sword master gets strok in the brain by the sea lamprays tail!
Ya... 3rd time thats happend...
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #335 on: September 08, 2012, 06:41:49 pm »

"It slew my child.... So I took vengence. Then I consumed it's heart to gain its strength."
We also have giant jumping spider soap still.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #336 on: September 08, 2012, 11:30:41 pm »

Earlier i had a fisherdwarf beat a kobold to death with her own silk tunic
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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #337 on: September 09, 2012, 03:53:56 am »

Thought this badger got killed a bit fast, was expecting it's head to be cut off as it's a swordsman...

Flying kick to the face!
Dear Urist McStockpileDrone
I just found a barrel which contained a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was another barrel. I don't even understand how that is possible.


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #338 on: September 09, 2012, 11:22:41 am »

I had a zombie serpent woman chuck a kid several tiles into a slade wall.
I don't care about your indigestion-- How are you is a greeting, not a question.

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The Chronicles of HammerBlaze
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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #339 on: September 09, 2012, 08:30:00 pm »

I didn't take a screenshot at the time but this is what happened:

I had a webbed cage trap corridor full of caged crudles, troggolytes and what ever useless critters roam the caverns. Naturally, when I sent my haulers to get the cages some of them got themselves trapped. (Pretty common) Well, I ordered the cages to be built so I could get those useless peasants (and my mayor ::) what was she doing in there?) out of the cages. Everyone was busy so nobody seemed to come release the last 2 remaining cage dwarves.

Then it happened. One of the fortress' last remaining kids (not many survive the first few years) organized a party at a cage. The cage contained his mother..
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #340 on: September 10, 2012, 05:26:37 am »

"Sigun Armorworks the branded Coal of Shrines, champion  has bestowed the name BEKARTHABOST upon a steel battle axe!"

My son, many speak of the honor in war.
My preferred method is to wait until their back is turned, then impale them with a pike held by someone else.
Preferrably from a distance.


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #341 on: September 10, 2012, 08:54:37 am »

four dwarves spent the better part of summer and autumn in the first year beating an alligator with training weapons before the one with the training sword scored a kill.


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #342 on: September 10, 2012, 02:20:28 pm »

I had a legendary wrestler who grew slowly to power by holding enemy weapons while my men surround and mutilate them.

He died when his group of 20 got jumped by a goblin group of 60.

He was holding enemies weapons with his upper and lower everything and biting while at it.

so... He could hold down 9 goblins at a time.

but with his followers dead, I kind of saw it as the 9 goblins were holding him down as he got stabbed to death by spears..
Just tell her that you were merely doing what the voices in your head were telling you to do.


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #343 on: September 10, 2012, 03:40:26 pm »

This thread is so amazingly awesome. I lol every time I check it.

Okay, but there is something you can do to help. You see, my school is fairly lax about Internet use, but all packets go through a central location downtown which filters for questionable content. This means swear words. So if you want a greater chance of me using my spare for something other than walking down Whyte Avenue and giving away my location on the Bay12 forums, keep it clean. Really clean.

Location revealed for this Bay12er... I walked down that ave just the other day.  :o


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Re: I badly draw your reports!
« Reply #344 on: September 10, 2012, 09:30:58 pm »

Thought this badger got killed a bit fast, was expecting it's head to be cut off as it's a swordsman...

Flying kick to the face!

(Oops. Recalled it was a Giant Badger.  :-[ Look, just imagine it's a forced perspective shot and enjoy Urist McTrinity, OK?)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2012, 09:33:08 pm by Sus »
Certainly you could argue that DF is a lot like The Sims, only... you know... with more vomit and decapitation.
If you launch a wooden mine cart towards the ocean at a sufficient speed, you can have your entire dwarf sail away in an ark.
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