I will say this: it's very practical not to be addicted, if for no other reason than that it allows you to actually get a bump out of the stuff when you need it. If you're addicted, you're generally pretty tolerant; caffeine will keep you at baseline energy. Most of the side-effects still happen if you take more than your usual amount, without as much an increase in the energy you get out of it, and you wind up dependent just to maintain it.
I haven't gone cold turkey, but I do a binge every two weeks. Shit gets done on those days. But, because of how closely that cycle follows tolerance fading away, I usually find myself going through a week of withdrawal afterward, and I do know that in the long term it's neither sustainable nor healthy. It's worth it for me, but I can't recommend it for everyone. What advice I do have, which you haven't exactly asked for, would be to try to work it back in with moderation in frequency, as well as in magnitude of a given dose, if you're going to do it.
Good food, some kind of exercise, lots of sleep, and the like can pick up a lot of the slack in keeping your spirits up, lifestyle permitting. All this said, I'm just providing my own perspective as a data point. The decision of what to do and how to do it, naturally, rests with you.
EDIT: Hah, I mentioned my own practices last page and totally forgot. Tempted to change my title to Captain Redundancy.