They've talked about a second map they're working on at the moment that's much larger than the Colorado one, which should solve a lot of the problems with it. The current map not being as detailed is I guess a matter of opinion. The War Z's map is very obviously designed specifically for this game. Lots of obstacles to scramble over in the right places, also more enterable buildings than Chernarus, which is always a plus. Combined with the ability to build barricades and the like makes for some pretty interesting possibilities. When I play the map has much less underbrush and the like than in DayZ, but I have the settings on low. But I can see your point there. Personally I'll take interesting cities and towns over interesting forests, since nearly all the action takes place there anyway (I'd be made up with a massive city-only map. Countryside is for losers

You can also I think run private servers with passwords on in the full version. Can't remember where I read that though. Which definatly mirrors the DayZ development, as when I last played running a server not on the hive was either not allowed or heavily frowned upon by Rocket. Even so I've only had the game for a few days, but allready I've had quite a few impromptu team ups.
They've said they're working on VOIP too.
Tents are good, but so are player-run missions, and strongholds, and weapon mods, and all the other things that aren't in the extremely early alpha that's out at the moment. Also When I was playing tents would get wiped in updates, which made them a lot less worthwhile. Especially when Rocket wiped all tents because people were making tent cities and he didn't like that.
I think you've hit the nail on the head though. DayZ definatly feels more polished, because it is. It's a much older engine and a much older game in of itself. DayZ was in alpha for months (is it still in alpha? I've stopped following it). The War Z has been in alpha for days. A lot of the problems you have with it stem from it being just over a week old. Even things like the playerbase in dayz are only better because you don't really interact with most of it. The War Z definatly has promise, yes it's more "arcadey" for lack of a better word. But not every game in the genre needs to be the same as DayZ, because we have DayZ for that. The War Z is doing it's own thing within the genre DayZ created, and with nearly all the core features of the game not yet in it it seems like it has a lot of promise to me. I guess we'll just have to disagree on this.

Alright, fenrif and kilakan, hop on the teamspeak tonight at 7:00 CST to play the game if you can. Otherwise we'll just have to work something out for tomorrow I guess.
I just got in, and checking the time it looks like I missed it, I should be in around then tommorow though.