Well I just watched 40 some odd minutes of TotalBiscuit playing it and I don't think the game is misunderstood or under appreciated. I mean, Arma always looked barren to me. Day Z looks barren to me. And the War Z also looks barren to me. I get that's the vibe the games have always given off, that's the style and the realism. Which is ok.
But the first time I looked at Day Z, it looked feature rich to me. The War Z seems feature poor and has alpha placeholders everywhere. The fact you can't even swim through water speaks to really poor use of their technology and exacerbates the tedious....walking....around...slowly by making you take detours.
And despite seeming realistic, it lacks the basic necessities of a good survival game: hunger, thirst, exposure. Then other times it goes way too far in the other direction. TB was getting shit loads of health taken off for sliding down very, very minor declines (and fell greater distances straight down taking no damage). I mean, it just doesn't seem very good even stacked up next to Day Z. Yeah, it's all gritty and you can't sprint for squat because it's trying to be realistic, and there's lots of tedious moving around. But even setting those things aside, it seems like there's not a lot of meaningful content in it. While I don't hold it against Valve that they let a pretty rough and bland game get sold through Steam....that they didn't even check it enough to indemnify themselves against being party to a claim of false advertising does make me kind of annoyed. They have the money, they should at least vet some part of every game. TB had a very good point in that Apple, whatever else you say about them, vet the products they sell through their store. Perhaps too aggressively, but that's better than nothing.
About the only thing I thought looked pretty good were the environments and back drops.