How nice, yet another piece of my childhood dug up and raped to feed the multiplayer craze.
Satan is behind all "re-imaginings", "revivals", "updated versions", and sequels to classic games.
At best, WoW set in the Ultima 4 world. At worst, another simple facebook game.
Actually for some games it works... VERY well
The Remakes of Kings Quest 1-3 and the remakes of Quest for Glory 1-3 are very faithful and genuinly good.
The difference here is that word faithful, this doesn't sound faithful to the original. I would accept and approve of an actual re-make, but a "semi-MMORPG based, small group multi-player version... reimagining"? Do not want. It's called "Quest of the Avatar" for a reason, and I don't see it working without that whole main part of the story.
A quick Google search returns something called
"Ultima Forever" , which bills itself as a "multiplatform" (being on PC and
iCrap iPad doesn't bode well in my book) action RPG that has been "lovingly restored" and "faithful to the original" (according to
this article) which is proven by removing the original's 8 classes pertaining to the 8 virtues and giving you the option of 2, where you get to dungeon crawl with friends! Um, except the original wasn't about dungeon crawling more than you needed to to get the stones and raise the codex. And who the hell is this "Lady British" that took over when Lord British "went to the stars"? In all the games there has
NEVER been a "Lady British", and the only person to rise to power was the usurper Lord Blackthorn when Lord British was missing in the underworld.
Oh! And there's this... "players will be able to customize their character with hats, armor and a variety of personalized gear — but also offer purchases for 'convenience.' 'We'll let we'll let you speed up to your friend's level,' she [lead designer Kate Flack] said and pay for consumables like health potions, should players seek to bypass the grind." Yay! Hats! That'll make up for stripping out what the game is about, and turning it into another inane NPC quest game.
But, that's just how it sounds to me.