We aim to get off this island, and in order to do more than just send a couple of scouts away on a raft, we need to figure out how to divide ourselves into groups, so that there's Jivaro, but also some other Jivaro, you know what I mean? No? Well, that's why we're researching it.
We tie a couple of big sticks together and it floats! Hooray!
The raft sails due north with Jacob Lee onboard. There's a lot more animals over there! Nice!
Back home we do some more research. We figure out how to use fire and wood together in was other than setting fire to the wood. Certain elements of Jivaro society are scandalized by this new method of "Heat Treatment", calling it an abberration and perversion of the holy fire. Then somebody mentions that we haven't build the Captured Fire national wonder or researched Fire Making and everything gets all awkward.
Do your best, Jacob Lee!
I decide that it's probaby best to not put every single use of a captured animal to a vote.
We're sending out as many rafts as we can. Each one is loaded with a Neanderthal Warrior, since we have a bunch of those and they'll do pretty alright against most animals, especially since we've built the Hunting Instruction building, which gives them all the Hunter I promotion.
Jacob Lee keeps fighting the wildlife. You can see another feature added by this mod: Random free promotions after battles. There's a complex formula which determines the probabilities of promotion, but it's essentially random.
You shall be avenged, Jacob Lee!
Oh, look at that! Seems like we've found another civilization!
Meanwhile, we keep finding more and more nice stuff.
Lee Jacob avenges Jacob Lee. He tears the hawk's feathers off and uses them as decoration, sparking the newest fashion fad.
Meanwhile, another Neanderthal Warrior heads out and subdues a bison! Soon after it's brought back to the capital, it splits into several smaller bison. Soon we've got a whole herd of them! They don't seem to mind the rain and the mud.
The brave Neanderthal then fights off several other animals.
Since it seems to work well for him, we decide to invest in some spears as well.
Imagine if we could have been getting these myths earlier! We'd have a lot more techs then.
We make contact with the Celts! Since we're both minor civilizations, we are automatically at war with each other.
Our intelligence agency leaps into action. Finally they have a target to spy on! As it turns out, the Celts are led by a man named Abraham Lincoln.
You may wonder about the presence of an intelligence agency in prehistoric times. Tell me, have you ever seen a Neanderthal? No? That's how good they are.
Also, the leader name defaults to Bodvar for me and I forgot to change it to Charles de Gaulle. So when you see Bodvar, mentally replace it with de Gaulle.
Also, Frumple mentioned islands. This is what he was talking about.
Well, at least they weren't hostile.
Some of these promotions you might not recognize! The upper row is promotions specializing in various terrains - for example, our home island is entirely wetland except for the mountains. There's also the "Barbarian Hunter" and "Animal Hunter" promotions, which allow units to continue gaining experience for fighting those even after the usual cap.
We scout the Celts. No wonder they have more people than us!
More myths...
A target of opportunity!
More scouting...
Those spears turn out to be pretty useful for catching fish.
We build a very important building. The Master Hunter is required to build all hunting units
Finally, since I think enough stuff has happened to call this update finished, have an updated world map!
So the Celts are nearby. I mean, they're really close. Should we make a concerted effort to destroy them? And if we do, should we recall all those scouting Neanderthals so we can focus all our forces on them? A big stack of Atlatlists and Neanderthal Warriors ought to be able to crush them.