I think order 66 was buried along many other orders, even one that was the kind of the opposite and would seen the chancellor removed. When making millions of dudes breed for war there's not such thing as over thinking impossible scenarios I guess.
The trick, if I remember correctly was that yes, those secrets orders where in a really fine and secret print, and the powers for triggering it. All other secret orders were pretty standard in the likes of the Jedi Council and Senate needing approval. Only 66 was able to be activated by a single person, the chancellor.
Also, 66 is worded in such specific way that might seem "innocent" and regular among other extremist orders, but in detail it gives no quarter to the jedi, no trial or anything, there's no "if", it points directly at lethal force. I guess the Jedi order had a really crappy legal department when signed that bargain.
Also, I know the first pages of this thread deal with it more than 2 years ago. But avatar really grind my gears....
I'll set aside the ultimate impossibility of playing legos with alien and human DNA and coming up with something that doesn't beg to be killed or at the very least that is fucking dangerous beyond reason. Let's ride with it because it's actually very cool.
Avatar closed beta
So sorry James Cameron but I keep siding with my own race damn it. I know, there's interference on the religious site but why the fuck attack it in such a rushed and stupid way anyway? The new excavators would take 3 months to get there (there's a scene on the extended edition which show the natives have destroyed the excavators that almost ruined the protagonist morning after sex and killed every escorting soldier), do they ran out the mine near the base?
I think Quaritch made a mistake moving out, the base defenses would have resisted 1000 or 20000 natives I guess, but granted, it was a gamble and he couldn't know the deux ex machina of the very questionable biology god would herd the animals against him. Also it's doubtful the animals would have attacked the base too, but even if they had, it's stated the base has a clear perimeter with sonic fences, heavy weaponized turrets and missiles guidance would have worked far better. It would have been a complete kill zone.
But let's ran with the idea of the attack, after all the plan worked until the animal assault. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SEND IN TROOPS TO A PLACE YOU ARE GOING TO BOMB? Ok, they weren't precisely right next to it, but what the fuck? I would see some logic behind it if you had enough troops to surround the whole place and kill everyone trying to scape the bombardment or lacking that, yeah deploy a single line, but AFTER the bombing you fucker, so they can clean up. But in this case why bother?? Why even bother trying to get on the ground? The objective was to destroy the place not cleaning up to start civilian operations right away, which would, in the best cases had not all of them died in the stupid way they did, be scheduled to start three months away.
Yeah they are just a security force from a company, not an proper army, but it's stated most if not all are former military, I guess, given the size and importance of the operation, that would have included a few officers that were trained in strategy and tactics wouldn't you think?
I would wish for a version of Avatar 2 were we have one of the "venture star" ships comes along with a orbital mac cannon and simply trow a "god rod" to the place from orbit, be done with it and restart heavier militarized mining operations. But that would need a lot of time like posted on the first pages of this thread (which makes me wonder, how long does the natives live?, the traitor might as well be death of old age by the time they get there). But of course James "I'm secretly an tree hugger elf" Cameron wouldn't allow it.
As for the battle itself. Let's run with the idea they go there. LEFT YOUR GROUND TROOPS IN THE BASE! Why risk all your equipment and most personnel on this way? Again, why the fuck bring ground troops? Oh that's right, so the movie makes the obvious point of bad industry man more blatant... anyway... I think bringing 50~75% of the helicopters, splitting the formation in two parts, one advanced screen and another rear guard with the Valkyrie AND NO GROUD TROOPS would have worked better. Then after the flying lizard natives engage the screen group the back guard one will thrust forwards and bomb the place.
Hell they could have even attacked with two or more Valkyries and at least one would have done it, as it is stated the shuttles don't go back, they stay on Pandora and are used to skim on the giant gas uppermost atmosphere scooping hydrogen or something. And in case something goes wrong, you have a fully staffed base to retreat to, which again would be a complete kill zone.
And in fact, they are mere seconds from the site, or practically over it when the shuttle go down. Wouldn't that result in the same thing, the place being obliterated not only by those huge chemical, open sky mining bombs, but also by what is basically a flying fusion bomb? (the shuttles are said on the official wiki to have fusion power plants).
On a different side of the movie, why the natives have only 4 limbs when every single animal has 6? It's very obvious they are either truly native (the USB ports they share with most fauna shows that) or maybe the product of genetic engineering. I entertain the idea of the humans interfering with some kind of experiment of another far more advance and powerful race that might or might not be still around, and if they are, they would be either pretty pissed off or amused by the show. Or perhaps the natives are what is left of an alien ship that crash landed there and performed genetic engineering on them to adapt the environment and eventually ran out of tech/supplies and with countless generations forgot all that and became hunter gatherers.
There's some theory around the internet based on the monkeys that have their upper limbs fused at the point of the elbow shown at the first jungle scenes, that the natives might have "advanced" more down that path and a X-ray of them would reveal their arms actually have two fussed humerus, and the same with the ulna and radius. But no one in the movie bothers to ask that, or even mention it. So the theory something artificially fishy is going on with those natives stands...