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Author Topic: Journal of Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)  (Read 3042 times)


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Journal of Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« on: July 21, 2012, 04:47:31 am »

Hm, second post in nearly two years. I don't even remember what my last-last post in the B12 forums was. Greetings again, fellow dwarves, may ye beards be ever rich and ye halls richer. I've returned to the forums to report on the progress of a project I've been dreaming to do since two years ago (indeed, I was planning on how exactly to implement the dream back then) and have begun working on about a month ago.

Introducing Udirdatur, Blackspire in the common tongue, a settlement where a heretical sect of dwarven nobles seek to build their temple-monument to their strange gods away from the suspicious eyes of the common rabble. Or, in OOC terms, where the meta-god-player wants to recreate in DF his favorite tower in all fiction: Barad-Dûr.

My plan is to cast obsidian in a giant pillar spanning the entire z-axis (even all the way to the magma sea!), destroy the scaffolding and mold, then carve-and-smooth the tower out of the pillar. To this end, I've already dug up a thirty-tile diameter pit all the way to the magma sea (which took the dwarves 41 game years, and me two and a half weeks of RW time), then cast obsidian on the gaping hole (which was done underground so as to not mark the entire tower 'above ground' and thus unsuitable for some tasks) by digging water and magma channels into it and controling the flow with floodgates (which broke down total of 8 times due to forgotten beast incursions). Once that was done I built up a gargantuan mold (using the rocks from the pit as material, and fortunately, I only needed about a thousand more when I ran out of dug-out stone) above it, coupled with two pipe stacks, and surrounded by a small (and rather flimsy) wall. The stocks screen tells me it took me 23498 blocks to build the damn thing. I'll have to either trade that away or atom-smash them once carving begins. The casting was done in twenty z-level steps while the construction continued above, to save time; the pipe stacks were connected to the upper levels once their level was reached by the rising obsidian. Then today, the pillar was finally complete, all the way at the 138th z-level above ground, and so I spent the better part of the saturday overwatching the dwarves as they dug out the surroundings and cave-inned the mold.

Stones away!

click here for full size image

Behold, the obsidian pillar in all its unfinished and bare glory.

click here for full size image

I have to say, the pillar looks rather small for all the pain it took to build. Must be because of the large embark area.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Pictures I'm using as reference:
movie version
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
book version (this illustration was drawn by JRR Tolkien himself)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I'll be updating the first post with progress and OOC comments. Storytelling will follow, and will follow the eyes of one of the haulers, lowliest of the citizens. But first I need to organize some stuff and write down all the original embark and three reclaims contents before I can set to work. Do note that the actual game is still frozen at just after the rubble from the cave-in subsided.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 04:18:31 am by meto30 »


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Re: Udirdatur, Black Spire. (story)
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2012, 05:00:28 am »

Prelude: Brief history of Udirdatur, in the first founding, when in was named Nicazsudir.

Year 126: A seven-dwarf scouting party map out the volcano 'Nicazsudir', the sole peak of mount Onol Insél, located between the Cold Hills and the Watchful Forest, part of the elven domain. They take note of the gold dust in the stream that sprung nearby and determine that a gold lode is bound to be burried within the mountain.

Year 127: With permission from his majesty the King Asob I, the same scouting party set out with mining tools and as much food as they could fit in a wagon and settle in shadow of Nicazsudir. They begin digging eagerly into the mountainside, to find the gold they came for. The dwarven caravan fail to make it to the site due to the distance involved.

Year 128: Although the gold veins prove yet elusive, the miners discover large deposits of both iron and marble. They send a message via the caravan (that finally arrived) to Atirrulush (mountainhome of the kingdom of Rimadtholtig) detailing the discovery and requesting more miners and a skilled metallurgist be sent so that they may set up a steelmaking outpost. Wood-cutters are sent out to cut down the local Glumprong population for charcoal production.

Year 129: An elven diplomat from Themathilíri arrives at Nicazsudir. In addition to their customary protest over trees being butchered, they warn that the forests to their east contain many dangers that the dwarves would better not awaken. 17 migrants arrive over the summer and autumn. Gold is still not found. Decision is made to postpone further exploratory mining while new arrivals set up infrastructure to properly exploit the iron veins.

Year 130: Early Slate, when the streams are still frozen cold, the dwarves finally realize what the elves warned about: the Cold Hills are haunted! Dead and half-decayed beasts roam about, and the strongest of the miners are scrambled out in rudimentary war gear to defend the settlement. The walking corpses are fended off, but the expedition leader succumbs to his wounds and passes away before the caravan arrives. His brother Cog is appointed interim leader of Nicazsudir; as his first order Cog commands the front gate sealed up until proper weapons can be forged.

Year 131:
Kogan, the hamlet's sole carpenter, suddenly refuses to work and claims he is seeing visions and needs to get wood, quickly. Recognizing the symptoms to be that of the famed creative surge of dwarvenkind, bookkeeper Kumil Kolked has the front gates unsealed despite Cog's protests. Kogan immediately sets to work furiously and creates a Glumprong bracelet and names it Nòm Dumur. The settlement celebrates the creation of the settlement's first artifact, and Kolked carves a statue and a wall engraving commemorating the event.

However, the happiness did not last. In their jubilee the dwarves forgot that their gates were open, and when the goblin ambush was spotted it was already too late. The settlement's five miner-defenders were cut down before they could fetch all their equipment, and the rest of Nicazsudir was left to fend for themselves. The dwarves did manage to kill off the remaining goblins, but with only 6 survivors of which two were badly wounded, they decide to abandon the settlement.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 06:16:12 am by meto30 »


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Re: Udirdatur, Black Spire. (story)
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2012, 07:17:03 am »

Prelude: Brief history of Udirdatur, in the second founding, page 1 of 2.

Year 121: A strange cult religion arises amongst the dwarves of the western reaches of Rimadtholtig, who assert dragons are divine agents of a draconic pantheon who were imprisoned in the deeps of the earth before the dawn of history. Calling themselves the Dragon Cult, they establish footholds in several dwarven fortresses and gather dwarves of all classes to their cause.

Year 128: The Dragon Cult is declared heretic and are persecuted across the kingdom. The leaders of the Cult, only known as the Prophets, go underground to avoid arrest.

Year 131: Late in the year survivors from Nicazsudir arrive at Atirrulush and tell of the fall of the outpost. The King is not pleased to hear of this but decides not to send a reclamation party as he fears diplomatic reprecussions with the elves of Themathilíri whom he needs as allies against the onslaught of the human Corumvant Empire.

Year 136: A Dragon Cultist breaks under torture and reveals the secret hiding place of the Cult. The Prophets escape the crackdown but many of the highest ranking priests are killed and identities of their more influential worshippers are revealed, which are sore blows to the Cult. Prophets decide to evacuate the entire Cult before they are wiped out, and chose the distant Nicazsudir as their new home. They begin their great journey across the kingdom and tell any cultist they find to make way to the abandoned iron mine.

Year 138: First group of Cultists arrive at Onol Insél and set about reorganizing the place. They discover records of an artifact being crafted before the fort was abandoned, but they find no trace of it. Nòm Dumur is assumed lost to thieves. They brought many weapons with them and thus will be better equipped to defend the settlement in case of another ambush or invasion. Underground farms are re-irrigated and re-sowed, while the iron mines are laid with tracks to speed up the mining process. Cog's diary is discovered from amongst the ruined bedchambers, providing the settlers with the knowledge that the Cold Hills are haunted. The dead remains of the first founding are interred in their bedrooms, which are repurposed into tombs. New chambers are dug out. Trade relations are established with the Corumvant Empire.

Year 139: The second and third waves of migrant Cultists make their way to Nicazsudir, bringing the total population upto 50 in just two years. Corumvant traders are willing to pay excorbiant prices for the settlement's steel arms and armour, and the dwarves use this to obtain foodstuff and other amenities to help them survive so far from the dwarven lands.

Years 140-142: Uneventful. The three-year period is spent mostly mining out marble and digging out a series of suites for the eventual arrival of the Prophets.

Year 143: With the initial iron veins nearing depletion, the leaders of Nicazsudir discuss their next course of action and agree to start looking for more iron and, hopefully, gold, as mentioned in Cog's diary. Plans are made to dig multiple shafts deep into the mountain in search of mineral lodes. Last of the settlement's steel products are shipped away on the Corumvant caravan. A band of goblins, larger than the one that doomed the first founding, attack the human traders, but human mercenaries and dwarven militiamen together defeat the green savages with little trouble. The victory boosts the morale of the settlement considerably.

Year 144: Iron is discovered in shaft 4, and thus it is widened to allow for full scale mining to proceed. Shaft 5 breaches a vast underground cavern layer, and to ensure the safety of the miners it is sealed off. Relations vastly improved with the elves after striking an agreement not to cut any trees at all and instead buy all lumber the settlement needs from Themathilíri (produced with 'morally superior methods', whatever that means).

Year 145:
Goblins come in much greater force in tandem with the human caravan's arrival, this time mounted on great swamp crocodiles. Militia units are sent out to defeat them, and again the goblins are routed without difficulty. The caravan suffered some minor damage, and in compensation the settlement offers its products at a discount. Offerings of rock amulets and gemstones are made as well.

Fifth group of migrants arrive, and deliver a message from the Prophets: the Cultists are to begin digging a 120-feet-wide pit underneath the settlement, as deep as they can go. No reason was given; Nicazsudir's leaders are puzzled as to the purpose of this command, but after heated argument decide to do as told. A great hollow is excavated near the Depot and miners begin the long dig downwards.

Years 146-147: Uneventful except for one: dissenters appear amongst the cultists who believe the 'great pit' has no practical use and all their labor is being wasted on some strange whim of the Prophets. Some even say that the Prophets are to blame for their current predicament and thus thieir orders should not be obeyed. However, the leadership decides to push onwards with their project. Steel industry has grown quite strong by this time and now Corumvant imperial knights begin equipping themselves in full steel gear.

Year 148:
A dwarven expedition from Rimadtholtig arrives at Nicazsudir, to great surprise of the Cultists. They have noted the use of steel weaponry by the Imperial armies and have been investigating the issue. They initially believed some fool of a dwarf leaked the secrets of steel manufacture to the power-hungry humans, but raiding of human weaponsmithies proved this assumption false. After nearly three years of searching and interrogating they learned that Nicazsudir was again inhabited and was selling steel to the Empire.

The investigators are shocked to find that the Cult, which they thought was already stomped out, had endured at Nicazsudir. Doubly angered by their survival and their 'treachery' of selling steel to the enemy of the kingdom, the King's officers demanded all steel production cease and the settlers return to Atirrulush to face trial. Unwilling to give up their livelihood, the settlers make a show of giving in to their demands at first, and then snuck up upon the investigators in their sleep at night. They succeed in killing four of them, but one awoke before the killer could get atop him, and he escaped atop his pony and rode hard away eastwards. The Cultists did not pursue for they knew what dangers lurked in the Cold Hills.

Sixth wave of migrants arrive, with another message from the Prophets: Never cease digging for whatever reason.


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Re: Udirdatur, Black Spire. (story)
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2012, 09:58:54 am »

Prelude: Brief history of Udirdatur, in the second founding, page 2 of 2.

Year 149:
Seventh wave of migrants arrive. Population of Nicazsudir now number over a hundred, and it is reckoned that most of the surviving members of the Dragon Cult are now gathered here at Onol Insél. The pit has reached 350 feet into the ground, and with the farms enlarged and the kitchens kept perpetually busy the leadership agrees the settlement can handle more dwarves being drafted as dedicated minors. 36 miners work tirelessly day and night digging down through granite and pulling the stones up to surface level to be carved into trinkets by the craftsdwarves for sale to the elves. However, they are nearing the level where shaft 5 discovered the underground cavern layer back in 144 and would be breaching soon. Steel armor originally intended for sale to the humans are given to the miners so they may fare better in battle in case some unspeakable monster sprang out of the dark roots of the mountain. Corumvant traders only recieved poor quality mail and some leftover swords this year.

In Limestone, the cavern is breached as expected, at 450 feet below ground. Fortunately, the caves were devoid of creatures; mushrooms were the only form of life that could be seen down there. A wall was erected around the pit and the miners were allowed to continue deeper.

Years 150-154: Uneventful. Iron mines in shaft 4 are depleted. Goblin sieges begin to occur, but now that Nicazsudir has a dedicated force of soldiers they merely serve to replenish the settlement's iron and copper supplies. The Great Pit is dug all the way to the 1000th feet below ground.

Year 155:
A goblin siege arrives, but this time its scale is unprecedented, with four seperate groups of goblins accompanied by slave human warriors wielding mauls and whips, and two full squads of trolls approaching from the west. The entrance corridor was lined with traps last year, but it is unlikely to hold off all of the enemy forces at once. In a desperate action, the leadership of the settlement order the militia to attack them while they're still organizing their ranks, before they gather into an unstoppable horde. This meant going after the three goblin squads to the east, in the Cold Hills.

The militiamen charge at the goblins, whose copper and iron weapons proved ineffective against the steel plate mail of the dwarves. Although five of the 29 soldiers fell to the ground, they still breathed, and were hauled to the hospital within the mountain while the rest trudged towards the southern stream where a group of trolls have begun their advance. The other troll squad was already hammering down the main gates; the reserve militia within huddled behind the third gate hoping the main force would arrive in time. The leadership began issuing crossbows to the remaining populace, in case the reserves are broken.

A goblin ambush caught the main group off guard, and their arrows killed three and critically wounded four more before being routed. Now with the gates within sight, the militiamen knew the situation down there and belayed their original battle plan and descended upon the trolls at the gate, who had just broken the third door. As the reserve soldiers fired their hail of bolts, the hammerdwarves clashed into the ranks of the besiegers, and though losses were heavy, they were defeated. The last remaining siege group, the second squad of trolls, retreated after learning the rest of their army were dead or fleeing.

When the day seemed theirs, however, the dwarves were horrified when the surviving militiadwarves were pulled to the ground by dismembered goblin and human body parts. The corpses have risen! Curse the Cold Hills! The militia scrambled to keep them in check while civilians desperately tried to reach the dieing warriors before they expired, to no avail. After the last of the corpses stopped moving, there were only 2 left standing amogst the initial 29 sent out. They also represented the most experienced of the miners, and their loss was crippling to the pit digging project. With so many dead to bury and mourn, the leadership gives in to the demands of the protesters and halt all digging in the Great Pit. They also decide to concentrate on surviving and recuperating for the next few years. No further migrants are expected, as they are sure the Prophets already sent everyone they could find to the accursed volcano.

Year 156: Uneventful year for Nicazsudir, but the decades-long war between Rimadtholtig and the Corumvant Empire ends; after suffering several setbacks in the recent years due to a ferocious counterattack by the Dwarf-Elf alliance, the humans agreed to end the war and restore occupied territories to their respective former owners in return for the dwarven vanguard not pushing further towards the Imperial capital. Now with the war settled and peace returned to the realm, the kingdom decides to take care of its internal matters, including the issue of the surviving Dragon Cult.

The investigating officer who had escaped into the Cold Hills had survived; through combination of skill, good thinking, and shear luck, he managed to find a way out of the haunted and zombie-infested woods and back to his home city. Although the still raging war kept the King's attention elsewhere for many years, now that he had won (sort of) his eyes were upon the Cult and their new home of Nicazsudir; but he wasn't going to send his battered armies to besiege a dwarven settlement, be it inhabited by heretic renegades or no. He had better uses for his soldiers, and even better uses for a steel manufactory. And he knew how to get his hands on it without unnecessary bloodshed.

Year 157:
On early Timber the dwarven caravan flying the flag of Rimadtholtig arrived at Nicazsudir. The settlers were bewildered of its arrival, and even more when they let it in; the leader of the caravan revealed himself to be a herald of King Asob I and announced the king's offer of pardon to all inhabitants of the settlement if they only just renounced their faith in the draconic pantheon and and pledged to return to the kingdom's fold as loyal law-abiding subjects. This sparked immediate argument amongst the Cultists, which intensified when the caravan declared its intention to trade and promised to return next year to hear of the settlers' decisions. The leaders themselves were divided over the issue, and soon the population were split in two, with Cultists on one side and Loyalists on the other. After the caravan left, the strife amongst the inhabitants of Nicazsudir grew ever more heated until the leadership feared the settlers would erupt into a violent riot if left unchecked any longer. None of their three options of putting down the Loyalists, putting down the Cultists, or simply running away from the settlement seemed any more attractive than the others.

Unfortunately, they did not live long enough to make any decision.

Year 158:
The Cultists declared their intention to take over the fort when rumors spread that the leadership was considering surrendering to the King. They slightly outnumbered the Loyalists and counted amongst them the three survivors of the siege of 155, and thus was considered to have the upper hand if it ever came to physical clash between the two factions. They demanded the current leadership support their cause or step down. Eventually the mayor was cowed, and she relented. When the takeover was announced at the great hall, many Loyalists knew it was their cue to leave the settlement, and they did over the course of the next few days.

When the new leaders realized the population of the fort was rapidly dwindling, they chose a most radical option and activated the emergency isolation mechanisms, caving in the entrance corridor and sealing Nicazsudir from the outside world. While the rest of the settlement was still in chaos over what had happened, they quickly sealed the armory and took complete control of all weapons within. Now with complete monopoly over means of exerting force, they told the populace that they only had one choice remaining, to dig the Great Pit as the Prophets have ordered, and to await the Prophets' eventual arrival. They made it sure that they are willing to kill off every single living being in the trapped settlement if their will was not obeyed. The people understood, and they obeyed.

The sealed passageways were opened up, and the digging of the Great Pit resumed at a sluggish pace.

Year 159:
The King was definantly angry when he heard that the Loyalists have bugged out of Nicazsudir and the Cultists have sealed the entrance with a cave-in. He was hoping the Loyalists would take over or the two factions would fight it out. Now he had a bunch of criminal scum he had no love nor use of and a steelmaking outpost he still had no control over. He ordered all the Loyalists who got out hammered to death and also sentenced the stupid herald, who failed his simple-enough mission, to life-long sand-gathering labour under the scorching sun of the kingdom's northernmost outposts.

He'd have sent his army to besiege the accursed lizard-lovers in their dirty hole if only his relations with the elves weren't deteriorating fast. One of the territory the humans relented in the peace treaty was formerly contested land between the elves and the dwarves, and it was causing problems amongst the once allies as to whom it now belonged to. Of course, Asob himself thought it naturally belonged to him - the dwarves did most of the heavy fighting in the last years of the war, and it was they who had last control of the region before the Empire took it. The elves however had very different ideas, and they also kept nagging on about how their current steel and glass production methods swallowed up thousands of innocent trees. They kept insisting the dwarves use coal. Did they not know coal was rare and expensive, not to mention dangerous? Besides, the trees are just... trees. The elves were not exactly known for intelligent behavior, but this rubbish about trees being alive was too much. Hmph. Anyways, bringing an army that deep into their sphere of influence would tick them off. He'd rather not do that when the Corumvant Empire still stood strong to the north.

But luckily for him the King did not have to wait long nor put much effort into getting what he wanted.

In the summer of the year, the Pit has breached another cavern, about 1200 feet below ground. The air smelled different from the first cavern... in fact, it was very difficult to even breathe in it. The flora was different as well - towering crimson-red vines with sharp thorns loomed over the heads of the miners, and on the walls were great webs of size unimaginable for normal spiders. One of the miners who used to live in one of the great deep-shaft thaigs of the southwest recognized the webs for that of giant cave spiders. The leadership did not think the threat of any immediate danger and ordered the miners to continue digging while a meager team of five masons worked to wall off the caverns. And that was a mistake.

In fall (the dwarves within lost accurate track of time since they had no access to sunlight), when only half of the wall was completed, the ground of the second cavern began shaking violently. The miners recognized the earthquake for what it was and immediately took shelter beneath cover, but when it subsided almost immediatley they knew something was wrong. And they were proven in the most disastrous way when a great worm of hideous size and eight flapping wings each bigger than a troll burst forth from the darkness and began rampaging through the hapless dwarves. It was one of the feared Forgotten Beasts of legend, which were sealed away in the Imprisoning Wars.

By the time the Beast reached the surface levels and made its way into the masonry workshops, any chance of defeating it was destroyed. The rest of Nicazsudir despararetely loosed their crossbow bolts upon the monster, but they all glanced away. One by one they were consumed by the ancient abomination, and none could escape for the entrance was sealed. As a last resort, the leadership sealed the entrances to their council chambers and committed suicide before the beast learned they were there. The last of them left a detailed account of what he could learn about what terrible fate befell their settlement, and when the beast began hammering at the stone door, threw the book into a steel coffer and too killed himself.

So ended Nicazsudir's second incarnation, without the outside world knowing.


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Re: Udirdatur, Black Spire. (story)
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2012, 10:07:08 am »

OOC: Please note that some events in gameplay have been reordered and reimagined to fit a sensible narrative. Also, I took a lot of artistic license in depicting outside events. The dwarven caravan did come for all near-20-years of the first reclaim, though I used it solely for getting rid of trash. They did tend to coincide with goblin ambushes, and so often suffered heavy losses.

I made the mistake of designating one of the merchants for killing and thus experienced firsthand what a loyalty cascade is. The better half of my workforce had to be seperated from the general populace, and when the forgotten beast turned up in the yet incomplete walls of the second cavern layer, I decided what the heck and threw my military at it like no-one's business. The problem was that they fought with the rest of the fortress on the way down and thus threw themselves at the FB in waves, all injured to a point. I merrilly watched my reclaim crumble and started work on the second reclaim. It was also at this time that I decided to work my gameplay into a narrative, but I did not exactly have storytelling goals in mind, it was more of a self-enjoyment scenario. I am an avid D&D gamer playing almost exclusively as a DM, and find any game far more satisfying when I weave in a narrative of my liking. Probably why I mostly play RPGs.


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Re: Journal Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2012, 01:00:22 pm »

A evil fortress that sits apon the magma sea, Why haven't I seen this before as of yet?


Also sorry if I missed a memo on no posting, seems I'm the only one that has posted other then you. Will read all this later.

Finished reading, thus far, Hope there are more updates to come
« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 06:01:02 pm by Hugo_The_Dwarf »


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Re: Journal Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2012, 09:18:18 pm »

A evil fortress that sits apon the magma sea, Why haven't I seen this before as of yet?
Also sorry if I missed a memo on no posting, seems I'm the only one that has posted other then you. Will read all this later.

OOC: Thank you for showing interest. I did not tell anyone not to post, so I too do not know why no one has posted yet. Perhaps my writing fails to attract much in the way of dedicated readers, or perhaps they do not think it worth the time of writing a reply when the story is still in its beginning stages.

I'm still in the stage of reorganizing and recording the events that led up to the pillar's construction. Hopefully I'll finish doing so within the day.


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Re: Journal Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2012, 09:47:42 pm »

My stories get readers not posters :P
I like your writing, It's not Steven Erikson level. But it's not "I started, and people died, The End."

There is only so much detail you can put into "journal logs" anyways.

Well keep truckin.


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Re: Journal Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2012, 11:29:09 pm »

Prelude: Brief history of Udirdatur, in the third founding, when it was named Nicazsudir.

Years 160-162: The world remains oblivious to the fall of Nicazsudir. No migrants arrive, for the end of the war meant a reestablishment of police forces and the Prophets were forced to hide in the lands of the Corumvant Empire. They did pay a human messenger to check on the progress of the Great Pit, and when he returned with the news that the entrance was caved in, they realized something was wrong.

Year 163: Scouts are sent from Rimadtholtig to see if the entrance has been cleared, but it is still sealed. Then one of them decides to risk a more dangerous entry and drop down one of the venting shafts leading into the decompose pit. He explores the abandoned upper chambers and notice many of the entrances show signs of being locked close and then being battered apart. He returns to his group through the same way, and they report their findings to the King. On hearing the report, Asob I decides he'd rather risk a diplomatic incident than keep on waiting.

Year 164: An armed war party is sent from Atirrulush to reopen the entrance of Nicazsudir and learn what is happening within. They spend weeks digging through the rubble, and when they finally make their way into the halls on the surface level they realize that the settlement has been abandoned. Dwarven corpses showing signs of being eaten by animals are strewn about the hallways, their decomposed state belying the fact they've been dead for quite some time. No effort seems to have been made to recover the booze and other supplies still piled up on the trade depot, and they've all gone stale. The chambers show no signs of robbery, with many valuables intact in their keeping places; even the corpses are still wearing their jewelry. The leader of the war party decides to reclaim the settlement in the name of the king, and appoints himself as leader of Nicazsudir, newly rebuilt dwarven fortress of the kingdom of Rimadtholtig. Messengers are sent to the mountainhome to announce the reclamation of the steel manufactories. The King is pleased.

Years 165-166: Workers are sent from the kingdom to reopen the iron mines and restart the foundaries. Human traders, hearing of the news of Nicazsudir's reopening, visit Onol Insél to trade, but the leader politely asks them to leave, for now Nicazsudir is no longer an exile settlement and a formally declared fortress of the King of Atirrulush. The Prophets also hear that the volcanic settlement has been reclaimed, and begin making plans to regain control of the Great Pit.

Year 167: Goblin forces of the lands of Ligrush far northwest of the mountain descend upon Nicazsudir, but the well-armed and well-trained dwarves make short work of the puny invaders. The grassy plains in front of the volcano are strewn with goblin corpses left to rot as a warning to all enemies of the kingdom. Shaft 7 is extended to search for more minerals, and discover the third iron vein. Glumprungs of the Cold Hills are cut down by the hundreds to fuel the smelters.

Year 168: Elves send a diplomat to protest over the renewed tree-felling and the leader of the outpost is forced to agree to a quota of 117 units for the year, which is less than half of what they need to meet the King's demand for steel. As they are too far from the kingdom proper they'd be forced to defend themselves alone if the elves were to invade, and the fortress' defenses are not ready, yet. Shaft 7's miners breach into the first cavern north of where shaft 5 did, and the leader does not order it sealed, instead ordering the mushrooms there to be used to make charcoal.

Years 169-170: Shaft 8, 9, and 10 are dug out but fail to discover any veins other than isolated pockets of precious stones. Shaft 7 is expanded to make way for a cart track connecting the lumber stockpiles to the furnaces up on surface level.

Year 171:
Shaft 11 is dug, and shafts 1 through 5 are extended to find veins. Luckily, near the end of the year miners at shaft 4 discover a gold vein, the very vein that had eluded the first settlers of Nicazsudir. The first batch of bars are shipped off to Atirrulush as tribute to their King, and the miners are rewarded with gold trinkets and 100 Rimadthars each.

The leader however was not rejoicing. His son has been 'blessed' with an explosive crafting lust, but unable to find any suitable material for his opus, he eventually went mad. Even worse, he has strangled his younger sister, who'd just turned 12, to death, and then ran out the main gates babbling gibberish before disappearing deep into the Cold Hills. Many of his loyal followers, including his wife the broker, did all they could to console the leader, but he was never the same.

Year 172: With the fortress population ever booming with incoming migrant waves, many push for more mines be opened to find work for them all. After discussion the leadership decides to open lateral exploratory shafts from the Great Pit that the Cultists have dug in their madness. Until then it was sealed off, for many feared what may be found underneath. The 10-feet-thick walls separating the fortress from the Pit was removed, and the access stairwells cleared of debris. Signs of a great battle and remains of many fallen dwarven warriors are discovered deep below; their armors are recovered and the half-finished wall of the second cavern completed. On being asked of what to do with the corpses, the leader orders them all dropped into the volcano, for they are heretics and traitors, who deserve no proper burial. The soldiers comply.

Year 173: Industry booms in the fortress, and citizens are happy. But the leader, now voted Mayor after the fortress recieved township status from the King, showed increasing signs of madness. When at work in his office he seemed to be just a dedicated public official, but those who knew him privately noticed he seemed eerily serene at all times, as if he was detached emotionally from everything in the world. Many pitied him for the hardships he had to endure a year ago. But the mines are continuosuly expanded to dig more ore, and the caravans leave with ever heavier wagons. All seems well.

Year 174:
An all-too-eager miner makes a mistake and breaches an underground volcanic pipe, flooding three shafts with white-hot magma and trapping many miners within. An emergency tunnel is dug from the first cavern to rescue them before they starve. After every survivor is released from the trapped shaft (and the burnt remains of one miner recovered for burial) the order is issued to seal off the new tunnel, but the nearing caravan arrival date meant that no hand could be spared from the workshops to build the wall. Dwarves not assigned to tending the wounded are busied with preparing goods for shipping while the militia is put on alert in case goblins decide to raid the merchants.

It was then that another Forgotten Beast appeared from the first cavern and entered the fortress via the new tunnel and shaft 7. The military was hurried to the mines before it reached the civilian quarters, but then, adding to the disaster, a large force of goblins and trolls appeared outside. Many of the civilians were evacuated from the deeper chambers and thus were exposed to the siege. While the militia struggled to contain the beast below, citizens were drafted into emergency squads and given what was left in the armory while the goblins tried to pierce the trap-lined entrance. The inner gates that were built just behind the depot were closed and locked, but any dwarf knew the iron-barred gate was no defense against a raging troll. Being attacked from both outside and within, the leadership looked to the mayor for guidance, but he said nothing and simply gazed out the window in his office.

It is perhaps Armok's way of encouraging his mortals, or perhaps he was just bored, but the mayor was visited by the spirit of the Blood god, and he was suddenly driven. But not in any way that would help his citizens. For he asked everyone but his spouse to leave him to think, and once they were alone, he slew her with his sword and started hacking at the bones. He then walked down to the workshops where some of the civilians were hiding, and to their horror proceeded to craft a totem of hideous shape out of the still bloody and warm skull of the town broker. Just as the forgotten beast was put down by the militia, the trolls broke down the main entrance, and the goblins spread out here and there in search of dwarves to kill while the militiadwarves, heavily wounded and bleeding badly, tried to fight them. Goblins broke into the stockpiles on the second level, but still the mayor toiled with his hammer and chisel. When he was done and proudly exclamed in ancient prose, "La kur urdim makkerem Armok, bem tuo Orrungikut makar!", just as goblins discovered the hidden stairs into the third level workshops and shot the mayor to death. Since the mayor stayed down there the civilians had enough time to retreat to the topmost council chambers and lock the doors.

The surviving soldiers did drive the last of the invaders out, but when the surveyed the fortress they knew the toll was too great to call the battle a victory. The mayor and his wife was dead. 12 of the soliders lay cold on the floor, three were rapidly losing blood while struggling to staunch themselves, one was at the hospital without both his arms. Most of the miners joined the soldiers in defense of the fortress, and were pounded to a ghastly mixture of blood and gore by the trolls at the entrance. Total of 39 dwarves were still alive, 20 of them adults, but they were in no shape to continue. After a short poll, the survivors decided to evacuate to the kingdom and abandoned Nicazsudir.

The dwarven caravan arrived before they had finished packing up. The survivors pleaded to take them with the caravan, and the caravan master agreed to do so. On the fall of 174, Nicazsudir was deserted of dwarves for the third time in its history.


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Re: Journal Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2012, 11:39:07 pm »

OOC: I had actually dumped the dead carcasses into the volcano on purpose, because I wanted them to rise as ghosts and haunt the place, for interesting story material. You can bet I was pleasantly surprised when the FB appeared in the caverns just as a goblin siege arrived to inflict FUN upon the dwarves. The mayor actually did the fell mood before the siege, and was killed by goblins while chained in the jail room. By the time I hit the abandon fortress button I had about 30 dwarves and all the signs of a brewing tantrum spiral (the dwarf therapist's screen was almost completely red, with pockets of orange!).

I knew that on the third reclaim I needed a very, very, very strong entrance defense and a superdwarf military if I were to keep on digging and building my megaproject without reclaiming every few game years. I was also tired of retrieving items strewn about on the surface. I can't even touch the items that end up in the Cold Hills, because every other week a flock of undead ravens and great horned owls appear and peck my haulers to death. Even worse, those same haulers rise as zombies. This wasn't my first play in an evil biome, but it was definantly the first where I reclaimed multiple times and was planning on building on the surface.


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Re: Journal Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2012, 12:56:41 am »

Prelude: Brief history of Udirdatur, in the fourth and current founding, page 1 of 3.

Year 175:
With Nicazsudir fallen for the third time, most of the King's counselors advised against reclaming again. Sebram, the Master of the Royal Treasuries, pointed out that even if the King were to order the fortress' reconstruction, they'd have trouble finding anyone willing to go to a place with such reputation. Unwilling to simply give up, however, Asob I has a team of dwarves sent to the fortress with the supposed mission of 'recovering what they could from the steel stockpiles there' but actually tasked with evaluating chances of a successful reclamation. They return and describe the fortress as a blood-stained and gore-paved hellhole which would drive any dwarf insane after a year. Plans for reclamation are finally scrapped, and the King moves on to other matters in his realm.

What the scouts did not recognize was the fact that the Great Pit was sealed off. They did not know of its existence, nor the fact that the third founding had opened it up to gain access to the deeper veins. Someone had come to the fortress after its fall, and had walled off access into the Pit, for some purpose unknown to anyone else.

Those someones were the Prophets. They came to answer the calls of their gods, to complete the pit at whatever cost.

Year 178: Rumors could be heard in the darkest alleys of the fortress cities of Rimadtholtig, that a secret fortress was hidden somewhere far to the northwest, in the goblin-infested lands of Ligrush, where unfathomable riches co-existed with unspeakable horrors, where undesirables of all kinds could find a new life if they were willing to brave the journey. Those rumors were oft followed by the exclamation "What nonsense!" and a hearty laugh, but then there were the very few who whispered if the tale could be true. Some even took the journey, mostly fugitives on the run from the law, never to be heard from again.

Year 181:
The rumors of the hidden fortress reached the ears of Sarvesh, the King's Chancellor. While all other officers of the realm were quick to dismiss the story as a tall tale told in inns and taverns, the Chancellor recognized the possibility that it could be true. For he rose to his position for his services in destroying the Dragon Cult, and was familiar with its history. He knew how the Prophets sent wave after wave of their followers to that place, and how the Loyalists of the second founding told of the Cult's obsession with excavating a huge hole, the 'Giant Pit', that served no observable purpose at all. He also knew all too well that the Prophets were never identified, and were never captured. Ever since they ran away to the Imperial domains to the north, the kingdom lost track of the elusive group. If they were still at large, it was possible that they returned to Nicazsudir to continue digging that pit, and the rumors could be their way of obtaining new laborers. Wanting to test his theory, he had some of his officers sent to the abandoned fortress. He had his most promising lieutenant, Catten Rämmebzuth, lead the team.

OOC: Something came up. I fear I'll have to leave this post in this state for a few hours at least. Oh well.

PS: I think I'll write in a new post, seeing as others have thankfully written below this. Thank you for your interest.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 03:19:01 am by meto30 »


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Re: Journal Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2012, 02:03:00 pm »

Now someone named that claims to be a White Mage will invade with orcs and take over the Tower lol jk :P


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Re: Journal Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2012, 02:47:00 pm »

are there orcs in this game  ???
I've asked Uristeamer to begin investigating his duck's ability to eat a fully grown dwarf.- quote from broseph stalin


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Re: Journal Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2012, 03:20:55 pm »

I think he's using a vanilla game, Just thought I'd make a LoTR ref :P


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Re: Journal Udirdatur, Prison Fortress. (story)
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2012, 03:49:44 pm »

 :D   makes since since he is make isenguard (or is it sauron's tower?)
I've asked Uristeamer to begin investigating his duck's ability to eat a fully grown dwarf.- quote from broseph stalin
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