Sorry, that was perhaps uncalled for...but it does seem like this is a bit of "missing white girl" syndrome.
Scale does have something to do with it, and that a drunk guy shooting up a bar isn't that "unusual", and yes the fact that no one died. I can hardly be expected to be sympathetic about something I hadn't heard of, and I don't think that's my fault.
That's my hadn't heard of it because the news outlets didn't make a big deal out of it. 17 wounded is still pretty a pretty damn impressive barfight. It got some play on FOX, but probably got pushed out of the limelight by the political bitchfest. But of course this....THIS....will make gun control suddenly relevant to the Presidential campaign. Because this is America....where we only give a shit about gun control when people die in unusually large concentrations, and even then only for a few months.
(Yeah, I'm not starting off the day in a good mood.)
More in the sense that The Dark Knight is now permanently linked to it (even if it just turns into one of those weird footnotes by the end of the year), and the next time there's a dark blockbuster coming out people will wryly ask, "Hey you think anyone's going to shoot up the theater?"
I'm more concerned about copycats *this* year. And of course, the security overload that will follow in order to head off copycats. "Can I see your ticket, and can you bend over and spread 'em?"
Is this meant to be relevant to anything? The only thing of interest I can see is that wikipedia apparently regards people who killed noone as "rampage killers".
Derrick Bird, Age 52, killed 12 and injured 11 on 2 June, 2010, in the U.K with a gun. In Belgium, Nordine Amrani killed 6 and injured 125 in 2011.
*slow clap* Yes, Europeans can manage to be lethal on occasion too. They've certainly had centuries' more practice, even if we're more prodigious at it. Do we really need to get into this "Which continent is more dangerous?" pissing match every time?