Your assuming there is an end, why assume that?
Your also assuming we will have a feeling of boredom, what if you could do the same stuff over and over not get bored still have fun?
You may think now "I don't want that" but you wont mind then soooo like a kid who says he dont want to like girls, will soon change their minds
so paradise was the garden of eden? fuck, that's boring. adam and eve were in paradise and they manage to fuck up quite early, do the nice people that go to paradise also fuck up from time to time? after all they have all the eternity to do it
you don't even know what the Garden of Edan was, hell if we got you playing Dwarf fortress (Assuming you play it) when you where young enough you would think the same thing of DF, dose that mean you should not play DF now?
You have to stop acting like what you like and dislike now is what you will like then or even a decade form now.
and why am i paying for the sin(eating an apple is a sin?) of a couple of cavemen? how is that moral?
Becuse of free will, we pay because we STILL sin. Once you stop sin you can then come talk to me about what you "deserve"
and god made the rules, if we can fuck up, it's because god made it so we could fuck up, and we do fuck up bigtime. it's not our fault though, it's god's.
Wrong, God gave you free will, if a parent gives you a choice of studying or not, whose fault is it in the end? the kids for not picking, God choices not to force you to do anything
He lets you make your own choices and as such blame is on you.
You act like how boring it would be there, how boring would it be if God just made us do good all the time? not have free will?
oh, but you'll like it after you become a potato
And I'm sure your like a short life when your 80... not
History can show, young guys? want to live dont worry bout Tommy, as you grow older and mature your mind set will carnage, your no longer living for the now
Maybe that's why God has us wait here, so when we do go there we go of our own free will reddy for it instead of longing for this life.