Okay for the last time to be clear, the slavrey where you beat and treat them like dirt?
Slavrey where you give them a job tell them what to do but care for them )military any one? they give you a job they tell you what to do and they care for you.)
Put it this way take away "own", is this bad?
provide shelter, for them and family, care, and what not, while they work for you (basically working for place to lice and what not)
I"VE made deals like that, where I'll be at someones house while I work the fields, US has places like that where many people acapte shleter as payment for labor (Feilds anyone?)
IMO the idea of "owning" is not as bad as we make it out to be, many slaves DID have freedoms, true not all could pick jobs but they could start family's, they could do stuff that presents could
they could not leave true, but many places don't allow people to leave even now days when they are "free"
Basscily I dont see whats wrong with it, other then having the "owned" tag on me I've lived that way a lot, its not bad, and some times better.
what happen to the blacks was bad real bad but that was not the slavery I'm talking about
The slaves I am lived up to standards and in many case surpass the pessents
if you want to prove your not "ignorant" of history then back it up
you keep actting like slavery has been the same and slaves could not do this or that but where is your proof?
prove it and then I'll admit your right on it. I've had this talk before, I've done study on slavery in ancient times
By the way ere is a qoute
http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/sirrobhitch.suffolk/portland%20state%20university%20greek%20civilization%20home%20page%20v2/docs/7/kirsten.html"Slavery played a major role in ancient Greek civilization. Slaves could be found everywhere. They worked not only as domestic servants, but as factory workers, shopkeepers, mineworkers, farmworkers and as ship's crewmembers. There may have been as many, if not more, slaves than free people in ancient Greece. It is difficult for historians to determine exactly how many slaves there were during these times, because many did not appear any different from the poorer Greek citizens."
a slave could be a shopkeeper etc
"It is surprising to note that the police force in ancient Athens was made up mainly of slaves. Even the clerks at the treasury office were slaves."
Yes some jobs WHERe bad how ever
"Not all forms of slavery in ancient Greece were as tolerable as that of the domestic servant. The life of a mineworker or ship's crewmember was a life of misery and danger. These people usually did not live long because of the grueling work and dangerous conditions of their work. Often those forced into these conditions were those condemned to death for committing crimes because it was understood that they wouldn't live very long under these circumstances."
was it perfect? no, but the same could be said about those who worked and whewr free.
"Webster 1969, p43). Slaves worked mainly in domestic roles, though it was not uncommon for them to become tutors or carers for the children of the household (ibid., p46). Privately owned slaves generally received payment from their masters, whilst state-owned slaves received their clothing, as well as a daily ‘ration allowance’"
So they where even paid!
"Individual treatment was dependent on the leniency of the owner, though it may be assumed that treatment was in most cases fair, due to slaves’ partial protection under Athenian law (see later discussion). State-owned slaves also had the opportunity, depending on their education, to rise to relatively high positions within the community, such as secretaries, bankers, and law enforcement (Bowman 2007, p34). Often, these slaves worked alongside the citizens and metics (resident foreigners), under the same conditions — the only difference being a detraction in their salary (Murray 1986, p223)."
working the same as them, paid, could get high places of power...
Hell I WANT that job (that was me shouting want)
In some ways I'd have a better life