So after a long time of putzing around I have five reactions I like but one that needs help. I also have a few questions if someone doesn't mind helping me with.
[NAME:Compost Vermin Corpse]
[NAME:Compost Meat products
[NAME:Compost Body Parts
[NAME:Compost Plants]
[NAME:Compost Booze]
[NAME:Compost MEALS]
Compost meal does not work at all like I want. I know it is not right because if you look at the reaction in game it states that it only needs any "item" so it grabs any old thing, even the potash from the previous reaction which is kinda entertaining.
Why does "[DOES_NOT_DETERMINE_PRODUCT_AMOUNT]" act differently between a barrel with (5) Plump helmet wine and (5) Jaguar intestines or (5) Pig Tails that get taken from a barrel and brought over in a stack? I had to either drastically reduce the probability of the two or stick on that reaction token on them.
I know that there is a "[UNROTTEN]" token but is there any way for a "[Rotten]" to be used? I would like a reaction that "Composts Rotting Material."
Finally, my compost Drink reaction refers to only drinks made from plants. If I put NONE in where the PLANT_MAT is then would that include mead and what not??
As always, many thanks.
(That booze reaction took me FOREVER)