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Author Topic: Hunters of Fortune-Play Thread/Act 2: Gotterdammerung  (Read 30751 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Looking down, the best thing that would happen was a non-water landing. The worst thing was, solid landings were harsher, but better than being not in a storm. "Well, we're hitting dry land at least. Trees and all...

"Isn't there anything in here that would help? Emergency provisions...and isn't staying near the back portion of the plane safer?"

Eri unbuckled her seatbelt to check for anything that would most likely help the condition of a crash.

"Where is our pilot, and both engines just shut off?"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Na vazeal kwah-kai
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"Next time I'm flying, Sarah's gonna be the pilot.  Better to take your life in your hands with family." Abby mutters to her brother as they go down.  He doesn't answer, just glances over to see that she's braced herself like he has and breathes deeply.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


  • Bay Watcher
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Ashley immediately starts taking a closer look at the coast line, trying to get a view of any distinctive landmarks or coastal features and as they start getting near to the ground.

[Spot Check, 8+5=13]

She peers through the storm, a quick look at the coast revealing a wide green jungle and a sheer cliffy area beyond that. She can just make out a winding road and guard-rail set into the side of it, twisting around like a snake. To the far east along the coast, she makes out the distinctive outline of a lonely looking shack, and small fishing dock.

Eri unbuckled her seatbelt to check for anything that would most likely help the condition of a crash.

[Search Check 15+2=17]

Eri ignores the deteriorating condition of the plane and begins to search for emergency supplies in the rear compartment.

Bingo! Beneath a mountain of discarded brochures (Visit Sunny Malayasia!) she finds a bright red 'survival' backpack, with a white cross on the back-it's supposed to be able to persist even in a crash. A quick peek reveals the following...

Quote from: Eri found...
1xFlare gun (1 Round ammunition)
3xChemical Light sticks
3xFirst Aid Kits
1xMultipurpose Tool

She's latching the pack closed, when the plane bumps and swerves in midair.

[Balance Check 6+2=8] FAIL!
[Hazard Severity=5]
[Fort check to resist Stun 4+0=4] FAIL!

Eri is tossed harshly to the floor, slamming her head on a nearby pleather counter and taking 5 Non-lethal damage. She's utterly stunned by the blow, falling to the floor with a grunt-the pack spills from her hands.

Quote from: Eri Status
(16/16 HP remains, now 5 total NLD)
Stunned* for 1 rounds


He doesn't answer, just glances over to see that she's braced herself like he has and breathes deeply.

You look over-he's well braced into his seat, but seems oddly unconcerned with the situation.

"Bet you $10 we don't die. You feeling lucky?" He says, smiling.

This is your brother.


The plane continues to plummet. Everyone feels their center of gravity shifting, as the pilot presumably tries to steady the aircraft for a a rough landing...which might not be good for the woman who is currently lying stunned in the back of the plane.

*A stunned creature drops everything held, can’t take actions, takes a –2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any).
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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"Shit." Muttered Richard to himself as he saw the girl go down and hit her head.

He quickly hit the release button on his safety belt and lurched over to her, he grabs her up and pulls her back to his chair, buckling her in and tucking her into the crash position before taking his the next seat and buckling himself back in.

((Balance at +5, if I get below ten I will spend a action point to add 1d6 to my roll.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Richard leaps to his feet-in a way-feeling like a man trying to stand on a seesaw as the plane begins to pitch left and right.

[Balance Check 11+5=16] Pass!

He keeps his feet nimbly, hauling up the stunned girl.

Richard buckles and straps Eri in tightly, then himself the next row over. He sees the survival pack the woman went to lengths to try and retreive is skittering along the ground to one side...just out of his reach.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Mica grumbles something about "real propellers don't fail just because they were zapped a couple times," and crouches to brace herself as they tell you to do on commercial airlines.

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


  • Bay Watcher
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There is a breathless moment before the impact.

Everything is calm, and quiet. You might even have time to think this a dream, or an overly elaborate practical joke.

Then comes the crash-crunching metal, flying debris, ferocious noise, the terrifying fury of the storm whirling in your ears. If you have a God, you pray.

The plane strikes the water, but tilts upward and bounces as the pilot's last effort is to desperately avert a flip. Those in front feel the ground underneath them give way as the plane splits in two-the tail falling back into the water, the nose flying into the jungle.

For those left behind-and conscious-their moment of terror is over in a single ferocious splash.

For those ahead, they endure a bone crushing impact as the nose of the plane catapults through the jungle, tearing a swath through the vegetation. There is a horrible rending noise, and all is dark.

The rain doesn't cease. The storm continues, unabated


Somewhere, someplace, someone watches through means that should be impossible. Satisfied the interlopers are dealt with by her hand, she turns away with an all-too Human smirk.

Act 1, Scene 2

Tail Group
Richard Dockson Jr, Eri Arloest, Rachel Fergusson, Renard Brosac and Ashley Lockman wake up in various state, feeling cold water around them, and rain splattering on their faces. They were in the tail of the plane-they've got a nice view of the now gaping hole leading outside. The front of the plane is completely gone.

Those awake feel a subtle shift, as the crippled hulk settles into the mud..and begins to slide backwards. The plane is sinking.

[GM evil=3, 6]
Eri Arloest
[Bad Luck=1]

Eri snaps awake first-by virtue of fate, perhaps, she's almost completely untouched-bruised and battered, but nothing that will impair her.

She's sitting in the very back of the plane-Richard Dockson is by her side on the other aisle, and is coming out of the shock of the crash-but he seems to be having trouble undoing his seat restaint.

Eri can feel the water rise up almost past her waist-and it's cold-deadly cold.

Quote from: Eri Status
(16/16 HP remains, now 5 total NLD)
Carrying Nothing

Ashley Lockman
[Bad Luck=1]

Ashley pops open one eye, and finds it staring directly into a long piece of jagged metal. It's about three inches from her face.

After a few moments catching her breath, she checks herself for injuries-she's tore up plenty, but nothing bad. In fact, she gets the feeling her injuries should be alot worse than they are...

She shrieks a bit, as the cold water rises up to her ankles. Rachel Fergusson is somewhat ahead of her, and Renard Brosac Behind.

Quote from: Ashley Status
(18/18 HP remains)
Carrying Nothing

Richard Dockson Jr
[Bad Luck=2]

Dockson wakes up with a start not long after her. He's almost unhurt-dizzy, with nasty bump on his head (3 Non-lethal damage and 3 Lethal damage) and dozens of bleeding scratches and bruises, but is otherwise fine. He can see Eri Arloest where he put her, and it seems she made it out better than him.

Dockson goes to undo his belt harness and frowns-it's not disengaging. He doesn't panic, yet...but he can't get them off-the crash warped the frame of the seat, turning it into a restraint. He's trapped.

Rich is still bothering with the belt, when he absently realizes his pants are soaked-the water has almost risen almost up to his waist.

Quote from: Richard Status
(17/20 HP remains, now 3 total NLD)
Carrying Nothing

OOC: Your sheet only has 10 HP, Cript, but remember you get max (which is 8+2 for you), plus ten bonus HP for houser-rules

Rachel Fergusson
[Bad Luck=2]

Rachel feels something heavy on her chest-it feels like some sort of backpack. She rises from her seat, tossing the annoying thing away.

Blinking a few times to clear the rain from her eyes, she takes stock of her state. Aside from a lingering pain in her chest (4 Non-lethal damage and 4 Lethal damage), alls fine-more or less.

She sees no one in front of her-but can hear the various moans and curses from those behind-and the gurgling of rapidly rising water. She's dry, for now.

Quote from: Rachel Status
(16/20 HP remains, now 4 total NLD)
Carrying Nothing

Renard Brosac
[Bad Luck=5]
[Damage=1, 6, 2]

Renard wakes up last of any of them, and he curses the loudest-he's got a nice gash on his left leg, and feels like he's gone a few rounds with Muhammed Ali. He probably doesn't look much. Better. Gah! He's missing a molar. (9 Non-lethal damage and 9 Lethal damage).

And he always took such good care of his teeth...

He groans, feeling cold water rise up past his ankles. He can't seem to think straight, like he's had too much to'd be easy to fall asleep...

Quote from: Renard Status
(9/18 HP remains, now 9 total NLD)
Carrying Nothing

*Staggered: Having nonlethal damage exactly equal to current hit points. A staggered character may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can she take full-round actions). A character whose current hit points exceed his nonlethal damage is no longer staggered; a character whose nonlethal damage exceeds his hit points becomes unconscious. Note, in our case, rounds equal game turns.

Nose Group
Wesley, Travis, Abby O'Brian (and her brother), along with Mica come to, feeling like the luckiest people in the world.

Mostly because they're all still in their seats. The nose of the plane seems to have gotten tangled in thick vines high in the trees-what's left of it, anyway-and it's steeply angled upward. Behind them, the gaping hole that was the planes tail, leads down to the forest floor, a drop of about 20 feet.

The plane creaks distressingly. No telling how long it's going to stay up here.

[GM Evil=4]
[Bad Luck=1]

Abby spends a few seconds waiting to wake up from this horrible 'dream'. The voice of her brother brings her back-he's quite literally shaking her awake.

"Abby? Abby? Wake up...we need to go. This whole thing is going to come down..."


Abby O'Brien is hurt, surely-but it's nothing she can't walk off. Her brother faired much worse-he quite literally shielded Abby from harm with his body as they came down, and took her share along with his own.

When she finally glances about, she'll realize that she and her brother are closest to the front of the plane. She faintly makes out the sound of groaning from the cockpit. Could the pilot have actually survived?

Quote from: Abby Status
(16/16 HP remains)
Carrying Nothing

[Bad Luck=1]

Mica snaps awake, sitting at an upward angle-not surprised to see one of the propellor blades of the plane having sliced a neat furrow in the seat right next to her in it's dying throes, trying to take her with it. She can move, but drips and drabs of water leak down from the crumpled cockpit of the plane, turning the aisle aside her into a slick, slippery slide.

Apart from a multitude of nasty cuts and bruises, she's uninjured. Mica sees Abby and her brother seated in front of her-they seem to be waking each other-and can hear Travis groaning behind her.

Quote from: Mica Status
(16/20 HP remains)
Carrying Nothing

[Bad Luck=2]

Travis wakes up to the sight of a pretty lady-a redhead. A real hot number

He smiles. What a horrible dream he was having...

The smell of leaking jet fuel strikes him as odd. He reaches up and idly brushes the beauty magazine off his face where it landed.


Travis pokes his tender spots. Everything important was still intact, anyway. He has a truly wicked cut on his left shoulder-(4 Non-lethal damage and 4 Lethal damage)-just another scar for the collection, but all in all, he's had worse crashes than this.

He looks around. Three people up-hill...and behind him, Wesley-who looks badly hurt. And his seat is bent out of shape, about to twist and fall out of the plane and into the hard ground below.

Quote from: Travis Status
(13/17 HP remains, now 4 total NLD)
Carrying Nothing

[Bad Luck=4]
[Damage= 2, 5]

Wesley feels himself bleeding somewhere-everywhere. He was at the very edge of the plane when it broke, and he took the worst of it. (7 Non-lethal damage and 7 Lethal damage)

He flashes in and out of consciousness, feeling his seat shift under him-the groan of stressed metal.


The seat he's in is about to fall out of the plane-into what looks like a field of sharp, nasty plane looking debris covering the forest floor. He's afraid to, Wesley stays very still, thinking over his options.

Quote from: Wesley Status
(10/17 HP remains, now 7 total NLD)
*about to fall*
Carrying Nothing
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Rachel tries to get to the hole where the front of the plane would be, Scrambling to get out of the sinking deathtrap after getting her gear out from the back.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 10:05:39 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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You've certainly taken worse, Remember that time in Belize? Get up, and help that doctor fellow.

Groaning and wincing repeatedly, Travis unbuckled himself from his seat, and began slowly crawling over to Wesley, to see if he can help out at all.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 03:11:20 am by Terenos »
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


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"Jesus... That was too close."

Ashley looks around the plane for a moment before calling to the people up front.

"We need to get everything and everyone off this hunk of junk before it sinks! Quick! Give me a hand back here!"

She then undid her seatbelt, carefully slipped away from the dangerous looking bit of metal pointing at her face, and hops down to the back of the tail to grab everything of use there, namely her bag, those of her travel companions and that survival pack she saw earlier as well as anything else of use.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Na vazeal kwah-kai
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"Abby? Abby? Wake up...we need to go. This whole thing is going to come down..."
"Holy crap, James!  Holy crap, that actually just happened!"

For a moment Abby gesticulates confusedly as she tries to express her utter confusion at the whole situation before a glance from James brings her back to earth.  "Right, right!" she mutters as she scrambles her way out of her straps.  "How you doin' bro?  Remember, I never said yes to that bet you offered on the way down.  Let's get walking now- ah!"

Abby is startled by the sounds of the cockpit for a moment but then she just mutters "oh my god, James, I need to check the pilot." and hurriedly dashes forward to investigate.  "Hey, sir, you alright!" she gushes as she approaches the pilot.  She scans him worriedly, she doesn't want to move him while he's wounded but has no clue how long she can stay in this precarious situation.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


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"I told you something was wrong with this damned invitation, when I find out who crashed this plane I am ..." With that Renard trails off as he starts moving about, his first worry is gathering his stuff as he goes about grabbing whats nearby and searching for anything of use that he could get his hands on.

Gather my belongings and any nearby items that could be of use to me.


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Wesley opened his eyes a bit, before blacking out, some man was making his way over too him, he opened his eyes again to see the man tearing at his seat belt, and grabbing at his clothes.  Wesley coughed.

"Hey, I.. we haven't met.. I'm.. I'm.. I'm a doctor.. well not.." Wesley blacked out again.
Slacker an illustrated story. Actually updated!?


  • Bay Watcher
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Panic rose in Eri's heart, she was deep in water. Especially cold water after...that blackout. It had seemed her wishes were for naught.

Yet she was in a different seat now, it must've been that man - Richard, yes, that was his name; he must've gotten her here after that event.

It was time to free her saviour from his prison of belts and seats. But the water level was rising, and Eri wasn't sure she could loosen her's and his at the same time.

Unbuckle seat, find something to rip Richard free and...try to move to higher, safer ground.

"Is there anyone alive?!"


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"Yes, now get him out of here, quickly, before he drowns! I'll get our stuff!" Ashley replied, fumbling with her belt in mild panic.

"We haven't much time, we're sinking! Hurry!"
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