Here lies Oddom Kivashdeler, Glassmaker: Died of old age in the midsummer of 278.
Litast Cattenzon, Clothier: "Man, it's dark down here. I'm going to go thread this needle outside in the daylight."
Datan Esarurdim, Macedwarf: "Will you look at all these dead goblins. (cough) I hate the smell of their disgusting, rotting flesh. (cough)"
Melbil Datansibrek, Speardwarf: "Me too. (cough, cough) Let's go take our break somewhere else."
Gavan Nitashfol, Mason: "Oh my gods. By the date on this barrel, this +flounder roast+ was made over EIGHT YEARS AGO. How could the bookkeeper just let this sit at the back of a storeroom all this time? It's gotta smell like a troll's loincloth by now, I'm just going to drop it into the magma straightaway."
Fath Zonetes, Miner: "Hmmm . . . that's strange. I felt time stop for a second, just now, and when it started up again, I didn't own any more cats than I did before."
Rovod Kivashlam, Mechanic: "Well, mayor, we moved all the goblin corpses to underneath the new drawbridge and then lowered the bridge, just like you said . . . . with the result that the pile of bodies is now somewhat flatter. We have faith that this is merely the first step in your grand plan to dispose of the growing problem."
Dodok Erimvucar, Woodcutter: "Aye, tha' great bloody beast nearly bit off me arm, lad. Good thing I had me wee little axe, here, an' laid 'is giblets open for 'im. Och, tha' were a sight."
Vucar Kolesar, Glassmaker: "What, are you Scottish or something?"