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Author Topic: gateivory, all is silence (CLOSED!)  (Read 87502 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #570 on: December 07, 2012, 07:18:25 am »

Just finished the year, going to do the write-up tomorrow. There will be fun! So much of it, in fact, that no less than THREE named dwarves get to make use of their new fancy tombs! Will one of them be the founder Brodich? Could it be Mcap or Tahu II, both millitary men in a fort prone to invasion? What if it's Frontestro II, done in by one of his mechanical creations? Is the newcomer bp920091 doomed to die? Has Scientist diagnosed his last patient? Or will it be the current reluctant overseer, Gulf, who is finally given the ultimate escape from his demanding job?

Tune in tomorrow to find out!

oh good lord. and things were looking so good...
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #571 on: December 07, 2012, 02:34:15 pm »

Just finished the year, going to do the write-up tomorrow. There will be fun! So much of it, in fact, that no less than THREE named dwarves get to make use of their new fancy tombs! Will one of them be the founder Brodich? Could it be Mcap or Tahu II, both millitary men in a fort prone to invasion? What if it's Frontestro II, done in by one of his mechanical creations? Is the newcomer bp920091 doomed to die? Has Scientist diagnosed his last patient? Or will it be the current reluctant overseer, Gulf, who is finally given the ultimate escape from his demanding job?

Tune in tomorrow to find out!

oh good lord. and things were looking so good...

You know, if i die, ill just have to do the overseer position as a ghost (or just possess random dwarves from time to time to scribble my journal on the wall)
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The token conservative
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #572 on: December 07, 2012, 05:40:50 pm »

You know, if Tahu I makes a ghost, I don't want him buried/memorialized.
DFBT the Dwarf: The only community podcast for Dwarf Fortress!
Tahu-R-TOA-1, Troubleshooter
I suggest that we add a clause permitting the keelhauling of anyone who suggests a plan involving "zombify the crew".
Quote from: MNII
Friend Computer, can you repair the known universe, please?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #573 on: December 08, 2012, 08:19:11 pm »

Write-up's taking a little longer than expected, hang tight, chaps!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #574 on: December 10, 2012, 10:11:10 pm »

Bravo Gulf, a good overseership so far!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #575 on: December 11, 2012, 02:15:40 am »

yes, but it would be great to have that write up and save please. you've got a whole turn done on the table, and I don't want to skip it.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #576 on: December 12, 2012, 07:27:46 pm »

Sorry all, personal life has gotten pretty hectic. I have all day Thursday, so I will have the final update up before 9:00 PM EST. Thanks for your patience!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #577 on: December 13, 2012, 01:21:45 am »

Sorry all, personal life has gotten pretty hectic. I have all day Thursday, so I will have the final update up before 9:00 PM EST. Thanks for your patience!
hooray! Personal life is always first (well almost always  :P).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #578 on: December 13, 2012, 06:45:15 pm »

The Life of Gulf the Overseer II: Part 3

   Gulf, looking over the list of dwarves in the fortress, gritted his teeth. “Mayor, is this ALL the masons we have in the fort?” The mayor, Mistam Sarkrithasen, nodded. “Overseer, we simply have never had a need for...this many masons.” said the mayor, looking around Gulf's newly requisitioned grand bedroom. Gulf stroked his beard. “Well, this simply wont do, I want a statue over every coffin in my new mausoleum, and that will take masons by the minecartload.” Gulf paused, musing what to do, before coming to a realization. “Ah! I've got it! Who says they have to be good statues? Let's just take a bunch of useless dwarves and re-dub them as 'Provisional Masons'!” The mayor chewed his lip. “Who are these, eh, 'useless dwarves' you're referring too, Overseer?” “Most of them, actually. However, I think all of the animal trainers will be much more useful making statues then.” The mayor was incredulous. “Won't all those beasts we have in the fort lose their training, and go feral?” “Probably, but they're in cages, right? So no worries. Besides, Brodich has a ton of those stored in his library, so it will be a fantastic way to infuriate him.” “We will have lost countless hours of work on training!” “Mayor, unless you want your bedroom moved out into the middle of a cavern, I would suggest you put my restructurings into” The mayor grumbled, but agreed, and even worked up the courage to speak up again. “Tulon Itoncerol has finished his mysterious construction, it's a leather face veil.”

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 “Hmph, wonder what that will get used for. On second thought, I don't want to know.” Suddenly, a shout of “MIGRANTS, DESPITE THE APPARENT DANGER!” went up throughout the fortress.

   Gulf went up to the windmill to see the approaching migrants, there were five of them, in addition to several animals. At first, Gulf thought the screams ringing out on the mountainside were screams of joy, and then he started screaming himself.

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   “RAISE THE DRAWBRIDGE! HURRY, TESHKAD-DAMN IT!” A bronze colossus clambered up the side of the mountain, hell-bent on reaching Gateivory, or at least the squishy migrants trapped outside. Gulf covered his eyes, unable to watch. Had he really just consigned those migrants to die without a second thought? Was he really that heartless? Suddenly a distinct 'SHINK!' sounded, followed by the enraged roar of a colossus, cheated out of his carnage. Gulf looked up, the migrants, along with the rest of the fort, were cheering, as the bronze colossus had stepped upon a well-placed cage trap. Gulf breathed a sigh of relief, the bronze colossus was now in the possession of Gateivory, but what the heck does one do with a monstrosity like that? Gulf decided to leave it to a future overseer to deal with.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #579 on: December 13, 2012, 08:24:53 pm »

The Life of Gulf the Overseer II: Oversee Harder
Part 4: Oversee, Under Stone

   Gulf relaxed upon his favorite spot atop the fortress's windmill. The other dwarves told him it was broken, but Gulf had never been one for mechanics, so he wouldn't even bother touching it. While not much one for actual functionality, the windmill was top-notch when it came to finding a nice quiet spot to get away from all the responsibilities of being an overseer. Things had been going fairly smoothly, the mausoleum was over halfway done, and most of the statues were already built. Lucky dwarves got a statue of a local deity or Gulf over their coffin, and unlucky ones got one of slugs or Brodich. The only real issues in the fort were the trained animals going mysteriously feral by the masses, and Dodok Belalushat dieing of thirst inches away from a forbidden ale stockpile. Gulf had made sure to unforbid that particular pile. Other than that, there were really no problems. Gulf reclined, listening to the sound of the wind whipping around the defunct windmill, the birds chirping, the distant sound of marching feet...marching feet?

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   Gulf sprang up. “RAISE THE DRA-!”. Something gave Gulf pause, for beyond the walls of the palisade, Gulf saw two of his kin,  Ilral Stukosalil and Ezum Itonalath. Before, when the bronze colossus had come, Gulf had ordered the gates raised, would he do the same again? The military, while skilled, was only ten strong, and there were no less than eighty foes climbing up to take the fort. Frontestro II, the mechanic, shouted up to Gulf from the base of the windmill. “ARE WE RAISING THE BRIDGE, OVERSEER!?” Gulf muttered the worst dwarven curses he could come up with. Was this all he was good for? Raising the bridge to save the fort, at the expense of a few lives? A real dwarf would charge out to meet the invaders, routing them in a battle that the bards would sing of for ages, not cower within the mountain. The goblins advanced closer, and Ilral and Ezum would never make it in time. He had no choice. “...raise the bridge.” he muttered. “What?” “RAISE THE DAMN BRIDGE!”

On that day, Ilral and Ezum died, Ilral by morningstar, Ezum by fleeing off a cliff and into the waters below. The Siege never got past the drawbridge, they wait there until fall before leaving.

Winter 44

   “...and the last bit of news for today is that Monom Rithlutzulban has given birth to a boy.” The mayor finished his report and looked up, awaiting the Overseer's input. “Does the grand mausolium have enough tombs for every dwarf in the fort now?” asked Gulf “Well, yes, but what does that have to do with-” “Good! Now give that twerp his own tomb and get out of my sight!” The mayor ran out of the room, and then skidded back in several seconds later. “Gulf, the dwarven traders have arrived!” “Gah, took them long enough!” Gulf ran up to the crest of the still-defective windmill to watch them arrive. “Not sure what we're going to trade them, what with the fortress being geared entirely towards producing the mausoleum, but I'm sure we'll find somthi-”

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The surviving traders who later made their way back to the mountainhomes recounted that, as they approached the fortress of Gateivory, the most terrifying thing was not the approaching goblin horde, but the sound of a single dwarf screaming in frustration from atop the windmill.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #580 on: December 13, 2012, 11:07:58 pm »

(Sorry about the lack of pictures, there was a file corruption, and the only two I could save are on the small side.)

The Life of Gulf the Overseer II: Oversee Harder
Part 5: The Final Oversight

   Gulf was screaming. He could have been screaming in anger, anger at the goblins for being such jerks for attacking, anger at fate for having the traders arrive at the same time as the invasion, but he wasn't. No, Gulf was screaming because, for the fourth time in his two terms as overseer, he had to make the choice: should he raise the drawbridge and let more of his people die, or try and save them, risking the life of every dwarf in the fort? Gulf never wanted to make this decision, but he had to, nevertheless. The goblins were descending upon the merchant caravan. Most held their course for the gates of Gateivory, but four traders broke off and ran in another direction altogether. Another direction, in this case, meaning “directly into the arms of another squad of goblins.” Still, this bought the rest of the caravan some time...perhaps there was a chance. If there was a chance, he had to try. This wouldn't turn out like those other times, with dwarves being locked outside to be slain under the sky. He was going to have that caravan rescued, no matter what! With that resolution, Gulf stopped screaming, and started shouting. “Tahu II!” The commander had emerged onto the hilltop to see where all the screaming was coming from, and looked up when his name was called. Gulf continued. “The front gate, can you hold it long enough for the traders to get through?” Tahu II looked out across the hill at the goblin army, eighty strong, perusing the ragged band of traders. He nodded once, before disappearing back underground into the fort. 
   Tahu II and Mcap stood at the front of Gateivory with the eight other dwarves in the milltia. Ten dwarves against a sea of green. Mcap grunted. “First time the Overseer has ever done anything other than raise the drawbridge, what makes these merchants so special?” Tahu II didn't answer, only shrugged, keeping his eyes forward. The clatter of hooves was loud, and suddenly the merchant caravan rounded the bend in the road, racing for the gate! The militia cheered, but those cheers quickly died away as sixteen trolls rushed up the hillside, intent on biting into the caravan's flank. “FORWARD!” bellowed Tahu II, and the militia rushed in to intercept the trolls, allowing the traders to make it to Gateivory unharmed. The trolls proved no match for the dwarven warriors, who dispatched them without losing a single dwarf. As the last troll fell Tahu II yelled “Back across the bridge! Into Gateivory!” But as Tahu II turned back to the fort, he saw that entire squad of goblin lashers, with scourges at the ready, had moved in to cut the militia off from Gateivory, and now stood directly between them and the wide open front bridge.  Mcap the marksdwarf had stood at the back during the fight with the trolls, and was closest to the goblins when they charged. She was instantly torn apart by their scourges.

   Gulf stood on the palisade overlooking the front bridge, surveying the battle, when Brodich came up next to him. The situation below was hopeless, the militia were being isolated and slaughtered, one by one. “Gulf, you need to raise the drawbridge.” Gulf didn't take his eyes from the scene.  “What? No! They're winning!” Said Gulf, just as Erib Eribablel was shredded before the gates of Gateivory. “Gulf, the drawbridge needs to be raised. Now.” Another squad of goblins joined the fray, and Tekkud Momuzsholid was decapitated by a scimitar. Gulf started shouting. “No! No! This isn't how this was supposed to go! I have to make this decision again?” Gulf grew quiet and closed his eyes. “I have to make this decision again, for the fifth time.” Soon the militia would be annihilated, and the goblins would take the rest of the fortress. Gulf's decision had saved the merchants, but at the cost of every single dwarf in the militia. “...raise the drawbridge, Brodich” Said Gulf at length, opening his eyes just in time to see  Kel Ralkesh skewered upon a pike.

   Tahu II looked over at the drawbridge in front of Gateivory, it was going up, trapping him and the few military dwarves that were left outside. He couldn't take on so many goblins if they were all surrounding him, but perhaps he could take on one at a time. Tahu II glanced up. Over the main drawbridge were two permanent bridges spanning over the chasm, each only one space wide and seven spaces long. They were the only way over to that third of the hill too. If he could get the military across those bridges, then he could hold them for as long as possible, until a crack team of miners could carve out a new entrance for the squad to use, before sealing it up. Tahu II broke away from the combat, yelling “Follow me! Follow me!” He didn't turn around until he stood in the middle of one of the bridges, and then turned to help his fellow militia members across. Except there were none. None of the other militia members, none of his friends, were still alive to follow Tahu II. Only Aban Ninsolon Vesitdun was left besides Tahu II, and Aban was sprinting down the hill, away from the goblins and Tahu. While his fellow dwarves had not followed Tahu, the goblins certainly did. Tahu II grunted, he might stand slightly better odds on this bridge, as the goblins would only be able to come at him one or two at a time. Tahu II laughed, they would have to be bold to come out onto this thin bridge with a dangerous dwarf warrior. Bold, or stupid. Then a big, stupid goblin charged across the bridge and swung directly at Tahu II. That blow wasn't what killed Tahu II Copperwar the Luck of Busting, nor was it the 13 Z level fall that came immediately afterward. Nay, Tahu II Gusilalnis Merseth Stal died by drowning, drowning next to the dead merchants that had been killed in this very river a year before, and north of the waterfall where Tahu I had drowned two years previously.

   Gulf stood still upon the wooden palisade, looking for a long time at the carnage below him. Dead dwarves and goblins littered the road leading out of Gateivory, the product of his own attempts at doing something heroic for once. Then, breaking him out of his reverie, Gulf heard a voice from below, a dwarven voice, a desperate voice. “Let me in! Hurry! Lower the bridge! Let me in!” It was Aban Ninsolon Vesitdun, still clutching his warhammer despite having both arms cut open. Gulf yelled back. “Aban! the only one left?” “I am, now hurry up and lower the bridge!” Sixth time. This made the sixth time that Gulf had to make the decision: lower the bridge and save a life, or keep it up and avoid risking the lives of the many dwarves who still survived within Gateivory? “I...I'm sorry.” Said Gulf, looking over at the squad of pikeman that  was chasing Aban. The fortress had no military now, and if so much as a single squad of goblins got in, they all could conceivably die. The time for heroics was over, hell, perhaps it had never started. “I'm sorry.” Gulf repeated to Aban, before turning around and getting down from the palisade and into the courtyard. The hammerdwarf's screams did not last long. A child, Tosid Likotavuz, heard the screams and went berzerk, immediately attacking a nearby war dog. Gulf watched as Tosid was swiftly torn apart by the trained beast.

   Gulf walked down into the depths of the fortress, into the mausoleum he had masterminded. Much of the wall space he had smoothed himself, and the whole structure was almost finished, only a few more statues had needed hauling. Was this his curse? Had building such a monument to death  caused such travesty and despair to come to Gateivory and to Gulf? Gulf started laughing. The other dwarves thought he had gone mad, and perhaps he had, but Gulf knew, that no matter how many of his kin died, he now had a place to put all of them. So why should he bother to save any of them? Gulf laughed and laughed, caught up in the nihilism of it all, for he was Gulf, Lord of the Morgue.

Midwinter 44

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   “And so that's what we will be looking to buy next year.” Gulf nodded as the liaison finished his small speech on how the price of splints had doubled ever since that new dance craze hit the mountainhomes. Gulf really didn't care, it would be the job of the next overseer to start mass-producing splints for sale to places abroad. The liaison continued. “And we will be leaving soon”. Gulf laughed, something he hadn't done much of since that day in the mausoleum a month ago.  “Liaison, even if I was to lower the drawbridge, how would you get through the siege? You only have a handfull of dwarves against an army. Face it, you won't be leaving here anytime soon.” With those words, Gulf witnessed the strangest thing he had ever seen in his fourty-four year lifespan. The trader Bim Shorastian, a horse, a donkey,  a water buffalo, and a yak all simultaneously went berserk. Two more traders named Melbil Sakzulotung and Ral Datanazuz, plus a water buffalo became melancholy, and two more traders went stark raving mad! Fikod Kolikal, one of the few merchants not stricken by some form of madness, is driven back by the mad horse, and is forced to give ground until he topples over the empty space normally occupied by the main drawbridge. Fikod drowned next to Tahu II and the other merchants who make that particular spot of water their home. The traders Momuz and Zuntir are thrown off the secondary bridge to add to the watery deaths. Gulf looked around at the madness around him, too broken a dwarf to do anything, even to save himself from a rampaging water buffalo.

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  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #581 on: December 14, 2012, 10:56:02 am »

very good. sad, but a good turn. gateivory is a monument to death isnt it? my my it is.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The token conservative
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #582 on: December 14, 2012, 06:06:06 pm »

Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Sure, all of the dwarves are dying, but now we have a place to put them all! On my turn, I will invest heavily in marksdwarves and traps. One of my best forts ever, back in 31.25, had literally hundreds of cage traps. Any captured goblins were locked in a room with my legendary candy-coated swordsdwarf. So, I'll trap goblins, and use them for my marksdwarf practice. Also, melt down more goblinite.
DFBT the Dwarf: The only community podcast for Dwarf Fortress!
Tahu-R-TOA-1, Troubleshooter
I suggest that we add a clause permitting the keelhauling of anyone who suggests a plan involving "zombify the crew".
Quote from: MNII
Friend Computer, can you repair the known universe, please?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #583 on: December 15, 2012, 07:05:55 pm »

ok, now that I am in my right mind. a very good turn gulf. interesting how things turned out, the goblins certainly made up for lost time. also Im surprised you didnt call into service the emergency militia. I recall someone drafting all the miners into service, and the same group of miners beating the asses of many goblins and creatures. a sadish ending for gulf, but I look forward to looking through the new mausoleum. things have taken a down turn, and it seems that it is about time for a new overseer. now we just need your save. :D

also, I kept looking for you to make mention of the trap hall, but I guess it never got used. I made a burrow in the dining hall to house dwarves during invasions, and the trap hall would have minced anything that went in, but would allow traders to get to the depot. problem was, it could never provide protection to those same traders.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 07:07:54 pm by saltmummy626 »
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #584 on: December 16, 2012, 12:50:03 pm »

Just remembered, did anyone finish the migrant-rescue (tm) tunnel I made towards the north eastern corner of the map?
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