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Author Topic: gateivory, all is silence (CLOSED!)  (Read 87498 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #285 on: September 15, 2012, 01:44:25 am »

Unfortunately, Brodich was getting equipment while carrying a rock, so he didn't get any action so far. Sorry it's been taking so long, all the combat really slows things down. The custom creatures only showed up when I ran the phoebus savegame updater to fix the graphics glitch. Luckily adding the custom creatures didn't take too long.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #286 on: September 15, 2012, 02:42:46 am »

ah ok that explains why the error cropped up. I had it happen to me as well when I tried to copy my old creature raws over to a new version and tried to update my saves to use a new graphics set. I just remembered the rock crabs were basically the same as ocean ones, except without the amphibious tag and they live in the desert. as for your updates, dont worry. your giving us updates, I think we can be patient for you as long as the updates keep coming.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #287 on: September 15, 2012, 02:46:34 am »

Well our rock crabs are just like magma crabs. And our sand worms are small multicolored lizards :P
I'll try to finish by the end of the weekend. Everything just seems to take longer than I expect.
edit: Also I've been meaning to say that Dumat is still unclaimed. We also now have Catten Adilroder, who fought goblins 1v3 and won without injury. Pretty badass dwarves if anyone still wants dwarfing.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 01:31:28 pm by MiceMiceMice »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #288 on: September 15, 2012, 03:18:17 pm »

I'm nearing the end!
25th Galena: Somehow, DrunkenCaveOgre was hit be a damned goblin archer. She shall be mourned, and remembered for her one-armed bravery and amazing fighting skills.
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Somehow, two more goblins have appeared. I’m not sure where from. Dumat has been knocked unconscious. With DrunkenCaveOgre fallen we can only hope Brodich will reach the fray soon.
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26th Galena: Our speardwarf, Catten Adilroder, proves that Brodich is not our only remaining hero.
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Sometime during the confusion the bridge lever was pulled. All that remains is to kill the last two intruders.
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One of the goblins dodged off of the bridge, falling to its doom. Our skilled dwarves should make short work of the last enemy.
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Finally, after a fierce battle, Catten incapacitates the last enemy. We are safe, for now.
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27th Galena: Dumat died of her injuries during the fray. Our greatest hero may have fallen, but we will live on. Now we must ensure full security of the fortress and prepare to mourn the fallen.
Catten or Brodich shall be appointed head of the military. Catten accumulated 4 kills in the most recent fighting, ranking him among the greatest warriors of Gateivory.
Regardless, our remaining 9 military dwarves will be combined under a single command.
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1st Limestone: Autumn has come at last. With the fighting behind us now we must worry about how we will survive this unending siege. We have plenty of food and drink, but no wood left at all. Perhaps a cavern-based logging system will be needed.
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Though the goblin assault left several dead, we have many wounded as well. Our medical dwarves are working hard to increase their chances of survival.
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Remaining Named Dwarves:
Me, Frontestro II, Brodich, and Gulf. Everyone else died at some point during the fighting.

6th Limestone: Looking now to the future of the fortress, I have ordered a grand tunnel constructed that may allow us to smuggle migrants into the fort despite the siege. We are in great need of fresh, uninjured dwarves.
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The construction of the bridge bypass tunnel is complete. Hopefully this will stop problems in the future. Also, Brodich engraved a masterpiece. His work is rather dark, but who could blame him?
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10th Limestone: Our last remaining dwarf with any skill at metalwork, Kadol Mistemingtak, is set to work melting down what metal we salvaged before the second invasion arrived. I envision hundreds of bloodstained weapon traps, lining the Grand Migrant Entrance Tunnel, as I now call it.

Miasma from the corpses is becoming a problem again, but seeing the terrified faces of our many caged prisoners helps keep spirits high.
Reg Osorast, overpaid jerk, has been made our new mayor and has moved into the noble’s quarters. I just hope he doesn’t mandate something made of wood.

17th Limestone: Apparently there is a flock of keas out on the surface, stealing from the corpses littered across the landscape. Also, the human diplomat is unhappy and was stuck by melancholy. Nothing we can do about strange human behavior.

22nd Limestone: Our mayor banned the export of low boots. This should not be an issue as we are in no position to export anything in the forseable future.
We need a new source of water, I’m ordering a small tunnel constructed which will be grated off for safety.

28th Limestone: One of our glassmakers is taken by a strange mood. Otherwise there is little to report.

6th Sandstone: Once again, life has returned to almost normalcy. Gulf is again yelling about masterpieces every few minutes, the workshops are again filled with industrious dwarves. Finally we have some time to rest and recuperate, drink some good beer, and mourn our fallen comrades.
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7th Timber: It is amazing how well our fortress is recovering. Only one dwarf remains in urgent care in the hospital, everyone else is back on their feet. The sheer amount of work to be done is daunting, but spirits are high.
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The many varieties of mushroom which are growing throughout our upper levels are in fact usable as a substitute for wood, so we should have a small but useable supply should we need it.
We still have plenty of food and drink, and all dwarves are content in general. It looks like we will at least get through this year without any major issues.

13th Timber: Our glassmaker went insane today. I suppose what happened during the goblin assault can never be unseen. I wish him a peaceful death at least.

20th Timber: Somehow, the siege is over. Perhaps the goblins gave up, perhaps they fled in terror. Regardless, we can walk safely on the surface once again. I’ve ordered the bridge lowered and the wall opened. We will reclaim that which the invaders tried to take from us.
All that remains of the mighty goblin horde is a single giant rat, trapped underground.
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23rd Timber: As we opened the final barrier, we ran into a kobold thief. The foolish creature knew not what hardships our fortress has faced, and how strong those hardships have made us. It fled in terror. The first steps outside, free of the threat of goblin invaders, were some of the most glorious I shall ever know.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #289 on: September 15, 2012, 06:09:08 pm »

All done.

25th Timber: Another thief appeared. They must have been waiting for us to leave. Luckily there is so much debris scattered about that it doesn’t matter if kobolds steal a few things here and there.
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5th Moonstone: I’ve ordered our large collection of wild beasts trained. If nothing else they can be used for meat or fighting. As several of the goblins creatures have reproduced in captivity it is possible we may obtain some of our own by training the offspring.
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9th Moonstone: We have enough military supplies to outfit a small country. I doubt we will run short any time soon
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23rd Moonstone: Nearly a full month since any event of import. My dream of a stress-free end to my overseership is becoming reality.

27th Moonstone: Another thief, another needless alert.

11th Opal: Life is good. Dwarves are constantly bringing more useable goods in from outside, our smith is hard at work melting things down into useable scrap material, and most importantly, we have plenty of booze.

16th Opal: We found a pump operator dead and dehydrated today. At least the body didn’t smell too bad.

24th Opal: MIGRANTS! Finally some fresh hands to aid in the recovery. 6 migrants arrived in total, swelling our total dwarfpower to 36.
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27th Opal: Reg the mayor finally ended his ban on low boot exports. Perhaps he realized that we didn’t have anyone to export them to.

8th Obsidian: Our mayor now demands that we make a war hammer. A simple enough request.

13th Obsidian: Today a peon withdrew from society. Perhaps he will make some wondrous object. He promptly claimed a mason’s workshop. We shall see what he creates.
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16th Obsidian: That can’t be healthy…
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19th Obsidian: A goblin childsnatcher was spotted! In a cage trap. Problem solved.
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23rd Obsidian: Some unburied peons are haunting the fortress.
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24th Obsidian: Our peon began a mysterious construction!
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27th Obsidian: Puppies!
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28th Obsidian: The peon has completed Udistasen, a lignite table.
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1st Granite, 41: Today marks the end of our giant mosquito’s life and the end of my term as overseer. I wish whoever succeeds me luck, and urge them to finish the migrant tunnel, just in case. Now I’m off to take a well-earned break.

Final state of the fortress.
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Just to let you know, the floodgate door for the entrance is almost done. All you need to do is lower the door and then plug up the workaround tunnel. Good luck Valrandir, I hope your turn doesn't have as many sieges as mine. :P

Here is the save:

edit: I'd like to take another turn, could I be added to the end of the turn list? Thanks.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 06:12:25 pm by MiceMiceMice »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #290 on: September 15, 2012, 09:22:12 pm »

We survive! A thousand toasts shall be made to honor our dead, and a thousand more to honor those left to struggle on!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #291 on: September 15, 2012, 09:25:24 pm »

Yup. And you personally survived too! A lot of other named dwarves died :(
We got really lucky when they just gave up the siege.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #292 on: September 15, 2012, 11:26:09 pm »

yes, I will add you to the turn list. what a bloodbath that was! made good reading though, and we now have giant rats we can tame and train. good show mice, good show. PMing valrandir, not that I need too, he is pretty attentive to this thread.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #293 on: September 15, 2012, 11:44:46 pm »

Thanks. The funny thing is we ended the second siege with more dwarves than we started with because of the migrants. And we have a lot of rats. They seem to be able to reproduce inside cages without difficulty, I think we have about 7-9 babies so far.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lawful Neutral; Prophet of Pestilence
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #294 on: September 15, 2012, 11:50:16 pm »

oh waa, My dwarf is dead, we can never be a barony again. I demand a brain transferance. How did I die?
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #295 on: September 15, 2012, 11:54:59 pm »

I believe you died to a hammergoblin who climbed up from the catcher mechanism for the waterfall. You weren't on active duty so you didn't have any weapons :(


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lawful Neutral; Prophet of Pestilence
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #296 on: September 15, 2012, 11:57:05 pm »

I believe you died to a hammergoblin who climbed up from the catcher mechanism for the waterfall. You weren't on active duty so you didn't have any weapons :(
I know you enjoyed making Dumat and Brodich heros, but damn, this is a final insult to my man. He was leader of the archers! I will still be retconning this into me dying as a war hero. Add me to the end of the list.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #297 on: September 16, 2012, 12:07:31 am »

Well what happened was I shoved all the military into one squad cause we only had 9 military dwarves left. At least you didn't get mauled by a giant rat. :P You could go for a brain transference to the speardwarf. He is really badass. That is actually another thing I forgot to mention for Valrandir; we really need a better military, I depended too much on just a few dwarves, but if the goblin's leader hadn't been caught in a cage trap we would probably have been overrun pretty fast. Also, is it possible to train captured invaders?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #298 on: September 16, 2012, 02:21:04 pm »

only there animals, and I believe they are harder to train than normal ones. the rat pups though, they will be like training regular rats, but a little easier.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Voxcel
Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #299 on: September 16, 2012, 06:45:02 pm »

I got the safe.
Let's get started  :D.
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