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Author Topic: gateivory, all is silence (CLOSED!)  (Read 87419 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #255 on: September 08, 2012, 04:12:22 pm »

Not as many pictures this time. Not much exciting has happened, just cleanup.
8th Slate: We are officially a Barony. Likely the smallest Barony in history, but a Barony nonetheless. Misko immediately demanded an upgraded office, I’ll order one made later.
People claim to have noticed a few ghosts haunting areas around the fort. As all our craftsdwarves and busy hauling corpses we will have to engrave slabs later.
The sheer number of corpses is astounding. Every time I got to eat I step over three or four rotting dwarves on the way. I could pick them up and move them but that is what peons are for.
All the dead dwarves, animals, and goblins have created a sort of purple fog in many areas of the fort. I hate it, but no one seems to care to actually move the corpses outside. Likewise, the coating of blood on many of the walls and floors seems here to stay. Although actually it is a rather nice shade of red.

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I’m off to drag corpses to the mass graveyard I ordered made. Some previous overseer had the foresight to order what seems like several hundred coffins made.

14th Slate: Today we found another dead dwarf, an artisan this time. There was a short mourning period as we stripped his body of valuables, then we dragged him off to the coffins.
For some reason there are several dwarves stranded on the other side of the river. I ordered a bridge made to save them before they die of starvation.

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15th Slate: Another dead dwarf found, another coffin to be filled. Each time I feel worse. I think I’ll go sit in my room and cry for a bit.
Dumat the hero was promoted to captain of his squad and champion of the fort recently. He deserves it.

18th Slate: Another dwarf dead, this one from dehydration. How many dwarves will we find, too late to do anything but bury their rotting corpses?

23rd Slate: Still filling coffins. At least the work keeps our minds off other things.
Drunk on his new power as baron, Misko banned the export of doors. Not that we wanted to export doors, but still. Hopefully we will be able to get something useful from the next caravan. I hope migrants come soon.
I’ve noticed that a huge amount of usable gear is stuck at the bottom of the waterfall. I doubt we will be able to reach it in the foreseeable future.

26th Slate: I finally got around to ordering Misko’s tomb built. Apparently he thinks that being made baron allows him to make silly demands while we struggle to recover from a goblins siege.
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It looks like we have found most of the dead dwarves. We currently have a population of 35, though one of the miners is insane, running through the halls babbling incoherently.
I noticed before that the goblin’s creatures could swim. To prevent this in the future I’ve ordered the river walled off entirely on the surface.

1st Felsite:  ANOTHER dead dwarf found. Why? Haven’t we suffered enough? At least we get the satisfaction of seeing the goblins terrified faces as we haul their cages into the fort. We will have our revenge, oh yes.

13th Felsite: A dwarf interrupted my daily crying session to tell me that a cavy boar has been missing for one week. WHO CARES?! I wish all this had never happened.
Also, our mayor banned the export of war hammers. A wise decision actually, we need all the weapons we can get after the siege. Next time we will be prepared.

14th Felsite: An elven caravan showed up today.
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I hope to either trade for or steal something useful. Perhaps some exotic animals, trained for war.

My nerves are wearing thin. Every time someone puts a new coffin in the grave yard I have to go around telling everyone that YES it is okay to put someone in THAT coffin. As if it wasn’t obvious that dead people go in coffins.

20th Felsite: The elves have started unloading their goods. The mayor himself went to oversee the trading, he’s probably worried we’ll try to sneak the elves some warhammers.
We are still cleaning. There is blood everywhere but most of the miasma is gone the few remaining corpses have rotted down to skeletons so it doesn’t smell so bad anymore.

23rd Felsite: One of our geese found a kobold thief today, forcing him to run away.  I shall look into the possibilities of trained war-geese.
The elves have a bear! And a Giant Mosquito! We must have them for our military. I hope things can be resolved peacefully otherwise we may be forced to confiscate the elves goods. Everyone is taking their time moving goods to the depot.
Otherwise, not much has changed. Still dragging bodies, still filling coffins.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 04:14:53 pm by MiceMiceMice »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #256 on: September 08, 2012, 04:27:06 pm »

He had been sent as a punishment for an panicked mistake. he had been sent to carve stone. later, he had chopped stone, and now... he chopped flesh and bone. he found himself quite good at a profession he had never expected to find himself in. a soldier. the goblins had come to gateivory, they had come and they had killed. many had been driven off or killed and only a few remained. but with them they had brought mighty beasts from deep beneath the earth. the line had been drawn, and soon the dwarves would cross it to go out and meet their foe.

A haze, the fog of war. stomping feet, clashing metal, the screams of the dying. Brodich heard it all, and ignored not a bit of it. the smell of blood was in his nose, sanguine liquor covered his armor and soaked into his beard. no weapon but the pick was good enough for his squad, and his squad swung these tools with deadly efficiency. left and right, the rhythm of the miner but instead of mining stone or ore, Brodich mined blood and bone. soon, they had left the field of battle, leaving behind the broken bodies of green skins and the creatures they had brought, but the battle was not yet won. several creatures had made their way into gateivory and were hunting down his fellow dwarves.

Before his very eyes, Brodich saw as the overseer "mice" was grabbed by the huge worm like cave crawler and shaken to pieces in its great maw. the bloodlust was back, Brodich lept upon it and resumed his flesh mining. again and again he struck, his pick diving through flesh and bone until the creature was no more than a pile of mutilated meat! A cry was heard not far away, and Brodich was off. he recognized the voice of his friend caveogre. Rage filled his head and strengthened his arm. the same could not be said for caveogre, for Brodich arrived to save him just in time to see caveogres severed arm disappear into the gullet of another of the cave crawler. Brodich charged into the beasts coils and punished the creature with the steel in his hand, but not so fast as to bring the creature a painless death. rage had made Brodich cruel. pain filled the cave crawlers mind, and the need to get away from the furious creature with the sharp pickaxe was its only compunction. in the end, Brodich stood astride the creature and ended its life with a well placed blow. letting loose a bellow of triumph that washed away the fury in one primal sweep, Brodich reached down and pulled the arm of his friend from the guts of the still twitching cave crawler, tossed it to caveogre, and stomped off to the dining hall for a barrel of ale.

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All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #257 on: September 08, 2012, 04:35:05 pm »

sorry for the double post, but if anyone see's anything they feel is quote worthy for the OP, please point it out. Ill put it in the OP.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #258 on: September 08, 2012, 04:52:06 pm »

Nice! I love the picture! Maybe "we mine not just stone but flesh and bone" could be a good quote. Changed it a bit to make it fit out of context more. A direct quote could be "he had chopped stone, and now... he chopped flesh and bone". Fun mini-story regardless.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #259 on: September 08, 2012, 04:57:42 pm »

heh, Ill use your version. thanks.

also, good job with the cleanup. it might go faster if you go into the "O"rders menu and tell dwarves to ignore certain hauling jobs for a little bit or just hand pick a few peons to do nothing but cleaning and burial for awhile.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 05:01:30 pm by saltmummy626 »
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #260 on: September 08, 2012, 05:24:38 pm »

I'd considered it but there are a ridiculous number of things that need to be moved. I need to get all the rotting corpses to coffins or refuse piles outside to get rid of miasma. Most of it is gone now but there are still a few spots left. Hopefully by the end of the next update I might actually get to do normal fortress management! :P Next will be either tonight or tomorrow morning.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #261 on: September 08, 2012, 05:43:23 pm »

How fun! You're doing a good job cleaning things up. It does take forever though.

Hey, here's a mini-series, one about the corrupt bureaucrat:

Misko sat in his temporary office, and plotted. The new overseer had performed to his expectations. True, he had halved the number of remaining dwarves in the fort, but it was to be expected in a conscripted individual.

He was upset by the dwarves abandonment of him, the hero who brought them through the undead attack, and designed the system which saved them from the worst of the aquatic onslaught, and yet he had no recogntion. True, he had not killed any goblins, but he had a huge part in preventing their advance on the entrance, as well as injuring mounts in the fort. The recognition of brodich and dumat especially hurt. True, he begruded them no glory, but he was angered by how his role as the mastermind and the archer didn't net him the same glory as the lunatics who charged them with whatever was at hand and won. Well, I'll get a tomb worthy of a war-hero anyway.

In anycase, the time for glory was over, and the time for rebuilding was now. The Fort stood in shambles, and he knew his limited aristocratic power was tied to the fate of this fort. Without any working power, He wasn't able to tell the overseer to isolate tantrumers, and what little he could suggest with the door mandate only got him angry looks. Huh, Well, such is the life of a baron, he thought.

The rise of Brodich as a hero of the fort bothered him, but He was sure with time, He would return to being a simple miner, leaving his war career, and his fame, behind. Dumat was more worrisome, but a strong soldier can be just that, a soldier. He was confidant he could keep him placated. The death of scientist was sad, and the appointment of more nobles loyal to others was a problem. Perhaps he could reel them in to his web with offers of gifts. He had never been so happy about his reconciliation with gulf. He was the most positive about how drunkencaveorge pulled through, and He'll make sure DCO knows why he was attacked. Due to, poor leadership. While Dumat was busy getting his rewards, he neglected to help him.

Yes, Misko thought. He would play off diferences between the nobles to keep them fighting, and to further elevate his position. But not yet. For now, he'll wait, ad reconstruction is aided by cooperation. Yes, he'll wait, for now...
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 05:44:56 pm by misko27 »
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #262 on: September 08, 2012, 06:13:45 pm »

I was going to wait and post a really long update but something too funny to wait came up.
1st Hematite: The first day of summer and nothing really has changed. Hopefully the mayor will get back from wherever he went in time to trade with the elves.
We successfully traded with the elves for their female giant mosquito. They seemed quite happy to get rid of it in return for tiny stone axes… I will never understand elven tastes. Hopefully it will prove useful. Now we just need to get their wolf and bear too.
A single copper axe blade and some old clothes net us the wolf and the bear. The makings of our animal-based defense system are coming together.

6th Hematite: I am taken by a fey mood. Suddenly everything doesn’t seem so bad anymore.
I decided it would be a wonderful idea to make jewelry, so I kick everyone out of the jeweler’s shop. After grabbing materials from a bin I begin a mysterious construction!

11th Hematite: This mood of mine is wonderful, it really clears my mind. I realized how great it would be to have even more war dogs, so I ordered several trained. Sadly, our animal handlers insist that it wouldn’t be possible to train the Giant Mosquito to be a Giant War Mosquito. Such a limited mindset is unfortunate but expected of someone who does not understand the true needs of the fort.

12th Hematite: Success, my perfect prase opal is complete! It is worth 24000 dwarfbucks and is encircled in bands of marquise cut prase opal. I’m sure everyone is jealous of my talent. Because of this I have decided to become a gem cutter.

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I don’t know why Misko is feeling so down. Everything is going to be okay now!
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  • Bay Watcher
  • Lawful Neutral; Prophet of Pestilence
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #263 on: September 08, 2012, 06:39:41 pm »

Firstly, it appears to be because I saw a hamster. Second, I'm still ruler, Any idea why? I demand the title "Blood Baron"!

Thirdly, This:
17th Granite: As I write this I am running from a cave crawler! Somehow they got inside the fort and are running around killing things. I’ve yelled for help but I’m not sure anyone can hear me. Incompetent idiots! I told everyone to join the military and kill these things.

At least there are only two enemies left. The last goblin ran away earlier today. I’m gonna try punching the cave crawler to death, otherwise I am going to die here. If anyone finds my body, I put my brain transplant equipment in one of the hospital chests. Put my brain in a well-equipped body if you would.
Makes me think of this:
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The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Voxcel
Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #264 on: September 09, 2012, 09:13:57 pm »

Great Progress  :D
Good job with the cleaning and all.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #265 on: September 10, 2012, 01:37:27 am »

Next update got delayed a bit by me being distracted. Should be up in the next 24 hours.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #266 on: September 10, 2012, 05:45:55 pm »

well, im gonna have to trust you guys to keep this going yourselves for a few days until I get my computer fixed. blue screen, hard drive failure, it has to be restored to its factory condition. worst of all, I lost the manuscript for the book I was writing. anyways, keep this going guys, I should be back in a week.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #267 on: September 11, 2012, 12:45:37 am »

That sucks about your computer. Here is the next update. Updates are gonna be a little terse as I'm pretty busy right now and don't have enough time to write really long things :(
15th Hematite: So much work to do. I ordered our tombs expanded so that we can fit all of our dead. We need to appease the ghosts soon.
Everyone is complaining that we don’t have enough empty cages to arm the traps. I’ll have to tell someone to make some later.
The merchants left today. Good riddance, I hate those effeminate elves!

18th Hematite: Another dwarf was found dead today. On the bright side our injured dwarves are recovering well.

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20th hematite: Migrants, thanks the gods!
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As the eight new migrants entered the halls I rushed to meet them. When one asked “why the walls were so red and sticky?” I explained about our revolutionary new cherry-flavored rock candy wall project. Hopefully it will fool them-at least until it is too late for them to escape.
The added military experience of the migrants should be useful in the event of future sieges.

23st hematite: Gulf’s cries of “I’ve engraved a masterpiece” once again echo through the halls. Life is truly returning to normal. Or at least as close as it can get.
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I’ve provided some descriptions of some of Gulf’s more interesting pieces.[/i]
A sampling of artwork
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4th malachite: “lost silk trousers” is a common issue. We think the ghosts are stealing them.
Though not everyone is in one piece, we put what we can in their coffins. May they rest in peace.

Our new beasts have been sent to guard our entryway along with our wardogs.

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12th Malachite: Dumat, champion and hero, is back on his feet. Things are looking up.

16th Malachite: They finally found my old body dead in the water tower. Took them long enough.
We are still gathering all of the items from the siege. Just the number of caged enemies has taken us weeks to gather.

22nd Malachite: Our insane excavator died today. Hopefully he will not be missed.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 09:51:55 am by MiceMiceMice »


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #268 on: September 11, 2012, 08:08:04 am »

Ahhhh, Good Progress Keeper™


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore
« Reply #269 on: September 12, 2012, 09:29:15 am »

Is my turn coming up soon?
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