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Author Topic: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads (Ch. 15: Justin Bieber Eats Mongol)  (Read 18759 times)


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Otriad, n.,  Russian, отряд, Lit. meaning: To break from order/power


The Jews are being persecuted. You know what happens next. Ghettos. Transportation. Labor. Toture. Death.

But not us.
Tens of thousands of Jews in eastern Poland run for the immense, seemingly endless Belarussian Forest. And so we start this story....

This game centers around the life of the Jews and military forces in the Belarussian forest during WWII. It will be very similar to my Industrial Japan game, if you have played it. Please note that I am not going for historical accuracy or extreme realism, but rather an exciting and rewarding narrative, with the potential of becoming alternate history.

Gameplay Style & Dice:

I will use the standard D6 dice roller, but this game will be based on my own decision and subjectivity rather than numbers. What I mean is that there will be less focus on numeral systems, (No HP and Exp. Bars) but instead more based on characters, situation and plot. For example, in a regular RTD, Character X attacking Enemy Y with a (6 vs. 4) result would normally result in -2 HP. However, here I take into account things like weapon, attack/defense positions, experience, health, and etc. So a (6 vs. 4) in a combat could mean anything from a kick that breaks a knee, to a gunshot to the head.

Also, instead of classic dice result rules, (1 & 2 are bad, 3-5 are good, 6 is bad) I will have this formula: The higher a number, the better a result. So 6's or above are the best results, and the numbers get smaller the result becomes more negative.

As for combat, first I will post the aggressor's attack, versus the defender's defense (X vs. Y). If X is more than Y, the attack hits. If X and Y are the same, the attacks cancel out, and there is no counter-attack. However, if Y is more than X, X misses the attack, and Y gets a counterattack. I roll again, and if Y>X, than Y hits. But if Y< or = to X, it misses.

Lastly, each number represents a different outcome. The higher a number is in a result, it will have a more dramatic effect than the same difference but with a lower result; i.e. (6 vs. 5) will be a more powerful attack than (3 vs. 2), a (5 vs. 1) has more impact than a (5 vs. 3), etc.

Attributes are permanent factors that modify rolls that pertain to their areas, i.e., Strength effects actions that utilize strength. Attributes can either be + or -. + Attributes have a 50% chance of adding +1 to rolls, while - Attributes add a 50% chance of -1 from effected rolls. It doesn't matter which Attributes you + or -. The main rule is that you can only have as many + Attributes as -, and vice-versa. (i.e., if you have 2 + Attributes you MUST have 2 - Attributes.)

Attributes can be learned and upgraded over time, very gradually.

The attributes are:

Strength: The amount of muscle that can be put into tasks. Effects actions like lifting heavy objects and melee combat.

Endurance: How long you can keep physically working. Effects things like traveling long distances and using heavy objects.

Agility: How quickly you can move. Effects things like sprinting, dodging and jumping.

Perception: How well you can see and aim. Effects things like looking around and using ranged weapons.

Toughness: How much physical pain you can take. Effects things like combat and disease.

Stealth: How sneaky you are. Effects being unnoticed, pickpocketing and lock picking.

Intelligence: How much raw brain power you have. Effects solving logical problems and using medicine.

Will: Mental toughness. How much mental strain you can take, and how you respond in peril.

Instinct: How fast your body can process new information. Effects counter-attacking and quick reactions.

Charisma: How well you can speak to people. Effects things like charm and intimidation.

Dexterity: How well you can work with your hands. Effects things like grappeling, reloading and tool-using.

Luck: How well Lady Luck treats you. Randomly effects roles.

There are three main forces residing in the Belarussian forest. Your character will be a member of one of them. Furthermore, your character will be split into a group either called an Otriad, (Jews and Russians) or Unit (Waffen-SS). These groups can be expanded or divided, created or broken, and join with others of their kind. Each faction has different goals and scenarios. Your character can belong to a:

Jewish Otriad: Hunders of Jewish resistance groups taking shelter the Belarussian forest. The forest is a large, sprawling, and cold place that seems maze-like to those not familiar with it. The Jewish Otriads are the 'survival' groups, as they will start out with minimal resources will need to find a way to survive. In addition, they must deal with unity issues, the weather, and violence from the SS, unsympathetic Russians, angry civilians of the countryside, and dangerous animals.
Because the Jewish resistance group members are mostly of non-military civilian background, this gives them a curse and a blessing. They will not all have fighting or survival experience. On the other hand, they may have occupations and skills that one would not normally find in soldiers. Plus, the Jewish Otriads are the most familliar with the forest.
While the main goal is to survive, the Jewish Otriads also have the biggest morality dilemmas. Is the goal to save Jews, or kill Nazis? Do we help or abandon the sick/elderly? Do we raid the civilians of the countryside to survive? What do we do about the Russians? These are just some of the issues the Jewish Otriads are faced with.

Waffen-SS: These Nazi soldiers have been deployed with the task of increasing the amount of territory the Third Reich has. While the Waffen-SS are the best equipped out of all the factions, they are the least familiar with the Belarussian forest and the area in general. The Waffen-SS is ordered to capture or kill any Jews they find, as well as driving the Russians out of the forest.

Soviet Otriads: These are like the Jewish Otriads, except they are made up of soldiers and volunteer militia. Their equipment is not as good as the SS, but the Soviets make up for it in tactics and overall heart to fight for the motherland. The Soviet Otriads are ordered to drive the Germans out of the forest, and secure it as a strategical area. There are no official rules for dealing with the Jewish Otriads, and as such, every Soviet Otriad has a different viewpoint on the Jews. Some view them as helpful allies, and will trade and support them, possibly even recruiting from them. Others view them as obstacles, either because they think of them as useless refugees, or just out of antisemtic spite. And yet others are neutral and will not interact with the Jewish Otriads at all.

All characters will start out with and in these two weapons they will be proficient. There are two types of starting weapons/; Primary and Secondary. Primary is the default weapon, the one your character is most skilled with. Secondary weapons are side weapons, usually there to fill a purpose that the Primary can not. The Primary and Secondary weapons must be different.
Weapons are called by their general type here, so the specific kind your characters get will be based on Faction, Occupation and Biography. Note that these are only starting weapons: Characters can find and learn to use more.

Weapons are listed below, P means it can be only Primary, S means only secondary, PS can mean either. 

Rifle (P) - A long-barreled gun that is mainly used for meduim or long-distance combat.

Submachine Gun (P) - A smaller, stockier automatic gun that is proficient at close, or possibly medium range.

Shotgun (P) - A rifle-like gun that destroys targets at close range.

Pistol (PS) - A smaller gun than the rifle. While not as accurate or powerful than the rifle, it is easier to draw and reload, making it very useful in close quarters.

Revolver (PS) - A barreled gun similar to the pistol. It has a lower fire rate and reload time than the pistol, but it is more powerful and accurate.

Knife (S) - A blade used for slicing or stabbing. Note these are combat knives, tool knives are not counted as weapons. (Though they can be improvised as one.)

Grenades (S) - Small, hand-held explosives that are tossed.

Machine Gun (P, SS and Soviet only) - A huge, deadly gun that fires at an incredible rate and kills at any distance. Even with all these advantages, one most take into account things like it's high weight, extremely long loading, and it's proneness to jam.

Flamethrower (P, SS only) - A fuel tank with a hose that spits out flames wherever it is pointed. It is a German machine of death, but it shares many negative traits with the machine gun like weight and reloading time. Plus, you do not want someone to shoot you in the fuel tank.

Molotov Cocktail (S, Jews and Soviets only) - A hand-crafted thrown weapon. As opposed to the grenade, the Molotov starts a fire where it hits.

Traps (S, Jews only) - Indirect improvised traps designed by the Jewish Otriads. These vary widely, from falling rocks, to swining logs, to camoflouged pits.

Sword (S) - An ancient long blade, these weapons have become much rarer in use as firearms have become the staple weapon of the world. They have been replaced by a knives, which are easier to carry and to draw. However, at pure close range combat, improvised weapons, knives, and even the deadly bayonet can't outmatch the sword.

Spoiler: Example Character (click to show/hide)

Character Sheet:
Faction: (Jewish/Russian Otriad or SS Unit)
Appearance: (Brief statement on what your character looks like.)
Biography: (A short or long statement on your character's past.)
Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:
Otriad/Unit Name: (The name of your group.)
Otriad/Unit Population: (The starting number of people in your group, including yourself. Otriads can have 1-6, and units can start with 1-8.)
Occupation: (For Jewish Otriads, what their past job/trade was. For Russians and Germans, what role they play in their unit. (Sniper, Medic, Demolitionist, etc.)
Attributes: (Leave them blank except for + and - Attributes)


1. Caellath (Arseniy Sidorov; Soviet Otriad)
2. Spinal_Taper (Alexi Anismov; Soviet Otriad)
3. agentorangesoda (Dietrich Metzger; SS)
4. Tiruin (Isidore Farkas; Jewish Otriad)
5. Caerwym (Davion Bakst; Jewish Otriad)
6. Flintus10 (Adrian Maciejewski; Jewish Otriad)
7. mcclay (Nikolai Vondgas; Soviet Otriad)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 07:50:55 pm by TCM »
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 05:22:24 pm »

Here. For mother Russia.
Name: Arseniy Sidorov
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Faction: Russian Otriad
Appearance: Amber eyes and short curly black hair, tall and thin, with a pale parlor. He is obviously young and seems slightly out of place in a war. He is always stuck inside a grey or brown longcoat and black boots, and sometimes is seen with small reading glasses and a beige scarf.
Biography: Arseniy was just another peasant, a common nobody in a crowd of uninsteresting people, but when war erupted and the motherland was threatened, the nobodies were sent to fight and die in the field, as well as incited by the government to take up arms and end the fascist threat which had set its foot in their lands. The youth and his family were put under the service of his great country to destroy the nazi beast or die trying, even if they had little to no training. Arseniy has an instinct which borders a sixth sense, and although his social skills are lacking due to his shy demeanor and his intelligence also can't be praised due to lack of proper education, he was taught basic things and had started reading by himself before the war hit the outskirts of the settlement he lived. Up to this day, he carries his books alongside the sniper rifle given by the government and a sword given to him by his family - a masterfully-crafted antique, having theoretically belonged to one of his ancestors. Or having being looted by said ancestor after a battle.
Primary Weapon: Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Sword
Otriad/Unit Name: белое крыло - White Wing
Otriad/Unit Population: 4
Occupation: Sniper
Intelligence -
Instinct +
Charisma -
Luck +
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 11:54:16 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2012, 05:24:39 pm »

Hey, I'm done. It's as long as Caellaths. Don't think it's as good though.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 07:19:32 pm by Spinal_Taper »


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 06:05:38 pm »

Name: Dietrich Metzger
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Faction: SS
Occupation: Stabshauptmann
Group Name: Scwarzehunde
Appearance: A perfect Aryan complexion, but his fine blonde hair is fading with licks of silver.  A rugged, leather-like face betrays his age, and depicts a man who has seen stressors beyond his years. He wears the standard German officer's coat.
Biography: Although just a boy during the Great War, Dietrich saw first hand the hardships that had been placed on the German people.  While his baby sister lay hungry in her crib, the usurious Jews grew fat while exploiting the proud German people, charging exorbitant interest rates, knowing full well the desperation of the people of the fatherland. Dietrich joined the Reichswehr to ensure the protection of those he loved, and when the opportunity presented itself, Dietrich immediately signed with the fledgling Nazi party. Although an staunch supporter of the Nazi regime and avid Jew hater, Dietrich has tried his best to not let his personal grievances get in the way of his personal duty.
Primary Weapon: German Luger
Secondary Weapon: Officer's Sword
Unit Population: 6

Will +
Luck -
Instinct +
Stealth -
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 07:49:34 pm by agentorangesoda »


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2012, 06:14:07 pm »

I thnk you have a typo in the sword section, under weapons. Also reserving.

Thanks. Fix'd.

Name: Dietrich Metzger
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Faction: SS
Appearance: A perfect Aryan complexion, but his fine blonde hair is fading with licks of silver.  A rugged, leather-like face betrays his age, and depicts a man who has seen stressors beyond his years. He wears the standard German officer's coat.
Biography: Although just a boy during the Great War, Dietrich saw first hand the hardships that had been placed on the German people.  While his baby sister lay hungry in her crib, the usurious Jews grew fat while exploiting the proud German people, charging exorbitant interest rates, knowing full well the desperation of the people of the fatherland. Dietrich joined the Reichswehr to ensure the protection of those he loved, and when the opportunity presented itself, Dietrich immediately signed with the fledgling Nazi party. Although an staunch supporter of the Nazi regime and avid Jew hater, Dietrich has tried his best to not let his personal grievances get in the way of his personal duty.
Primary Weapon: German Luger
Secondary Weapon: Officer's Sword
Unit Population: (I'm a little confused by this. What are the advantages and disadvantages?)

Will +
Luck -
Instinct +
Stealth -

In. With population, there are advantages and disadvantages in starting out large. Advantages are obviously more manpower, firepower, squad tactics improve and etc., basically power in numbers. However, there are disadvantages. Larger groups means the distribution of things like food and weapons get smaller with each additional person. A chicken could feed a single man for two days if he rationed, but 5 men can go through it in one meal. There is a greater chance you're group can be discovered by an enemy group if you have more people. Lastly, more people means there is a greater chance for discord. A dispute between two men can be resolved fairly simply. But if 4 men want to go left, and 4 go right, it can get messy.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2012, 06:17:55 pm »

Oops, I forgot to add in Occupation and group name! If everyone will check that part of the character sheet now...
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 06:20:41 pm by TCM »
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2012, 06:43:56 pm »

May I reserve in and post a sheet up later ~12 hours?


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2012, 06:56:05 pm »

May I reserve in and post a sheet up later ~12 hours?

Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2012, 07:35:58 pm »

Name: Isidore Farkas
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Faction: Jewish
Appearance: Isidore is a man of average height with sharp features and a chiseled jaw. His body is lean and is generally tanned in appearance. He has shortly cropped black hair and deep brown eyes along with a shaved beard.
Biography: Isidore has worked as a general practitioner of the medical arts for most of his life, having learned the ropes of hard work, patience and other values that could basically be appreciated by a hard upbringing - as a street urchin. Keeping in contact with more people than one would meet in a lifetime, it was a success that he relished as he passed from boyhood, no more thievery or stealing. He developed the fine art of linguistics, due to his upbringing and his background, it was worth the trouble learning in the coming days.

Operation Barbarossa, the day he wouldn't forget. It was like a living nightmare for most of his friends and close relatives. He and his family did their best to escape the hands of those he thought were his neighbors and allies, but in the end, and with what best he could find in those times, only three of his surviving family made it to the Belarussian forests. His elder sister, and his brother, the only remnants of his family of five.

The Hippocratic Oath, his promise to his parents and family. No matter what would happen, he was still a pious man.

But things would change, now that he was here.

Primary Weapon: Submachine Gun
Secondary Weapon: Traps
Otriad/Unit Name: Mstitelé [Avengers]
Otriad/Unit Population: 5
Occupation: Doctor
Strength -
Endurance -
Perception +
Toughness -
Stealth +
Intelligence +
Charisma +
Luck -

« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 08:50:27 am by Tiruin »


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2012, 09:16:09 pm »

Only four players? If there's more, can I reserve a spot to make a character sheet?

Alright. Here's my character.

Note, however: This will have been my first Roll-To-Dodge...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 09:28:26 pm by Caerwyn »


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2012, 09:26:57 pm »

Only four players? If there's more, can I reserve a spot to make a character sheet?

Yeah, I didn't make a limit yet. A good amount would be 6-8.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2012, 09:35:24 pm »

Name: Adrian Maciejewski
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Faction: Jewish Otriad
Occupation: Miner
Otriad Name: Wyzwolicieli (Liberators(I am pretty sure, correct if you can/must)
Otriad Population: 5
Appearance: A short man, Adrian's body is very muscular after years of manual labor. He pays little attention to his dark brown hair, keeping it short at all times. His eyes are brown and recently many sleepless nights have seen dark circles appearing around them. His facial feature are rigid and since he has not bothered to shave there is a course stubble growing across his face.
Biography: Adrian had worked a number of jobs over his lifetime most of them involving manual labor. He was never a particularly intelligent person but was always well liked wherever he went. And despite his short size he has never found trouble getting what he wants through intimidation thanks to his stocky muscular body. Adrian is a fiercely patriotic man and  once he found the opportunity to assist the Polish resistance he took it, he was able to provide partisans with explosives and supplies which he smuggled from his work in the mines.

Eventually as the treatment of Jewish people began to deteriorate Adrian realized it would be far to dangerous to continue to try and live among the occupying Germans and instead he left to join the Polish/Jewish resistance proper. He was welcomed thanks to his previous help and general likability and was quickly taught the use of firearms and basic military tactics.

Adrian's small Otriad is now helping other Jews who have fled into the Belarussian forests and are looking to hurt the German forces wherever they can.

Primary Weapon: Shotgun

Secondary Weapon: Revolver

Strength +
Agility -
Toughness +
Stealth -
Intelligence -

Will +
Charisma +
Dexterity -
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 11:07:05 pm by Flintus10 »


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2012, 11:46:05 pm »

Name: Nikolai Vondgas
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Faction: Russian Otriad
Otriad name: Freedom of the Motherland.
Otriad population: 4
Apperance: Tall, large but not fat, brown haired Russian. He has green eyes. He usually wears a dirty green jacket and pants, along with thick work boots.
Biography: Nikolai was the son of some pesants on a farm near Leningrad. He joined the Red Army but was sent out here two weeks before the siege. He is big, tough and arather chairsmatic but has bad eyesight and is not that smart

Primary weapon: submachine gun
Secondary weapon: sword

Strength +
Endurance +
Agilty -
Perception -
Toughness +
Stealth -
Intellgience -
Chairsma +
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 11:48:35 pm by mcclay »
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2012, 09:06:10 am »

Finished mine.


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Re: ~Blizzard Inferno~: Tale of the Otriads
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2012, 10:47:14 am »

Waiting on Spinal_Taper for sheet and agentorangesoda to edit his.

@Tiruin: If he, his brother and elder sister survived, who are the remaining two?
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.
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