its laggy, anoying, requiring you to jump thru a exxsessive number of hoops, and a pain in the ass.
why? it isent.
butguys, steam is sobadf i mean my computer nd netwrok are pieces of shit but its al their fault.Imeanits not limke its blizzardactin vsin where they you know, shut down serversat durn peakrtime for hours nsrnhours. Steamgoesdown for 10 muibnutes itsosfucking bad.
Yeah I bet it's also extremely intrusive on your computer, downloads a shitload of spyware, and yeah they are certainly the biggest money grubbing assholes to ever exist. They're also massive douchebags for actually caring about their customers, god forbid, because oh no, they're giving us, as consumers, even MORE OPTIONS, as opposed to the piece of shit that EA has made called origin. Then when certain games are forced to be online in steam because their PUBLISHERS DEMANDED ONLINE DRM, it's clearly all steam's fault, not the publisher.
Hell yes I am a steam fanboy. Come at me. The offline version of steam being wonky is really the only thing that I agree with, it's pretty shifty, but I think the way it actually works is it does need to make a check at least once every certain amount of time, and then it's fine, kinda like blizzards weekly authenticator access or such.
But on topic, I think this is a good idea, whether the effects could be questionable as some of you have stated, it's definitely something good to at least try out, I mean hey, steam was certainly something new and crazy when it first came out, look where it is now. I don't know where you guys are coming from by actually believing that this is some tin-hat ploy to do some weird ass social experimenting, or that they charge indie devs a shitload of their profit. I don't even-
If anything this is gonna help devs get on steam easier, because if you think about it, now instead of them playing and rating the game, and then making the decision, a game they might think that was JUST not enough, but got a shitload of wants by steam users, will then probably make the cut. Also, most of these indie games that have come out on steam, you can certainly get from things like Desura, or you can get from their site, DRM free. There's usually alternatives with the indie games. I think this is mostly for people like me who want more games on steam that might be on desura, or some other kind of lesser program and I'd rather have it on steam, just because I have everything else on steam, and I like steam a lot more. It's really just about more options in the end, and I don't see how you should have a problem with more options.
and don't forget guys, piracy is VERY BAD.