Mesor don't forget all Medieval Knights Orders were usually sworn to the Church ( think Deutschritter,Templars etc.) although i might be wrong here but i doubt that there were historically any Knights Orders not serving the Church. This means you have to bow to the Conventions of the Church and especially if you are averese to the Social System, you are propably in the wrong place again.
Knights Orders were usually Noble-only. Thats why they were called Knights Orders. In short while you have no land(at least in the beginning) there is still the point that Social Norms apply. a Knights Order usually doesn't take in Commoners.
Next point Church: you seem to be averse against the Backstabbing stuff, but with Knights Orders it is only in the beginning straightforward: remember the Order of the Templars who were one and all branded for heresy and burned at the stake. In reality the Pope and the French King just wanted their money and wanted to take them out before they got to strong.
And finally the Lands such Orders possessed had always the same Feudal-System (almost the same among the nobles it was a different system but for the commoners it was the basically the same) as every other Feudal Nation.
In other Words:
IF you hate the Social System
IF you can't follow the Social Norm
IF you don't like the powergrabs and backstabbery
IF you want to play the Mary-Sue Knight Order in Shining Armor
play a Brigand. Or an Outlaw. Or a Pirate. Or a Haegar, or a Band of vagabounds. Or a simple goddamn peasant
These people didn't have to adhere to the above, for the rest (any kind of Knight,Noble or anybody of the Ruling Caste of Blueblood and Eccelsiarchy and the assorted Helpers in form of Mercs,Assassins whathaveyounot) applies the Feudal System with all it's social religious cultural conventions and with it all the politics and backstabbery and intrigue that brings.
That is what makes the Game for most of us interesting and since you seem to be adverse to such things, you sir, are in the wrong game. If you want to have your black and white, good versus evil battle you should open your own Medieval Game because in YAK there is no such thing as the Jolly-Good Peasant boy whose village was burned down by evil evil bandits who then set out to defeat them and became a glorious knight in shining armour who then wooed the Princess and killed some Dragon somewhere in between. Such characters have been made and they all died pretty quickly because they couldn't adhere to the Social Norms.
that were my two cents, others might see it different i just think i put the overall opinion on the table.