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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131370 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1050 on: September 23, 2012, 08:15:42 am »

"Well, good man, that was exactly what I had intended. I will leave the town for certain, staying is too dangerous, no matter which side. The only work that can be done will be along the coast and rivers. But mayhaps I could persuade you to support the prince. The Prince has a large army, and coupled with our naval support, it could be made to sure victory.

"Right now, Stormstead can hold, but if we blockade this port, and I assure you a fair share of the goods, then it will fall faster. No doubt the prince, being reasonable, and a relative of the king, would reward you for your help in securing the city with fewer deaths than if it were to be done by battle. However, we could also raid the cities and coasts loyal to the "regent", or ferry the Prince's troops to give them a second route besides the bridge."

[5+1] The old sea dog laughs at your words.  "I like the way you think, boy!  Tell you what, why don't the pair of us haul sail right now and head on over to Arborvent?  I hear the coast there's ripe for the picking, and I'll cut you in on half the loot.  If that works out for us, maybe I'll ferry your Prince's troops after all!"

Trent sat upon his horse over seeing men set to work below him, this area of land which dipped down behind a hill and was covered from two sides by sheer cliff faces of the taller hills. The trees that had once occupied the place had been cleared away and even now men set about working them into stakes all around the perimeter of the camp. Many tents covered the area and several cook-fires burnt as food was prepared for the men.

To either side of him were two men, the first was one of the few remaining rangers, and aged man with greying hair named Revnan, he was the most proven among the remains of the order and had led the attack on the caravan laden with Duc Stoneson's gift. The other man was a farmer, Jefred Stoneburn, he had proven himself quickly upon their arrival here as he ordered the men and quickly carried out the overseeing of the construction of the trench and spikes.

"Revnan I need you to ride to Spiritusaer, speak of the rightful place Prince Richard must hold, and the snake Edgard that keeps him from it.

Do so in secret at first, but if support improves speak openly, tell them that I call them to arms, the peasants of this land must stand up and show them that we shall stand for what we believe. The Prince, no the nation needs us to rise up and fight for what we must!"

With that said Trent turned to Jefred and spoke again, "Continue the preparations for defense of this camp, if they want us they must come for us, and here we shall make them pay for every inch of ground they shall take."
Pausing he raised his voice to a yell so all in the camp could hear,

"If we must fight a war we shall do it like honorable men, we shall show them that it is our will that shall decide who sits upon the throne in the absence of our great king.

For the rightful Regent let us stand, in years to come it shall be spoken of us who stood for the rightful Regent! Those who gathered in the name of Prince Richard and stood for war even though they were free men without the call of a noble to arms!

For the Prince, and for Windheath!"

As his words faded similar cries erupted from the camp below, and the two men who had stood beside him gave the same cry before riding off to carry out there orders.

Have Revnan ride to Spirituaser and spread the above orders.
Have my men fortify the camp as best they can, and set them to constructing makeshift catapults from the trees already felled.

[1] You have little to no experience with logistics, and this serves you ill as you try to fortify the camp.  Things go badly, and due to a horrendous mix-up the wood reserved for catapult production is partly used for the palisade and the rest burned as firewood.  A herd of sheep wander into the camp at night and two fighting rams knock down the progress thus far made - your men give up fortification as a bad job.

[3] Revnan reaches Spiritusaer and attempts to stir up trouble, but the lords and peasants both are firmly under Duc Tengrim's boot - unless you were to capture the city and defeat his occupying forces, even the peasants who might support you with additional levies will not assist.

After a day back at Stormstead, talk about a Messiah was going around. This person apparently didn't like foreigners at all. Considering his mothers' ancestry, that might be an... Issue to his continued service. So, Karas decided while waiting for Saer Talinth to finish his investigation, he might take in some sights, see the people, and hopefully not get into trouble.

Karas starts his search for the Messiah, to obtain answers to his questions

You find the Messiah at the local pantheon temple, without much difficulty.  He is in a meeting with the High Inquisitor when you arrive, but soon becomes available to speak.

Quote from: Jitpau
Visit the High Inquisitor

You are shown into the inquisitor's bare office without ceremony, and the younger man looks up from deskwork when you enter.

"If it isn't the Grand Reader," he says.  "I don't see a throng of followers, so I presume that means you aren't here for another debate.  What brings you to my office, Reader?"

Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1051 on: September 23, 2012, 08:58:13 am »

[5+1] The old sea dog laughs at your words.  "I like the way you think, boy!  Tell you what, why don't the pair of us haul sail right now and head on over to Arborvent?  I hear the coast there's ripe for the picking, and I'll cut you in on half the loot.  If that works out for us, maybe I'll ferry your Prince's troops after all!"

"Then let us go. However, I daresay we shouldn't cause to much harm to the peasants and other inhabitants. They aren't our enemies."

Raid with the Haegar captain, but try not to kill the inhabitants whenever possible. Split loot 1:1 with Jorik.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1052 on: September 23, 2012, 12:59:39 pm »

Ril pushes himself up with a few words murmured to the the Monk, "I'd like to meet with your librarian, if I can."

Try and find the answer for the letter by asking the successors.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 02:28:47 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1053 on: September 23, 2012, 02:20:45 pm »

"If it isn't the Grand Reader," he says.  "I don't see a throng of followers, so I presume that means you aren't here for another debate.  What brings you to my office, Reader?"

Jitpau shuts the door and takes a seat.

"Civil war brings me to your office. Men raise their axes against their brothers. The king lays dying, and already the vultures squabble over his corpse. And why? Because the Gods have been abandoned. Plague ravages the land, and you sit idly by- placing limitations on my freedom whilst sorcerers cavort with demons under your very nose!

I have examined the king. He is set upon by the grey death, as told. But no act of cruel gods is his illness; it has all the markings of the work of a mortal sorcerer.

Imagine! A sorcerer has poisoned your king! How incompetent must you be to allow such a thing to happen? Why do you sit in your office? You should be in the streets, working day and night to find the demonspawn responsible for not only your king's illness, but for the illness of the entire land, and for the civil war that even now brews!"

Jitpau shakes his head.

"The people must hear the truth. Proper worship of the Gods must be reinstated. Only then shall the veil of evil be lifted from the land."

He leans in close to whisper.

"I am not even sure that the regent himself can be trusted. Dark rumours abound on the streets. I feel it is my duty, as a messenger of the Gods, to speak with the prince Richard on this matter as soon as possible. I demand that you have your men escort me to his camp. I shall determine the truth, and end this unholy war. It must be done."
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1054 on: September 23, 2012, 03:53:34 pm »

"I am not even sure that the regent himself can be trusted. Dark rumours abound on the streets. I feel it is my duty, as a messenger of the Gods, to speak with the prince Richard on this matter as soon as possible. I demand that you have your men escort me to his camp. I shall determine the truth, and end this unholy war. It must be done."

The Inquisitor taps his fingers on the desk for a moment.

[5+1] "You are right in this, whatever else you may say.  But as you would think it, I have not been idle."  The Inquisitor turns the scroll he is reading over to you to read.  It contains three sets of dates and names.  "Duc Burminac Rasgar, three days before the king.  Grey Death.  Marquis Henry Conricht, two days before the king.  Grey Death.  Duchesse Ursula Emanhilde, her fatal crusade reported a week before the king's sickness.  Inquisitors were dispatched to Dechire, Spiritusaer and Oathbreaker; only the Spiritusaer agent returned, and she empty-handed.  The timing cannot be ignored; sorcery alone must be the explanation.

"Who would stand to gain the most from Albert's death, from destabilising the North and eliminating another opponent to the Conricht line?  Why has Richard not been hexed?  I had hoped my agents would bring me news, but the sorcerer may well have reached them also.  Thus, dire needs call for dire acts."

The High Inquisitor stands and opens a nearby cupboard.  He withdraws a black stole bearing ten marks in gold thread, a small cone of incense on a plate and some herbs.  With a simple pinch of his fingers and a word of magic the incense starts to smoke as if lit by tinder; you recall the Inquisitor having had Liodnyan training.  He takes your hands and binds them with the stole, crushing the herbs against your skin until the oils make them sticky.  He chants softly in Old Eldanic, then places both of his own hands on the stole.

"By the authority invested in me by the Adranic Council, I bind you in service to that same Council, in service to the Gods.  Until this crisis has passed and I name its revocation, you are a part of the divine Inquisition.  No door will be locked to you, no lip sealed.  You speak with the authority of Bohromu, you listen with the clarity of Liodnya.  Your mission is to locate the source of the sorcery that has bewitched this land, to find its backers and its practitioners, and to burn them from the face of history with Razumajstar's own fires."

Farrin Arondson unwraps the stole from your hands and places it around your neck.

"When this crisis is over, I will want that back and I will want you back in the city.  Until then, you are free to leave.  Head to Richard's camp and find out what you must.  Do not rest until this her- until this sorcery is purged."

Ril pushes himself up with a few words murmured to the the Monk, "I'd like to meet with your librarian, if I can."

Try and find the answer for the letter by asking the successors.

[4+1] You are brought to the head of the monastery's library and given access to search for the book you require, provided you stay away from the Restricted section - the librarian mentions that the secrets within are magic too dangerous for anyone but an ordained Liodnyan priest or Grand Reader to read.  [2] Pozna Eldanic Hramatyka does not appear to be among the books therein, so you ask the librarian for some help.  [2] The librarian mentions that the Great Fire of '26 burned several texts, most of which were preserved elsewhere and then rewritten.  He believes that Varahan had been meaning to rewrite his work for decades but had been distracted by his newest project regarding a particular type of sword hilt that would place Duluk occupation of a specific city about a decade earlier, potentially invalidating certain texts.

It all sounds incredibly dry to you, but you get the feeling this sort of thing excites the librarian.  [6] A copy of the text was made, the librarian recalls, for Charles IX's palace library - the court chaplain was a keen student of Varahan's work.  Getting to the capital of Arendalis and getting a copy of the text might require a certain amount of smooth talking, though.

[5+1] The old sea dog laughs at your words.  "I like the way you think, boy!  Tell you what, why don't the pair of us haul sail right now and head on over to Arborvent?  I hear the coast there's ripe for the picking, and I'll cut you in on half the loot.  If that works out for us, maybe I'll ferry your Prince's troops after all!"

"Then let us go. However, I daresay we shouldn't cause to much harm to the peasants and other inhabitants. They aren't our enemies."

Raid with the Haegar captain, but try not to kill the inhabitants whenever possible. Split loot 1:1 with Jorik.

[2+2 vs 4, 1+2 vs 6] You both set sail, passing a blockade of small boats set on the mouth of the Arendal; they let you past after a cursory check of your holds, being more interesting in stopping ships getting in than preventing them getting out.  The two ships both head south for Arborvent and immediately begin raiding the coast for as much as they can get.  Unfortunately, as weak as the local garrison is they have the support of locals and mobilise repeated efforts to repel your raiders upon landing.  Both you and Jorik are forced away on multiple locations and although a little loot is gained, you are somewhat dismayed when Jorik decides to just sail away with it himself.  Barring any attempt to stop him, it would appear that your little sortie had almost no effect in the end.

It is unlikely that you will be able to freely return to Stormstead after this, but one can always dock at Altaregia...
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1055 on: September 23, 2012, 05:02:30 pm »

Barran frowns.  "One more thing, Saer.  Last night, before you met with the king, I let them in again even though I swore I wouldn't.  They carried a bundle in with them, though - normally they just take things out.  It looked to be a cloak, some sort of rough southern wool.  I think there might have been bread inside."

"So there you have it," says Barran.  "We're at your mercy and your judgement.  If you tell the king or the court, I'm done for, but her brothers won't be able to blackmail anyone with the letter.  If not... I submit to your judgement instead, saer."
Talinth's face flashes in comprehension. The bread inside a cloak, the king's illness and a chance at catching the thieves with enough proof. It was about time to start acting, for better or worse. It was the best track he had so far, and he would not let it go to waste.

"For now, what we really need is to find those thieves and interrogate them. I'll decide about your situation later, there are more urgent matters." the knight says.

"The King fell ill to the Grey Death and those men are our prime suspects at the moment, since no other suspicious movement was seen inside the castle's premises." he continues, his eyes narrowing through the slit of the helmet.

"We still have a task at hand, but your problem shall be dealt with after justice is served. Trust me with this. If there is a way I can find to benefit both of you, I shall, and the capture of those criminals under just charges would already be beneficial to both of you, as long as we can also locate the letter in their possession."

Get Barran and Mary to help finding the thieves and interrogate them with their assistance.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 05:14:43 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1056 on: September 23, 2012, 05:35:32 pm »

Train charisma.
Bring haegar back to Osport and interrogate him on what is happening in the North.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1057 on: September 23, 2012, 06:11:09 pm »

Train charisma.
Bring haegar back to Osport and interrogate him on what is happening in the North.

[15563 = 20/100 points to Charisma.  Trained separately to your 'Haegar' trait, which is specific enough to be a unique racial bonus.]

The handover process is... strained.  [2] A woman comes with the Haegar, and he forces Lionel's guards to keep hold of her despite her screaming when the Steward hands him to you - in chains.  He seems particularly unwilling to cooperate at first, but you take him back to Osport without an escape attempt.

[2+1] Your Haegar heritage gets him to speak, but not much.  You learn that he was exiled from his clan during a succession struggle of some sort, but he refuses to give details.  He had planned to retire safely in Northwatch with a woman who had saved his life, but it is apparent to him that such peace is not forthcoming.  Beyond that, he is unwililng to talk much about the North.

[5+1] Mention of the Kraken gets his attention immediately, though.  He listens to your need for support from the North and thinks on them for a few moments.

"You would wake the Kraken?  Yes, I can help you.  I will need men, or silver, or both.  Give me that, and give me until the end of winter.  When the first thaw comes in spring, you will have your army.  So long as Renart keeps my love safe, you can be assured I will return."

The Haegar offers to recruit an army from the North, but he will need either a regiment or a ducat - and will not return until Spring.  His wife, who was not part of the deal, remains in Northwatch.

All boats attempting to go upriver are stopped at Altaregia. Prince Richard's orders are clear: no supplies are to reach Stormstead under any circumstances.

[Logistics] All armed forces in Altaregia move out, joining up with Renart's forces and making for Stormstead in the quickest time possible. Once there, a siege camp is to be installed, and the siege of the Capital will begin. Any information of this is to be kept secret for as long as possible.

[2+1 vs 3+1 - Opposed Espionage] It is hard to hide the uprooting of the army, and local turncoats and informants bring the news direct to Edgard's ears of the movement of troops from Altaregia toward Stormstead.  This gives him some time to make any manoeuvres he might wish to attempt to intercept, delay or otherwise interfere with the coming force.  [Separate logistics check to be made if the action is opposed in some way.]
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1058 on: September 23, 2012, 06:15:17 pm »

"I trust that on your honour, that you would do so...but you see, I myself would like to see the North. I and my men will come and I will learn what is happening in the North.."

Agree to his proposal, on the condition that I come along.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1059 on: September 23, 2012, 06:25:45 pm »

"I trust that on your honour, that you would do so...but you see, I myself would like to see the North. I and my men will come and I will learn what is happening in the North.."

Agree to his proposal, on the condition that I come along.

[3-1+1] The Haegar stiffens at this.  "You may come, and those of Haegar birth, but no Windheather will cross into our lands.  This is not a matter to concern the Adrans, save for the intervention you request.  It would be better for me to go without you, but if you must..."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1060 on: September 23, 2012, 06:54:14 pm »

[2+2 vs 4, 1+2 vs 6] You both set sail, passing a blockade of small boats set on the mouth of the Arendal; they let you past after a cursory check of your holds, being more interesting in stopping ships getting in than preventing them getting out.  The two ships both head south for Arborvent and immediately begin raiding the coast for as much as they can get.  Unfortunately, as weak as the local garrison is they have the support of locals and mobilise repeated efforts to repel your raiders upon landing.  Both you and Jorik are forced away on multiple locations and although a little loot is gained, you are somewhat dismayed when Jorik decides to just sail away with it himself.  Barring any attempt to stop him, it would appear that your little sortie had almost no effect in the end.

It is unlikely that you will be able to freely return to Stormstead after this, but one can always dock at Altaregia...

Disloyal bastard. Oh well, I can still support the prince.

Sail to the Prince, and attempt to get a meeting with him.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 06:58:39 pm by kytuzian »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1061 on: September 23, 2012, 07:08:04 pm »

"I must. And fear not; no Adranic serves here."

Single-player quest time.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1062 on: September 23, 2012, 07:16:27 pm »

Ril sighs, pushing a tome back into the wall, before turning and making to head out, brushing the dust from his gloves, onto his leather vest. His hands drifting to the pockets of his coat, the ornate riding gloves slipping into the leather.

He bowed to the monk, before pausing for a few long seconds, before speaking, asking then,

"Is there any monks willing to acompany me on this quest? Perhaps we could make a copy of the book and finish the Reader's work."

Head to the capital of Andrelis, and Charles IX's palace.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1063 on: September 23, 2012, 08:47:18 pm »

After finding Jitpau the Messiah, Karas had his Heart set on a few questions

"You are the Messiah, yes? I have a few questions to ask..."
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1064 on: September 23, 2012, 10:03:34 pm »

Jitpau examines the stole briefly, then nods and leaves.

"You are the Messiah, yes? I have a few questions to ask..."
"I am known by many names. I am he who fell and was saved, Jitpau Itavany. Messenger and direct servant of the Gods. Walk with me, my son, and speak your mind."

Jitpau motions down the street and begins walking.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 10:07:24 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!
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