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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131457 times)


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #945 on: September 14, 2012, 03:59:05 pm »

Harald was wearing his half rusted chainmail with the faded surcoat and his longsword was still at his side after a lengthy discussion with Richard's Guards.

The months in recluse spent on training had given him an even paler shade and if one stood behind him he could see a big sunburn down his neck.

Yes indeed my Prince. I have come here to find an end to this foolishness. We are facing a plague of catastrophic proportions and instead of dealing with it we sit each in our Military Camps and rattle with our swords. I came here to ask you to find common ground with Lord Edgard, to at least agree to delay this till we have dealt with the Grey Death.

You most of all should know that it is a matter of far more urgency then deciding whether Arborvent has infected the king or not. Your brother needs a cure as well as half of my people and by the Gods i don't care what that mad reader said there must be something else than burning some poor sod on a pyre.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #946 on: September 14, 2012, 06:38:33 pm »

Richard smiled - but there was sadness in his eyes.

"I am sorry, Lord Harald, but I simply cannot let Edgard on the throne - not now and not like this. The Grey Death is a relatively swift killer - there's a reason we call it the Grey Death and not the Grey Coma! If Albert had indeed been infected, he would either be dead or getting better right now. He would have been uncapable of ruling for a week - two at most - before either going back to the throne or dying. And now, as the days pass and Albert apparently still live, one must wonder... What is keeping him alive?

And that is not the only thing, Lord Harald - no one, absolutely no one knew about that will of his. Albert never showed any sign that he valued Edgard above his other advisers. And the wording... 'More experience in the ways of the state' indeed! Edgard has been treasurer - not Chancellor, not a kind of Grey Eminence, only a treasurer! - for six months!"

Richard shook his head angrily, then calmed himself.

"I must say, Harald, I was surprised when you chose to side with him. After he blatantly used your problems with that priest as a way to get a good reason to make you his vassal, I would have thought you'd have a lower opinion of him - especially now that he proved he wanted to do the deal only for the money and he has no intention of helping your situation! He is Regent - for now, at least - and if he had truly wanted to shield you from trouble with the monarchy, he could simply have announced that he thought your actions were justified and that you had done nothing wrong when you attacked the priest! Why side with a liar, when he does not even try to hide his lies?

[1] "A foreign noble, here to help us in the war against Arendalis? Yeah, right. Even if you were a foreign negotiator, no kingdom would offer us help without wanting something we're not willing to give; and even if there was such a kingdom, Donnerstein needs no help to fight its war. Bugger off."

Ril pushed himself up then, leaning forward towards the steward, carefully showing him the axe and sword at his hip without ever drawing attention to it, his tone was still calm, still polite, except he was just a little louder, a little more insistent.
"Your lands are fallow, grown over with weeds, your children grow up in military camps or not at all, your castle is plaster, wood, and uncut stone. Men are in rags instead of proper bandages. I want nothing from you, but to help rebuild and to help you put an end to this fighting, this war, once and for all."

((+1 charisma bonus~))

[2+1-1] "Nice words indeed, my lord, but I recognized your accent. You're from Windheath - and I know what's been happening over for the past few months. Albert is trying to secure an alliance with Charles and William! Your country has nothing to offer to use, and you probably intend to backstab us anyway. Go home, 'foreign noble'. I hear there's a civil war or something going over there. Help your own kingdom, instead of trying to get involved in the affairs of others."
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 06:43:41 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #947 on: September 14, 2012, 06:51:50 pm »

There's a moment of silence on Ril's part, before he turned and headed out the door, a single hand straying to the hilt of his blade.

"I'll speak with you later, then, steward. Fare-the-well."

Head home.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #948 on: September 14, 2012, 08:50:48 pm »

After riding past a camp of soldiers, and riding into Stormstead, something was not right. There was something in the air, a general unease. But the most... Troubling matter was the king. Sick with the Grey Death. This complicates things.

After making his way to the palace, and entering, Karas made his way to Aveline's office.

"By the spirits, what is going on?" he talked in a hushed tone to Aveline.

I missed her... Ask Her

"And also, who was your swordmaster?"

A throwing knife strikes the wooden doorpost inches from your face as you open the door.

"When I said no interruptions, I meant- oh, it's you."

Aveline looks like wrath incarnate, but she softens very slightly when she sees you.  She is out of armour and facing a large haunch of pork suspended from the ceiling.  It bears serious bruising where she has been punching it.  She cracks her knuckles and starts punching pork again.

"Bloody war's going on, that's what.  My king is two steps from death, sweating like a pig in the royal chamber from Grey Death, and that swine de Arborvent is sitting in his place as Regent.  Richard's convinced the Treasurer poisoned him and is raising a bloody army to unseat him, while the bloody Treasurer has raised one back to stop him.

"King's under triple guard, all men I picked by my own hand.  Hasn't spoken a word of sense since his fall, just mutters.  Nobody gets in except the doctors, not even that whore Ria.  For all I know, she's responsible."

Aveline smacks the pork so hard that it bangs against the wall before returning.

"So I've no time off, love, just time to train.  Also, what sort of a question is that?  Who was my sword trainer?  Aquila de Braganca, if you must know.  I think she's in Windheath, on retainer to the Stonetrees."

Aveline catches the pork holds it for a moment to steady it, then crosses to her desk and drinks some water from a mug, splashing the rest on her face.

"If you want to be useful, find out how the king got the Grey Death.  I can't spare a single man, every last Bravo is on security detail, so you're on your own - and I'm afraid I can't let you in to see the king either.  Even you're not that special, love.

"Well, maybe not on your own.  I think there was some hedge knight doing personal work for the king before he got sick - he's clean, I already had him tailed.  Saer Talinth, he has quarters over near Arondson's in the city.  If you need help, he seems to have a nose for investigation."

Aveline slams the mug back onto the desk.  She smirks.

"And with that, get out.  I need to change into my armour, and this isn't playtime so you can't watch me changing.  Door's there, we both have work to do."

He rode out to meet with the two lords who have failed to provide the forces for the Cold Drake Hunt that had costed Northwatch much life and men. Checking on their alliegance and if they will be marching alongside him in meeting with Richard.

That one infantry regiment guarding the trade route shall remain in Northwatch, guarding the traderoute and the general populace.

[1] You ride to meet the lords like hellfire incarnate, angered by the loss of so many men by their inaction.  The comtes actually take offense at your insinuation that they have failed their duty and swear to use their influence to ensure not a single lord will ride to your aid.  This particularly frustrating as you suspect that you could get [0.3*8 = 2.4d] at least two regiments of infantry from your lords if they all responded.  Of course, you could always just arrest the fools on an invented charge and present your argument to the rest of your vassals again.

Spoiler: Letter to Duc Stoneson (click to show/hide)
(+1 to charisma/NPC rolls, don't forget!)

[2] Stoneson's response comes on the back of four messengers.  You are informed by the messengers that five set out, so you suspect that one was intercepted.  Richard is aware of the contents of this message.

[2+1] The letter back is not exactly an acceptance, but Stoneson reasserts his loyalty to the king.  He agrees to come to the regency council if you can promise him a year's tax break for the province, at least one parcel in land from any of the surrounding provinces to Spiritusaer's estates (should they be found guilty of rebellion) and the passage of law to the effect that Spiritusaer's duchy remains elective in perpetuity, with new ducs elected by the barons upon the death of the old.  (This would greatly increase the power of the local lords in Spiritusaer.)

Check if I can raise levies.

The weak rule of the nobility in the Pact seriously limits your power to raise levies.  If all the nobles in the county raised their troops, it would amount to a single regiment of regular infantry and you might still have to pay some of their costs yourself.

Gather what remains of the Rangers Guard and send them out to do various things.
Send some to gather mercenaries and willing men from the taverns of Northwatch with the promise of pay at the end of the campaign and recognition from the Crown.
Send others to gather supplies, extra arrows, food, etc.
And send the rest to recruit willing men from villages along the way to the Bridge, have them speak of the need of men to fight for Prince Richard, and that the Troll Slayer Trent shall lead them to battle.
Head for the Drowned King Bridge and have all my men hang low just outside, use farm house or whatever, but do not engage enemies.

[2] No mercenaries are willing to lend their support to such an uncertain cause; even Haegar prove unwilling to involve themselves in the fight, particularly as you did not offer any up-front pay.

[5] The people are loyal, though, both to you and to the guard.  Word of your deeds have spread, of the sacrifices made by yourself and your men.  Peasants rally to your call where nobles will not, men whose lives and livelihoods, whose farms and families have been made safe by the service of the Ranger Guard.  You and your men are joined by trappers, by hunters, by simple peasants and even by a handful of trained warriors.  They leave wives and children behind, and though they are spurred on by the words and influence of their popular leader, the land suffers for their absence.  [+1 to commons unrest in Northwatch.  100% 'levy' raised.  0.3*8 = 2.4d.  Special recruitment option made possible by 'Hero' status.]

Your rangers take them and train them as best they can in the short time possible; trappers and hunters with shortbows and darts, throwing spears and woodcutting axes.  They have not the long training needed for the shortbow, but they are skilled at concealment and under the leadership of the old guard, they respond well to orders and new tactics.  Until the crisis ends, Trent Nathal gains the support of an Ambush Tactician regular infantry, comprised of peasants.  They are loyal to him directly.

[3 vs 2] Word reaches you that the Regent's levies are headed to Drowned King as well, so you force your men into a march.  You arrive a day before the Regent's men do and establish hiding places and bluffs in the surrounding copses and farmsteads, as well as shallow holes around the bridge where terrain permits.  Concealment auto-success.  Trent's Ambush Tacticians are hidden and unobserved by the Regent's levies when they arrive.  They remain hidden for the present.

Deploy 2 regiments of levies at each bridge to Stormstead.

The levies arrive in place at Drowned King (east), Harald's Bridge (west) and High Bridge (north), north of Stormstead.  They do not encounter difficulties along the way.

Head home.

Your journey home is relatively uneventful, returning to Stormstead via Eyewater Bridge (west of the plains).  Along the way you notice the many military preparations and return to Stormstead to find the Treasurer as Regent.  You are quickly brought up to speed on current events by a member of the palace staff, including your half-sister's death.  You are given some authority as a token member of Edgard's "regency council", but you will have to decide where your loyalties lie for further work.

An empty throne and a sleeping king,
A country fractured, hopes taken wing,
Brother fights brother, naught civil in war,
Neither gold nor glory are we fighting for...

Moments of solitude were almost non-existent, and the one Edgard had managed to acquire was being stolen by that bloody singing Fool.  He turned from his supper to find Fust standing in the doorway, abusing his freedom to walk about the castle.

"But enough of that, dear money-counter;
I daresay you are not in the mood.
I came to offer service, lord,
To do that which I could.

You know I served my king as Fool,
I serve him still as more.
You know I work to find things out,
Bring rumours to his door.

He 'pointed you his Regent,
He chose you for your worth,
I serve him now by serving you
With somewhat lesser mirth.

Tell me what you need to know,
Where your eyes are clouded.
I'll go, I'll search, I'll hunt it down,
Though I be near confounded.

I'll bring you truths, and lies of value,
Word from the rival camp,
And if I serve thee well and prove my worth,
I ask but a county and stamp.

Tell me where you need me, lord,
Tell me where to go.
I'll hunt the truth, I'll find the facts
Your enemies would know."

Fust offers his services as a spy to Edgard.
If possible, he also trained rumouring in summer and trains it again in Autumn,
while searching for rumours of ones more skilled than himself and how he might learn their ways.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #949 on: September 14, 2012, 09:09:37 pm »

Albert saw something in the creeping grey, between the horrible flames. What was that? A light? A face...Not Ria. Never her. Never her...It makes him angry,

He rises up suddenly, and grabs his doctors wrist in a still strong grip. Albert only says a little that can be made out, in a weak, cracking voice.

"Red Eyes. Long claws. He's on the prowl. Drive him into the sea. Worgrise. Worgrise."

Then his grip goes slack, and he falls back into the bed, senselessly muttering.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #950 on: September 14, 2012, 09:16:36 pm »

Ril's face fell, resting his hand in his palm as he stared at the ground, staggered by the news.
His sister dead, his lands in someone else's grip, his king sick and fallen and his Prince-...No, it was all too confusing. He needed solidarity, most of all.

Ril attempts to find the whereabouts of his sisters effects.
He also arranges a meeting with the new Regent.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #951 on: September 14, 2012, 09:40:36 pm »

An hour later...

After waiting outside the place Aveline told her, he saw Saer Talinth. Not that hard to find, considering his White Worg follows him everywhere.

"Greetings, Saer Talinth. Can we discuss a little business?"
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #952 on: September 15, 2012, 04:19:54 am »

The Grey Death, here? Right after I suggest we get rid of the prophet. And then a civil war? thought Anakyrto. Seems like the work of a madman. One who has been given too much importance. But the war must be dealt with first. If the prophet still lives after...

Head back to the docks, and attempt to find out what the majority of the people who own boats capable of travel (non-rowboats) think about the matter of the prince and the regent.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 04:23:22 am by kytuzian »


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #953 on: September 15, 2012, 05:13:09 am »

Stonetree's eyes narrowed at the words of Richard. His voice was low and measured

Do never question the loyality of House prince. I am well aware with whom i have sided and why. And i will stand loyal to him as long as the Duc is in the right. Besides, your assumption that the Grey Death takes one in days is not entirely correct. I have seen people life to see the autumn who were infected with it in the spring. And as far as i know the symptoms of your brother match those of the Grey Death.

And whats your point my prince? You are still the next in line, if your brother dies Edgard has to give up his post as Regent and you will take over. Why should Edgard poison your brother? To gather a few weeks, maybe two months of Regency? He would have nothing to gain. Richard, i beg you, your brother is still alive but running out of time. While we sit and siege each other, the sands are running low. When we found a cure we can still figure out if Edgard poisoned your brother, and by Kapan's* balls i promise as a Stonetree, in that case i will stand with you.

*Kapan, an upright standing humanoid figure in a hooded cloak, with an elongated Crow's beak strutting out from the darkness of it's hood, is a demon often associated as a Harbringer of Ill Tidings or Illness.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #954 on: September 15, 2012, 06:06:08 am »

The 'regent' had quickly seen to it that Osir had been allowed a meeting. Osir had barely written the letter in fact, when he was escorted to the regent and allowed to speak.

Osir looked at the regent with a somewhat solemn face and nodded to him.

"de Arborvent...well, it seems that you've been pictured as a snake by most of the kingdom, and well I'd hardly find it difficult not to believe it myself, but circumstances are circumstances after all and I find myself here with you rather than the prince."

Osir paused before speaking again, in what seemed a more business-like tone.

"Let's see what we've got; an army, capitol, and the support of a few nobles; good. The prince though has a much larger army and wider support; very bad. If any direct fighting were to take place now, we would easily lose. But you of course, know that. Which is why I suggest we get some... assistance."

Osir removed a  scroll of paper from his a pocket within his clothing, and unraveled it. Once unraveled, it could be seen that it seemed to be a map of the Haegar tribes just north of Windheath, as well as what seemed to be old raiding routes.

"The Haegar have traditionally raided the kingdom's shores, plundering, looting and the such. Of course, due to some problem we currently have little knowledge about, most raiders have stopped their raids and gone and done something else. Should they be persuaded to raid again however by a certain comte, the prince would find himself pressed against the fury of the Haegari archer-fleets and your own men. Course, you'd probably find yourself reviled throughout the rest of history for allying with the 'eternal enemy', but then again, they said that about quite a few kings, even old Brant The Good and Adrian The Poor and look at them now; known throughout history as great leaders. Course, it's your decision, regent."
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #955 on: September 15, 2012, 08:12:15 am »

Don't raise levies then, instead march with the remaining army to Stormstead.
Occupy the barracks of the royal army.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #956 on: September 15, 2012, 08:14:05 am »

Trent shook his head as him and few others, most Rangers though some where the distinguished among those who had answered his call, crouched low peaking out at the forces garrisoned on the bridge to Stormstead. Signalling them to walk back towards the end of the farmhouse, closing the door quietly behind him he whispered to the men,

"I will not risk going up against them right now, pull the men back, and make haste for the Red Spear."

"Once there forge a camp, and begin spreading a net, form scout positions and rotate them to ensure that Edgard does not march, seize all supplies heading for Stormstead meant for the King or nobles for our cause, and finally send a few men to nearby villagers to gather what support you can."

"Now let us go with haste, and prepare for the beginning of a war."

With that Trent and the others began gathering supplies, and sneaking about to deliver the order to fall back to the Red Spear, there would be no battle today they were told, but soon enough they would see one, this Trent knew well.

Move my forces to The Red Spear, and forge a camp in its foothills.
Sent out scouts to the nearby roads and bridges and keep a rotation going in search of caravans/supplies heading for the Regent and his allied nobles.
If those are found seize them for the cause, but leave the peasant goods.
Gather what support I can from farms or small villages near The Red Spear
Send men disguised to spread rumors of a great army for Prince Richard being forged in the Ironwood.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #957 on: September 15, 2012, 09:23:53 am »

Richard frowned and took a map of the kingdom that was next to the table where he had been. Nothing had been written on it. He took a a feather and some ink, and he marked some 'X's on the map.

"There is a fine line between loyalty and stupidity, Harald, and right now I want you to use your intelligence - I know you are a smart man. Look at this. The Grey Death has appeared in your lands and in Dechire in majority. There were some recorded cases in Theor's lands, and a few more in the North. None, however, reached Stormstead.

We know the plague strikes mostly peasants - hell, not peasants, but field hands - slaves, serfs, and poor farmers. Because of this, there are practically no cases in any of the cities. We also know that Stormstead had been protected from the plague so far, probably due to the fact that most farmers do not trade there, but instead visit either Altaregia, Dechire, or Spirituaser.

Albert was infected by the disease soon after the feast. He is the only noble in the entire kingdom to have been infected, as far as I know. He is also one of the only men in the largest city of the North to have been infected by this disease. Tell me, Lord Harald, what are the odds of that happening? What did the King do during the feast that no one else in the entire city was doing? And how did it infect him?

My brother isn't a farmer or a gardener! Hell, I spend more time outside the cities than he does! So what does that leave us with? He was either infected by some absurdly bad luck, or by someone actively trying to make him catch the disease... And we both know what's the most likely possibility of these two."


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #958 on: September 15, 2012, 09:35:32 am »

Harald stepped forward and stabbed with his finger into the yet not dried X above the Pact. Then he drew a line with the ink that stained it towards Stormstead.

You are right my Prince. These are the two possibilities. But you are hinting with that at the entirely wrong person. Who is the only person that brought people from the infected region of the Pact to Stormstead? As far as i know  music stops or slows the illness. And who brought a whole mob of dancing people to our Capital? Jitpau.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #959 on: September 15, 2012, 09:52:01 am »

This is a very bad situation. This could very well descend into civil war... Hmm. You don't think there is anything I could do?
I honestly thought this was going to be about veterinarians.
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