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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131732 times)


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #915 on: September 11, 2012, 05:20:26 pm »

"It seems King Charles is looking our way, accompanied by Duc de Arbovent, no doubt. Speaking about the two, how do you view Duc Edgard's latest "exploits", to put it politely, in Arendalis?"
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 05:27:22 pm by Azthor »


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #916 on: September 11, 2012, 09:38:21 pm »

Buy a pair of waterproof sacks, and set out, looking for a location near this cove to get into the water. If it is inside the Guards' zone, wait until midnight.

[2] The coast near the cove is steep and jagged, full of sheer cliffs rather than shale or sand.  You are forced to venture closer to the cove, [3] and find a narrow beach of grey sand just inside the cove proper.  You could probably enter the water from here.  You conceal yourself behind some rocks and take a look at the ship itself; a single-masted cog, built in an unfamiliar design.  It looks more like a fishing boat than a sailing ship, but you suppose it must be seaworthy.  You can see [3] about half a dozen guards on the prow of the ship, armed with [3] clubs and knives, but they look like sailors rather than soldiers.  They are unarmoured.  [5] The gangplank to the ship is down, it is moored by rope to a pair of posts driven deep into the sand, and you can see the rope where the anchor has been dropped on the far side.  [5] The cog looks cramped, and there appear to be a number of large crates on the deck.  To your great surprise, you hear the muffled whinny of a horse, probably below-decks.  [1] It is a clear moonlit midnight, and there are plenty of torches on deck.

How will you proceed?

get onto the beach, and swim around to the back, where Ban Yi Soong is sure to stay. open a window from there, and enter to kill him

You stick your crossbow and bolts in the oilskin sack and slip into the water, [1+1] but get buffeted back onto the bank with an unexpectedly strong wave.  Your splashing as you grab hold of one of the rocks is heard, [5+1] so you dive straight under the water and hold your breath.  You emerge right next to the hull of the ship, and in the distance you can see a torch where a lone crewman is taking a look at the bit of beach where you were just hiding.  [6+1] You ram a couple of pitons into the hull and scale your way up the side, looking for the captain's quarters.  When you find a thick pair of wooden window boards you pull them open [1] to find rows of hammocks and a dozen sailors, some of whom are playing a card game.  One of them turn to see the opening window, [5+1] so you slide back down the hull and grip onto the pitons for dear life.  Years of training pay out as the sailor sticks his head out of the gap and looks around for a good thirty seconds, but you keep your grip.

"Could've sworn I latched that properly," he murmurs, then shuts the window boards again.

[4] Your arms aching from the effort of holding you up, you clamber around the hull of the ship until you come to a relatively concealed part of the deck and drop down behind some crates.  You massage your forearms for a moment and remove your crossbow from the sack, securing it on your back.  [1] You lie in wait for a few minutes, hoping to get some clue from the conversation of the sailors on deck as to Ban Yi Soong's location, but the only two guards talking are complaining about women.  Just as you are about to give up, one of them walks over to where you are hiding to check some stock.  [2+1] Seeing no other hiding place, you try one of the crates and by sheer luck it is unsealed.  You slip inside it just as the sailor comes around.  [3] The sailor spends a small eternity checking nearby crates.  When you peer through a crack in the wood you can actually see him leaning against the side, smoking a pipe.

[6] There is a loud crack as your rapier goes through the wood, spearing the sailor through the chest.  Loud enough that his comrades start calling after him about the fuss.  [1] "H-help me..." he croaks before he falls backward off the ship and lands with a loud splash.  [3+1] You shove the lid of the crate open and hurl yourself across behind some other luggage as the sailors come searching.  By the time they shout an alarm you are already pulling open the trapdoor to belowdecks and shimmying down the ladder.

[2] You are a capable athlete, but stealth is not in itself your forte.  A sailor responding to the alarm comes around the corner just as you reach the bottom of the ladder.  [3+1] You ram him into the wall with your hand around his mouth and stab him upward through the ribcage with a dagger.  He tries to scream, but you muffle it.  [4] You spot an unoccupied hammock nearby, so you shove him in and douse the oil lamp nearby to make the body less obvious.

[6] You actually have no idea where you are going, so you pick a random direction in the cramped corridors and follow it, sticking to places where the oil lamps have not yet been lit.  All around you, you hear shouts of alarm and men waking up and searching, made worse by the lack of light.  You conceal yourself behind a rack of miscellaneous objects in what looks like a store-room in the darkness and listen to the shouting.  Amidst the cacophony one phrase sticks in your ear; "Head to the aft, tell him!  Soong is not going to be happy about this!"

You unhook your crossbow and prepare to leave just as [5] someone steps into the doorway and reaches to turn on the oil lamp - which is also when you realise where you are.  The miscellaneous objects on the rack in front of you are weapons - and you just picked the armoury as your hiding spot.  [4+1] There is a sharp click-clack as you load and discharge the crossbow, followed by a strangled cry and a heavy thump as the bolt makes contact.  You break the oil lamp with the butte of the bow and steal back out into the corridors, heading aftwards.

[3] After a few near-encounters with sailors you make your way aft until you reach a barred iron door with a large keyhole and lock, behind which you can see a rich bed, a fine walnut desk and a wide-bottomed wine cabinet designed for use on ships.  You are mildly impressed by the paranoia of a man who would switch out the captain's quarters for the windowless brig because he expected assassination.  The room is extremely well lit, with few hiding places.

[2] Soong is nowhere to be seen.  [2] You try the door and find it locked as expected, [3-1] and you are no locksmith either.  [4] You hear approaching voices and duck into a nearby store-room full of bolts of cloth.  One voice stands out in particular, screeching in a harsh Selenid falsetto.

"What the fuck, shitlord?  What do you mean you can't find him, you arse-wiping piss-biscuit?  Why the horse-fucking donkey balls aren't you back up there searching with the rest?  No, don't fuck off you seed-brained fuckwit, I need you in case he comes here!  Why are you all so fucking incompetent, you shit-faced arse-bandits?"

You suspect this may be your man.

[1] Your vantage point from the store room is terrible.  You don't realise how terrible until a wiry Selenid with an expensive silk robe and a bad moustache walks past the door and looks right at you.  It strikes you that the light illuminating him must be shining right onto you.  He screams like a little girl and starts running down the corridor, giving you little choice but to follow.

[2] There is only one guard waiting for you when you emerge from the storeroom, but he is big and unlike the sailors actually looks like a real mercenary, complete with leather armour and mace.  [3+1 vs 5] He clotheslines you with the mace as you run out of the room, winding you and knocking you to the ground.  [3+1 vs 1] You smack him hard in the nuts with the head of the crossbow, [6+1 vs 1] then discharge it.  The bolt lodges somewhere in his throat, after travelling through most of his torso in the process.

[6+1 vs 2] Ban Yi Soong runs as fast as his short legs can carry him, which turns out to not be very fast.  You reload your crossbow as you run, turn a corner and fire, [2+2 vs 5], but the Selenid veers to the side and the bolt flies past him.  He heads for the main mess room and you give chase, [2] running into a trio of sailors with weapons and a lamp.  [3+2 vs 1] A crossbow bolt takes out the first as they see you and you draw your rapier, [4+2 vs 5] running through the second.  You try and punch the third, [2+2 vs 5] but he slashes you across the belly with a long knife, forcing you to leap back.  [3+2 vs 4] You withdraw your rapier and piston it right back into the knife-fighter, who squeals and falls away.  Blood is now streaming from your side, but you keep up the chase.

Ban Yi Soong runs into the mess room, [5] which is of course deserted because of the shipwide search.  You cock the crossbow, aim as the Selenid tries to flee for the safety of another corridor, [6+2 vs 2] then shoot him through the back of the skull.

You quickly rifle through the dead man's belongings, [4] finding a money pouch with 5 crowns in solid gold coinage along with a thick iron key.  You take both, [6] and make it back to the brig without being harassed.  When you arrive, you see why, [4] as a pair of sailors are waiting for you with swords from the armoury.  [4+2 vs 2, 6+2 vs 6] They actually seem surprisingly competent for their position in life, with one of them feinting as the other tries to go for your side, but after your last duel with an expert your standards have risen somewhat.  You impale the feinter instantly, piston your arm back, then run the other through as well.  They both fall screaming, so you silence them with a second stab each.

The key unlocks the brig door as expected, [3] but beyond a rather fine bottle of brandy (which you take a swig of) the only object of real importance in Soong's desk is a thick manuscript.  You flip through the pages to confirm your prize and find that the ledger consists of long tables with dates, times, names and quantities and prices of such exotic items as 'bricks', 'iron', 'timber' and 'stone'.  [6] Something strikes you as very off about the quantities and prices, but before you can think about it further you hear men approaching and shove the ledger in one of the oilskin sacks.

[1] You rush straight for the door and are confronted by four more armed sailors, [3+2 vs 1] who you greet in the traditional fashion of a bolt to the face.  [6+2 vs 6, 3+2 vs 6, 6+2 vs 3] The remaining three encircle you as you try and fight them off.  You impale two of them off the bat, but a third rams a trident through your ribs.  Cold floods your body and you stagger away from him.  He gives chase, [4 vs 1] but even in your weakened state you are a better runner.  You stagger up to the deck, throwing crates and objects behind you to delay your pursuer, then hurl yourself into the water and swim for your life.  [4 vs 6] In the escape you feel a sharp pain as something hooks into your leg; a harpoon.  You grow faint and soon darkness consumes you.

[2,1] You awake at high noon, on a grey shale beach.  There is a broken harpoon head lodged in your leg and the wound screams from salt water.  Your oil sacks have vanished, along with the pouch of coin you retrieved from Soong, but at least the damn merchant is dead.  You lie there for a few minutes, summoning up the strength to remove the harpoon, [6] which you do a little too easily.  Blood starts streaming freely from the leg wound, [2] and binding it with cloth does little to really stem the bleeding.  [6] You force yourself to crawl from the beach and struggle for half an hour before seeing a campfire and bivouack nearby.  You reach it, exhausted, and slump down by the fire.  A familiar face emerges from the bivouack.

"Well, now.  Look who just washed up at my doorstep..."

When you regain consciousness the wound has been properly bandaged and dressed and you have been given a crutch, but you do wake up in the middle of a clearing.  This time you still have your sword and armour, but are missing [5] half of your stash of jewellery from Ulfric's hoard.  Payment for saving your life, you suppose.

You hike back to Northwatch on your crutch to find that it has been three days since you set out; you were unconscious for some time.  A man in unremarkable brown peasant's robes stops you on the road as you enter and presses a pouch into your hands, then walks off without a word.  Inside the pouch are 10 crowns in gold coins and a note.


If you have the ledger, place it under the hollowed stump behind the inn at Northwatch tonight and your money will be there in the morning.  When you are ready for your next job, ask the barman at the Iron Hound for 'Mr Wainwright's box'.  Be sure to pay him a drake for his troubles.

You have successfully slain Ban Yi Soong!
You have retained 5 crowns from Ulfric's hoard and been paid 10 crowns for killing Soong.
Alas, Soong's ledger and money is lost to the sea.

Meanwhile, in de Arborvent castle...

Grunhilde glanced at the paper in her hands, marked with a blue seal.  She memorised the words, then burned it in a fire, making sure to scatter the ashes thoroughly.

Tomorrow, she would stop leaving seeds in the high tower.  The fog, she supposed, would clear with Liodyna's will.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 09:41:28 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #917 on: September 11, 2012, 10:25:19 pm »

Return to Stormstead, and catch up on rumours. Also go to the palace to see if anything is new, and talk to Aveline
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 11:26:30 pm by Kestrel_6 »
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #918 on: September 12, 2012, 12:52:54 am »

Osir entered the room (throne room?), and once more waited far from the throne, seated at a table, waiting for the ceremony to begin yet again. Osir was not in a good mood.

Just as I wanted to meet the king, he gets sick with the Grey Death. Gods, it's as if fate is out to get me...

It hadn't even been a year since the a new ruler took the throne; a season and a little more. Still, there was a chance for the king to recover, as small as a chance it was. But for now, that did not matter. All that mattered right now is what the other lords of the realm would do, and how this regent would act.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #919 on: September 12, 2012, 02:08:28 am »

Renart grimaced as he drove the spear into the ground once more; the return trip has not been kindly to him despite his personal health. The images of the dead, dying and alive passed through his thoughts as he ordered the men to form a closed formation. He examined the survivors, amounting to only a quarter of what he had brought.

The Rangers, the veteran guard of Northwatch were all but abolished. Only a handful of tried, tested, and true followers remained in his hands, and it was because of his incompetence that they had fallen to the beasts. Their faces stern and unyielding despite their losses, but he could feel the general dissent in the rest.

And for what? An estimated amount of nearly two ducats in payment, appraised by one of the soldiers...It was not worth it. No price was worth the good men lost. It was like the reign of the Iron Queen once more, where lives were given and thrown away like pawns in a chess game.

The vision collapsed as he heard the voice of his steward speak -- he was in his personal study once more, the thoughts had been but a vivid memory of the past. The Steward spoke of how exactly the drake parts were sold for money, of how the peasantry rejoiced, of how the lords expressed their concern (and luckily, apathy) to the loss of their vassals.

And of Trent Nathal's successful return.

The news shook Renart awake like getting hit in the head by a club, Trent has returned, alive and well! He quickly stood up and barraged his steward for more.

Receiving his answers, he pushed aside the notion of visiting those two lord who had a dispute earlier (generally because he forgot their names) and sent off a messenger on Trent's tracks, wherever he went.

Spoiler: To Trent Nathal (click to show/hide)

The letter was made in haste, but the Marquis made sure that the letter was untraceable save but for the knowledge of the messenger to deliver it.

There was also news, that one of his companions was still in Northwatch. The very spy he sent to Adder's keep and beyond! Renart goes in search of Tiakath, hopefully seeking her out in the inns and other places within the common fare as well as whether any type of armor can be fashioned from the loot of the Drakes.

Or if any sort of weaponry can be made from them other than the payment of 180 crowns for their sale.


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #920 on: September 12, 2012, 12:02:34 pm »

Silent inside his bedroom, Talinth analyzed the situation. The blacksmith knight knew the King would not yield to illness; even if he was weak at the moment, his liege was a strong man, and escaping from the clutches of death was something Talinth expected of the man who commanded the kingdom. The young knight also didn't have complaints about the appointed regent; even if he heard little about Edgard de Arborvent, a man who the King trusted was assumed to be trustworthy as well.

But the problem persisted. There was a need for the questioning of Barret about the matters he had witnessed, and although the King had put a regent in his place, Talinth wasn't sure about how the balance of power worked or if if the duc de Arborvent was interested in his investigation. The next steps to be taken would be simple for someone of higher position, but Talinth was naught but a young knight, still unproven under the eyes of the King.

Taking direct action and stalking a high-ranked Bravo was not in his priorities, a risk and foolish move, for the man was far more experienced than him and counted with the support of many.

Even then, the knight knew what he should do. If the king was weakened and unable to carry on, Talinth would try and tie all loose ends on his own with the means available to him. Of course, the ordeal could be more complicated for someone like him, but he would not shy away from challenges. Idleness would not settle upon him.

Keep investigating in order to finally present a conclusive, complete report to the King, trying to tie the loose ends normally only the King would be able to and backing up the report with more substantial proof. Attempt to investigate like a shadow, with Sahainn following some distance away and hiding whenever possible.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #921 on: September 12, 2012, 07:41:50 pm »

As Trent finished praying, and began to make his way back to the castle he was stopped by a messenger, the man stopped him and spoke the letter and as he listened his face turned red, and an anger, the likes of which he had not felt since childhood, swelled up within him. Quickly dismissing the messenger he quickly drove the horse into a gallop, and began weaving his way towards Northwatch.

His mind was filled with thoughts the foremost of which was a constant one blaming himself for what had transpired, if he had been there instead of on his quest caused by the lack of an ability to hold his tongue, then perhaps those men would still be alive. Yet another thought was a far darker one ... but he would not go so far as to admit it to himself.


As he reached Northwatch his horse thundered through the front gates, waving off the confused look of the guards stationed there, and pressed even further on. Reaching the Keep he quickly pulled the horse to a stop and jumped to the ground beside it before flashing a seal to an approaching guard, cutting him off just as he was about to speak.

Storming past the guards he made his way to the main hall, the two guards stationed at the doors looked happy to see him, but he paid them no heed as he rushed up to the doors and threw them open. A ripple of pain tore through his sign, but he ignored it and pressed on as he spoke,

"Uncle, you damned fool! Do you realize the years of work you've set back with your actions, the number of dead you've placed on the families of Northwatch with your attempt to wipe out those drakes!? You should know full damn well that three regiments is not enough to take them on, you could have waited for my return, or called for aid from the Capital!"

"Do you realize how hard I am trying to keep a failing order together? And now you go and wipe them out leaving only a handful of an order that's stood since the founding of this nation left to stand guard, Uncle! You are a blasted fool!"

Trent paused and stared at Renart, his anger clearly apparent from the way he clenched his fist and his body trembled, though that full well could be from pain not anger.


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #922 on: September 12, 2012, 07:46:16 pm »

Autumn 937: Gathering Clouds

The King is ill. The Kingdom is falling into chaos. His mother is too old to rule in his stead, making his brother the obvious choice as Regent. However, Albert made it clear in his will that if something like this happened, Edgard of Arborvent, the richest man of the kingdom, would have the charge of dealing with matters of the state. The nobles were summoned in late summer to gather in Stormstead in order to recognize the Duc as their temporary liege, and for some time it looked like the kingdom might hold together without any civil war, despite its current hardships.

[1] That was before Richard made it clear that he did not fully appreciate his brother's wisdom in making a mere duc, and a southerner at that, responsible for dealing with the kingdom's affairs.

[1] In secret, the Crown Prince and Heir Apparent to the Throne gathered the Royal Army and his own personal retinue, [1] winning the loyalty of the troops under his de jure and de facto command with ease. [2-1] Proving his expertise at logistics and discipline, he moved with absolutely incredible speed, assembling his army in Altaregia in only five days. Said army was seven regiments strong, and included both the Royal guard and Windheath's main armed force. [5] He then made no move at all - perhaps because he was not certain of his strength (although that was doubtful - he had seven times the forces in garrison at Stormstead and the means to get there before anyone else), or more likely because a part of him did not want to stage a coup for as long as he did not know for sure what had happened.

Messages [No roll to see if they can get through, since the secrecy roll was a critfail] were then sent throughout Windheath, calling all lords and their forces to arms, appealing to all those "loyal to the Crown, the Kingdom, and the Conrichts". [4][3][2][6] No forces were sent from the south, where Edgard's influence was deep and well respected; however, from the west came about half the levies of that land from the minor nobles, and two thirds of the minor northerners joined the Prince in Altaregia. In the East, where Richard's domain stood, the barons assured the Capital that they were sending no support to Richard, and officially it was true... But a large number of 'freedom fighters' turned up in Altaregia, ready to fight for the Heir Apparent if there was need.

In the end, a total of eight regiments turned up from minor nobles in the city of the prince, while roughly six chose to side with Edgard. Although no military action had been taken yet, it seemed the favor was strongly on the Crown Prince's side; with nearly double the number of troops under his command, half of which were better trained and equipped than the levies which joined Edgard's cause, any open field battle between the two parties was apparently certain to result in a victory on the Prince's part.

That might change, of course; although all major nobles had received a message from Stormstead and from Altaregia, none had chosen where they should stand... Yet. [2] Meanwhile, the Prince remained silent on his intents, [6] though rumors got out of Altaregia that he was suspecting a plot to take the throne from Albert, and that he was worried his brother had been poisoned by Edgard - which was not completely crazy, since simply letting infected servants be in contact with the king or serving him contaminated water could have caused him to be afflicted by the Grey Death.

The King becomes ill, and his will names Edgard the regent.
Richard believes this is a plot on Edgard's part to take the throne. He manages to gather the royal guard and the royal army under his command, and a majority of the minor nobles of the kingdom side with him. The current balance of forces is nine regiments against fourteen, in Richard's favor; Richard's regiments are also stronger overall than Edgard's force, which is composed mostly of levies.
Messages are sent to all major nobles, either asking them to come to Stormstead to swear allegiance to their temporary liege, or to gather their forces and ride to Stormstead to join Richard's side.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 06:49:21 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #923 on: September 12, 2012, 09:37:13 pm »

After riding past a camp of soldiers, and riding into Stormstead, something was not right. There was something in the air, a general unease. But the most... Troubling matter was the king. Sick with the Grey Death. This complicates things.

After making his way to the palace, and entering, Karas made his way to Aveline's office.

"By the spirits, what is going on?" he talked in a hushed tone to Aveline.

I missed her... Ask Her

"And also, who was your swordmaster?"
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #924 on: September 13, 2012, 06:13:19 am »

Harald was losing another Duel against his trainer. Again and again she had cut him with her sword and like so often he was bleeding from a dozen small cuts. When the messenger arrived and told him of King Alberts illness and moreso Richards amassing of troops he was of a mind to throw the messenger out of the window. Until he realized that it had availed him nothing back then.

So the little brother feels threatened. Interesting. Thank you Lady Aquila it's enough for today.

Harald washed himself treated his cuts and then returned to his Throne Room. The new Captain of the Guard was more trustworthy than the last, after all he was a Haegar. And it had taken Harald quite some time to find enough Haegar in the whole Country of Windheath to refill his Personal Guard. THen something else struck him. There was still the matter witht he mob of people and guards that betrayed him...something he had let go unpunished till now. He couldn't simply kill them no...not with the protection of the religious prophet. But they had betrayed his vassalage. And if a Noble ran out of options he could always depose of uppity peasants one way....

About Prince Richard he would do something completely else. He alone may have not the power to stop the Prince's army but he could in casse of an attack on Stormstead hold him off for long enough to allow the gathered Nobles an escape...this was of course purely hypothetical as the Prince hasn't made a move towards Stormstead. Still, by barring the Crownwater Bridge the Prince would have to move through Dechire and Spiritusaer and the Northern half of Stormstead to reach the Capital...

1.Outlaw the Guards who followed the prophet. Seize all their property. Land is to be distributed among my Minor Nobles. The rest belongs to me. The Families of them are of course to be outlawed too and to be thrown out.

2. Pay for another Season of Lady Aquilas training. (0.5 Ducats)

3. Gather my two Heavy Stonetree Guards (Heavy I, Berserker) and my Personal Guard (Cavalry) and position them at the East Bride (which i name Crownwater Bridge if nobody objects) on the Southern Plains. If Richard tries to attack Stormstead as long as the Nobles attend the Gathering they are to hold them off long enough to allow the Nobles to flee.

4. My vassals are to raise their levies and to join me at the Crownwater Bridge.



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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #925 on: September 13, 2012, 06:56:50 am »

Tiakath was sitting on a chair in a tavern, eating some stew while listening to the ministrel, when she noticed Renart. She walked up to him and said:
"How goes it sir? I believe I have something for you."
I honestly thought this was going to be about veterinarians.
Ermey: 26/4/13


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #926 on: September 13, 2012, 02:41:15 pm »

End the training of the PG regiment Archer I


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #927 on: September 13, 2012, 03:27:43 pm »

((Oh the fun of being in two places at once. I'm glad time doesn't have a distinction! I'll be traumatized and angry in one, and benevolent in the other.

Joy!  :D))

In Renart's search for Tiakath...

The Old Worg, The Weathered Boar...none of these places had the description of the woman-spy Renart was searching for. The bards and town criers had seen nothing of the sort amongst the people who lived in the area, but he was sure that the spy was near.

Finished with chatting the next minstrel for more information --Trent's victory was the song and dance of the day was the only relevant piece taken, the Marquis heard a familiar tone from nearby. Tiakath was standing right next to him with what seemed to be a smile on her face.

His personal sword was on her person, now bearing the marks of battle and wear.

He nodded to the barkeep, who ushered the two into the backroom of the bar. "I hear, you and my commander fared well in the hunt, spy? My sword is a good as ever!" he exclaimed as he sheathed the weapon, listening in to her report of Adderkeep ((This is part of your win on the trolls, by the way  :P)) and generally finishing a mug of apple wine while doing so.

Amazed and amused at the determination of the lady, it was time to finish his part of the agreement."Tiakath Aldor, daughter of the realm and acclaimed spy under his Majesty's name. You have earned my trust both as a noble and a servant to the King.

" would be my displeasure to inform you, that King Albert has been stricken by a plague that has been ravaging the south for quite some time. Take it from the words of bards, rumors say that our Marshall -- Prince Richard, Albert's own brother, is planning something against Edgard, that's the man who is currently sitting in Albert's rightful throne."
Renart said, grimacing at the image.

He related what he knew of current events to the spy.

"In short, Tiakath, I believe that you cannot return to Stormstead unless you want to make friends with an usurper of our realm. I am not one to believe that the man did poison Albert, but his sudden...ailement strikes me as strange.

"But enough of me, you are not my vassal, nor do I control you any longer. Your will is your own and Northwatch opens it's arms to you."
Renart smiled once more. "You've done well in keeping Trent alive, I hear. I'm returning to the keep later on if you have no more to tell me, matters have to be settled between he and I as well as my other vassals."

Renart drummed his fingers on the table, waiting on what Tiakath would say in response.

And a set amount of time afterwards, in the Northwatch Keep with Trent Nathal, commander of the Rangers and general defence of the land...

The trees were colored in varying shades of yellow and orange: leaves were fading, the day was young, and a chilly breeze was sweeping through the land. The Marquis of Northwatch could see peasants harvesting the grown sprouts in preparation for winter as well as dozens of guards reporting for their duties of the day. There were many people armed and armored -- people belonging to the lords of the land who didn't fight off the drakes.

Renart had his back turned to the keep doors, basking in the radiance of the sun while contemplating on whether he did the right thing or not.

The numbers of guards and people coming and going were increasing steadily, somewhat. It was just as if-

"Uncle, you damned fool! Do you realize the years of work you've set back with your actions, the number of dead you've placed on the families of Northwatch with your attempt to wipe out those drakes!? You should know full damn well that three regiments is not enough to take them on, you could have waited for my return, or called for aid from the Capital!"

"Do you realize how hard I am trying to keep a failing order together? And now you go and wipe them out leaving only a handful of an order that's stood since the founding of this nation left to stand guard, Uncle! You are a blasted fool!"

-...a hero had passed unnoticed.

Renart lowered his head, not of any guilt -- he reconciled himself of such days ago -- but of how to reason with the younger man in his fury.

"I cannot speak for the dead, nor can I speak in their defense. The Rangers of Northwatch will be rebuilt soon enough, that I can promise. I was not a fool to bring all men who were capable and knowledgeable in the ancient ways that we've had to the battle, only those who volunteered to march with me. The dead will always be present in our lives..." He turned to face Trent, "And suffice to say, we faced much hardship during the battle. Three regiments is not what Northwatch holds, my fellow lords have only given a token amount; withholding their forces due to a dispute on marriage of their offspring.

"Nonetheless, you may notice that I share the same pain your men have,"
Renart tapped his broken leg, the memories of his failure clouding his vision. "my messengers and couriers have returned empty-handed. Not one word from the Kingdom has been said in my aid, and I was forced to make due with the threat as early as possible to prevent any unforeseen circumstances from brewing."

He looked at Trent in the eye, eager for his response, signalling the guards of the doors to leave the two alone in the hall.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 11:22:23 pm by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #928 on: September 13, 2012, 03:59:38 pm »

Trent began to speak, but stopped himself short, now wasn't the time to be arguing with his Uncle, and the Ranger's could recover in time, but as he looked out the window at the trees, and their leaves which his mother loved so much when she was alive a memory came to him. It was of a time when he was a child, when he and his mother had sat beneath those trees and she had sat him in his lap, he remembered how happy she looked back then, though little else came to him of those times.


She had smiled down at him and waved her hand in the direction of the trees, the walls, and all of Northwatch as she spoke,

"Someday my Son you will find something you want to fight for, with that brave talk of yours wanting to change the world, and you may find your position as a peasant to low a position to complete what lies before you, then what shall you do if you can not achieve it because of such a lowly position."

Trent had looked up her with a grin and replied,

"Then I'll just become a noble! If I can't change the world as a peasant then I'll become the first low-born Noble and change the world so I can fight for what it is I desire, I will change it if I must."

As he finished she had smiled, a look of sadness in her eyes, and looked up at the man coming towards them from across the courtyard, Trent could hear his mother crying behind him and he didn't know why.

All after that was a bitch black slate of memory few could manage to remember of such a young childhood. The man, whose face he could not see, had been his real Father, but he did not know who that man was, he felt a tear roll down his cheek at the memory of that event and he walked closer to a window overlooking the trees outside.

"Uncle I want to change this world, so that men do not die from the whims of a noble that feels he was insulted, so that these monsters do not plague the people I hold so dear and wish to protect. Yet, I am a simple peasant with a strained tie to a noble family and no memory or knowledge of my real Father."

"How then can I manage such things when the world is set on forcing those who are ruled to be governed mostly by nobles uncaring of their plights? And how am I to stand for traditions and honors that weigh me down like a chunk of lead in a raging torrent of river? So much is trying to tear apart my small world I've tried to protect, but now I want to fight to protect my world ..."

As he finished he trailed off staring at the myriad of colors on the trees below.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #929 on: September 13, 2012, 06:49:06 pm »

Edgard motioned to one of his servants. "Arvis, bring the swords! Now Theor, let me see how well you handle yourself."

Edgard trains fencing/personal combat with Theor.

(rolled earlier in irc with Shoot)

Edgard: 35425, +80
Theor: 15211, 0

Edgard was breathing in heavily, putting his best into the training and feeling the improvment; he bested Theor with ease, even though they were matched.

It was then when a servnat brought in the bad news.
Edgard took a bunch of letters and reports into his hands and beegun reading them all, one by one.

"King ill.. regency... no, this can't.... by gods.... Theor, look at this." He gave man the letters about king's will and the state of the kingdom.
" I... this is bad. I must go to the keep and organise noblility. Richard is in force, but he cannot stand against his brother's decision, he will tear the kingdom asunder."
He rubbed the bridge of his nose and spoke up again. "Are with me on this? Will you obey your prince or your king? trust me when i say that I know nothing of how the king got ill, but I will maintain peace and order."

Renew the call for a regency council in the capital to all major nobles. All nobles are called upon to obey royal will and to organise with troops at Stormstead, if Prince Richard needs to be disarmed to preserve the kingdom. 
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