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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131547 times)


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #825 on: September 01, 2012, 04:08:07 pm »

"Well, it's true enough that we do not have a Chancellor, although the King is the one who chooses his advisers. Besides, that rank is reserved to men and women of high birth, with an experience in statesmanship preferred. What dynasty are you part of, sire?"

"Emanhild." Ril replied, simply, calmly, quickly, "And I lack in the experience department, that I do admit, Saer. But I can talk fast and well and have some fighting finesse." he pauses here, before adding as an afterthought, "...Not to brag, of course."
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 04:09:40 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #826 on: September 01, 2012, 04:13:33 pm »

[?] "Emanhild... Duchesse Ursula's family. Yes... She has gone through unfortunate events recently, as I am certain you're aware, and her influence in politics has been damaged... But the King will not base himself on that if he considers hiring you. You do have a noble birth, but talking quickly is not all that it takes to make a Chancellor, and fighting skills are obsolete in that position. Besides, some might worry about the fact that a relative to the Duchesse - brother, I suppose? - got a place in the King's Council. Some might think you're here simply to serve as your family's ventriloquist's dummy."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #827 on: September 01, 2012, 04:21:08 pm »

[?] "Emanhild... Duchesse Ursula's family. Yes... She has gone through unfortunate events recently, as I am certain you're aware, and her influence in politics has been damaged... But the King will not base himself on that if he considers hiring you. You do have a noble birth, but talking quickly is not all that it takes to make a Chancellor, and fighting skills are obsolete in that position. Besides, some might worry about the fact that a relative to the Duchesse - brother, I suppose? - got a place in the King's Council. Some might think you're here simply to serve as your family's ventriloquist's dummy."

Ril reached up to brush some dust from his vest, before he responded, tone simple and smooth.
"No. I have not heard of any misfortune on her part, simply because I do not speak much with her. But if I may be say, although this possibly won't change your view of me being nothing more than a puppet, I serve my nation first and foremost. And I have to ask, how many of noble birth wouldn't serve their family's interest if they got the position? Seems a tad redundant that the requirement for the position is to be of noble blood and experience, since any noble worth their blood would be changing things for the interest of their family."
"And please forgive me for my rudeness."
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 04:29:12 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #828 on: September 01, 2012, 04:49:21 pm »

"You raise a good point, sire... It is true that all those who are members of the council are either landed nobles, or risk being the puppets of landed nobles. I shall recommend you to the king, although your lack of experience may work against you in this case. And, oh... There is currently an event going on in the palace. A feast, where the nobility of this kingdom and some of our neighbors has visited us, to present potential wives. If you wish, you can visit it, if only to meet the nobility of Windheath. I recommend that you talk to... Duc Edgard. He is the king's treasurer, and arguably the most powerful of his advisers along with me. Getting a favorable recommendation from him could seriously advantage you if you wish to gain a position at court.

However, I must warn you; he has been in a sort of... Misunderstanding with your sister, and to be quite honest it seems the fault was on her part. I would avoid evoking her as much as possible, and try to make it clear that you and her are not made of the same stuff. Good luck."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #829 on: September 01, 2012, 05:01:04 pm »

Ril gave a slight nod and another bow, turning to head out with a careful, albeit tense stride, his saunter gone in the face of propriety

"Thank you for the time, your Princeliness. I may be able to attend. I bid you good day."

Ril heads out to arrange a meeting with Edgard, being careful not to mention his relationship to his sister, unless he's forced to.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #830 on: September 01, 2012, 11:41:35 pm »

" remind me of myself, you know. I feared the meaning of my discoveries as well. I feared that I was either wrong, and a heretic, or right, and had dishonoured the gods my entire life. But lo, I have been set straight. The gods accept our ignorance, for we are but pitiful fools, no more to blame for our failures than children. This is why they have sent me, to educate the people, as that we may rise from our ignorance- mature, as it were, and return to the golden days of yore."

Jitpau stares off into the sky for a few moments, convening with the gods.

"Very well. I will stay in Stormstead- of my own volition- and check my facts one last time. On the condition that once I have proven them to you, you will acknowledge my truth, and stand not one moment longer between me and my righteous destiny."

He turns to the king.

"I will take quarters in your palace, Albert.", he says, matter-of-factly. "And I would be grateful if you would send any wayward scholars or travellers my way. I know from experience that all manner of... exotic types come to your court in search of adventure. Serving a prophet would be as great an honour to them as serving a king."

((On the general assumption that the king is still too speechless to do anything but stand there staring,))

Jitpau returns his books to his robes, nods to all present, and descends back into the crowd, answering the questions of the curious, soothing the minds of the faithful, and soon enough preaching loudly, as he leads the masses away from the palace.

He mentions his need for assistants as he goes, as that the message might spread throughout the city, and makes his home a smaller square near the temple district, where he sits in the sun and preaches salvation.

((Quest-seekers wanted; apply to crazy old man preaching in square near temple district))

Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #831 on: September 02, 2012, 12:02:05 am »

Pick them off quietly, with bows or with steel if necessary. the, start a fire in an outlying tent, drawing them out to be sniped from a concealed location in the grasses by the rangers. I will sneak in the back then, retrieve my gear, and hide back out. The rangers will be spread out, as to confuse our opponents. If it goes south I'll use my rapier to kill them up close, after using my crossbow once.

[1+2 vs 3] You take aim at the patrolling guard, but it is hard to judge distance in the dark.  The arrow whistles past him, and the guard turns around in confusion.  [5+2 vs 5+1]  Your second arrow gets him in the throat and he falls to the ground gurgling.  You close distance and break his neck to be sure.  [4+1] The rangers settle into concealed spots in the hollows, waiting for the hunt to begin.  You look for a suitable tent, [3] finding an empty one with some burlap sacks in it.  You start the fire with a brand from one of the camp's cooking fires, [5] which begins slowly at first, giving you plenty of time to move into another tent to hide.  The fire grows, smoking heavily, and soon enough you hear shouts from the festivities.  [4] A little over a dozen bandits emerge from the feasting tent, [1, 1, 4] whereupon one of them is shot in the chest as arrows fly past the others.

[2] Some of the men have torches and there is no clear way to sneak without being seen, so you run for it [3+1] clearing the distance before anyone can react.  You dive for cover [1+1] and crash straight into one of the [5] recently vacated tables, which falls over and gives you a moment of cover.  In a fraction of a second, you appraise the situation.

[4] There are half a dozen bandits still left in the building, in addition to their chief; a hulking brute of a Haegar with an enormous beard and wild blonde hair streaked with white.  Ulfric of the Stormvale clan [1] wears thick chainmail, but more alarming is the elegant Ralkarian rapier held with surprising grace in one hand.  He twirls it in a complex fashion - your heart sinks when you recognise the flourish.  You know it well; your mother tried and failed to teach it to you for years.  This man is an expert swordsman; more skilled even than yourself.

"Sirenna!" Ulfric booms.  "You've come for me at last, then?  Time to finish what your wife started?"

You're pinned behind cover and a dozen [2] armed [5] but blessedly unarmoured men are getting ready to attack you while an enormous Haegar taunts you with a rapier you only ever saw one person wield so successfully before.

How would you like to proceed?

"She was never my wife, she was my mother!"

pop up, loosing an arrow at him, jump over my cover and charge him whilst he is taunting me, use feinting and every move at my disposal, as well as my agility and size compared to the Haegar. If things go badly, fall back outside, as the Rangers would be able to assisy

"Spirits, I may not survive this fight, so if I fall, take me to live in the wilds..."
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 01:25:40 am by Kestrel_6 »
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #832 on: September 02, 2012, 09:31:24 am »

((From here))

Renart gave the signal for his forces to stop as he reined in his own horse, glad that those following him weren't resembling a cavalcade, instead, given the circumstances. He examined the land, searching for any higher ground or open areas, both being easily visible from those below or from other far-off areas, in case of an ambush or attack angles. If his sources were right, then their party would be facing dire odds -- it was said that six cold drakes could match a single basic infantry regiment, but he had three advantages at hand, three things he was confident of:



And Coordination.

His training as a tactician would be put to much use in this situation, one where a tiny amount of aid can tip the hunt in favor of the hunter or prey. Was it better to wait for night, and provide a feint for the animals, or attack as soon as we had arrived, hoping the fatigue of the soldiers would wear off from their courage?

No matter, these men entrusted his hands and words with their lives, ready to act and die on a command. He would ensure that they would live to see the Autumnal Feast between Osir and he.

The fens would be easy to keep watch over -- grassland and natural groundwater. He knew poison wouldn't work, as it would affect his land, and that the cold drakes could survive against whatever his apothecaries could cook up. He knew the consequences if the people broke into smaller parties -- the threat was doubled, and he needed time to assess the situation with his commanders. His plans with Karas were made swiftly, and he was sure that bandits wouldn't threaten his land in the time it took to marshal the people.

Due to this, he was unsure if any other willing men joined his ranks. It would be time to find out later on.

He waited until nightfall, keeping the usual animal carcass fare in a watched location to see if they would disappear. If any drakes were spotted, no attack would be made. Watching patiently, for the moment.

Renart would also order his men to post lit torches along the camp perimeter, along with guards made of burlap sacks and 'armed' -- training dummies, in short, covered with the blood of the dead animals. The archers would keep a second watch on the 'perimeter', along with the vassals of the lords, just in case.

Appraise the situation if all paths of exit from the area are blocked.

((Waiting a turn for more info, and if anyone still wants to get in on this hunt.  :P))


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #833 on: September 02, 2012, 09:39:05 am »

Feast-latter half...

as soon as Edgard retuened to the main hall he decided to make his big announcement. There was no point in hiding this anymore, and with Charles in the room, it would nice to see his immeidate reaction.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Adrania! I would like to announce my union with four ladies form Arendalis! Apart from forging strong ties with that venerable kingdom, I would like to also announce that Windheath has gained new lands and vassals! Duc de Parnoth and 2 counts and a baron decided to swear fealty to Albert and me respectively as soon as the nuptials are completed.

If his Majesty Charles will allow it, I see this as a first step in the potential union of our nations, and perhaps the reunification of Adran's kingdom!"

While Edgard stood upto deliver his announcement, Elise managed to return to Albert's side, awaiting his reaction.
"You gotta give it to my brother, not only he gave me to you, but also gives you new land. If he wasn't your adviser already, I would have thought that he is trying to buy your favour." She smiled. "But don't think I'm doing this only out of duty, milord. Crown is not the only reason why so many ladies are after the place at your side, even though it obscures many things."
Edgard's residence, Stormstead...

arborvent became unlivable. Some bizarre event rendered his castle there unpleastant and ghastly, with annoying birds settlign in the tower. Edgard disliked the idea of witchery and magic, but this event was too abnormal to be dismissed like that. For now, The estate in Stormstead wuould do. besides, with marriage and treasury work going on, it was better to be close to the capital.

Harald was stuck between a rock and a hard place, but so was the "prophet" that threatened him. Firstly, Albert would have to be filled in on the details of the case, and secondly, the prophet was to be visited and dealt with. Edgard disliked the idea of bloodshed when a good word would do, He would visit both the king and the Jitpau.

Just as he was readying himself, servants ushered a young man, claiming to be a noble and coming straight from Prince Richard.
"Ah, so Prince Richard recommended me. Interesting. how can I help you?"
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 10:06:57 am by Ardas »


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #834 on: September 02, 2012, 10:04:27 am »

"...And you're sure that you found a book with the title "Bloskfechten" in one of those... "pawn shops", Storm*?"
"O-of course m-m-m..." Theor sighed, while slowly riding through the streets of Stormsteads. Besides dealing with the grey death and crazy, burgeoning rumors about a new prophet, Theor spent his time with searching for old, forgotten tomes, written by sword-masters from long forgotten decades, where gods still walked in mortal lands and magic were everywhere. He thought it would be a good idea to polish his swordmanships a little bit... Not only for him, but also for his page. A remarkable young man, like an unpolished diamond. But now, he sticked with a rather fat boy (usually working in Theors kitchen), a bastard from a priest. The stuttering was unbearable, but the kiddo had a strange talent to finding things... That's why the Blackshield told him to look after fighting manuals in Stormstead.

Search for instruction books for sword-fighting

Every Adran needs a name. But what to do with bastards? Those just get the surname Storm.



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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #835 on: September 02, 2012, 11:14:03 am »

The Pact. Once his home, Harald now dreaded the place somehow. He returned anyway against his own instincts. All this pressure needed a vent and soon his remaining guards found a new sparring partner in the yard...

Harald furiously trains his Sword-fighting Skills. Buying books and hiring Trainers everything really what would allow him to master that skill.


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #836 on: September 02, 2012, 11:34:10 am »

"The king's enemies are numerous and widespread, no?" began Anakyrto. "They live to starve him of his resources, and potetial, and stuggle to gain power for themselves. There I, Anakyrto Vlepo O Athiktos, of the Ralkrian Isles, would offer my serivces and resources to safeguard the king, and increase the glkory of hus reig n and realnm.

I realize what I have said may cause you to disblieve my own innocence, so I beg that you allow me to prove myself in front your king. You may search me, I have no weapons, and my ships is docked at the port, and its name To Chryso Triantafyllo."

The Guards do, and you find yourself escorted to the King under guard-you suspect the mentioning that you're a Ralkarian has made them more wary than normal.

Albert is sitting on his throne when you enter, seeming in a good mood.

"Well well well. To what honor do I owe your visit, Saer Viepo?" He pronounces your last name more or less perfectly, with a practiced diplomatic inflection-which suggests he may be fairly familiar with your country.



Albert penned a letter.

Dearest Eliza

   I find myself thinking about you. About us. If it is possible, I would like to meet you on my riverboat, the Heralds Pride, for the weekend-it shall only be me and you.

There are things we should discuss...and I find myself hungry for company. In a land of plenty, I am starving. Tell me if you can make it.

   Just Albert

Action: Invite Elise to go boating on the river.

"Unfortunately my liege, I shall not retract what I said about Edgard during the feast. I meant every word I said there, and to suddenly backtrack and admit it was slander would be a complete lie. I shan't lie to you, or the other nobles, thus making amends with Edgard remains completely out of the question.

However, if you want me to achieve greatness upon my own merit, than that is what shall be done. I shall prove in a way no one may challenge nor replicate, Albert."

Albert turned to Ursa kissed her on the cheek tenderly.

"Go on then. Make Windheath proud. And if it ever gets tough, come see me-my door is always open to you, Duchesse."
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 08:44:33 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #837 on: September 02, 2012, 11:49:12 am »

Ursa smiled in return for the kiss, before speaking once again.

"I shall Mi'lord. I will return with proof that I have slain a dragon. I will not return until I have done so. I place Spirituaser under regency, with you as regent for the duration of this hunt."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #838 on: September 02, 2012, 11:53:02 am »

"I will be eagerly awaiting news of your victory, Duchesse. Can I help you in any way?" Albert says, leaning back, considering this.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #839 on: September 02, 2012, 12:20:35 pm »

"Climbing gear, winter clothing and enough rations to last me several months would be appreciated. I would also request a good horse that you don't expect to be returned, though I don't expect that to be granted."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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