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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131541 times)


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #810 on: August 30, 2012, 10:11:35 pm »

Pick them off quietly, with bows or with steel if necessary. the, start a fire in an outlying tent, drawing them out to be sniped from a concealed location in the grasses by the rangers. I will sneak in the back then, retrieve my gear, and hide back out. The rangers will be spread out, as to confuse our opponents. If it goes south I'll use my rapier to kill them up close, after using my crossbow once.
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #811 on: August 30, 2012, 10:13:47 pm »

Action: Albert asks Eliza to marry him

Eliza almost kneels herself, lowering her face to just above yours.  She takes your hand and kisses it with the utmost respect, then whispers into your ear.

"Yes... [6] as your second wife."  She pulls back and looks at you with the utter seriousness of someone bred among the most scheming of nobility.  "Never tell my father I said that, but you are king.  Your first responsibility is to your kingdom, and you must secure alliances from without.  My allies will grumble, but we rise or fall with you, my liege."

The King knew she was right. Her heart was pure, it seemed. He stood, and whispered back.

"So shall it be Eliza, I know the wages we pay. Second in name and word, for the Good of the Kingdom...but you will be always be first in my heart."

Albert felt a pang of regret at that, conflicting with his other emotions. What of Ria? They had both known it would end this way....but he thought he could move on from her, with someone like Eliza. She would be the one that could tend to his hearts fire, to keep it from going cold-and him from becoming something different than what he was. Overly poetic terms to describe his feelings, mayhaps, but for Albert these things were true.

Did he have any lingering regrets? Many. But in this moment, they fluttered away...
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #812 on: August 30, 2012, 10:53:36 pm »

While the rhyming guard did not crack anything else new and smiled at the blank-eyed stranger in front of her, Talinth sat on the ground some feet from there, reading over the requirements for forging Sahainn armor befitting of her abilities.

He remembered the ones from his people who had a worg as a companion usually did forge their own design of armor to protect their furred companions, trying to mix leather and steel to avoid hindering the agile and proud creatures' movement. The blacksmith knight believed his current design was workable, but it was expensive as well, since he was trying to build full-fledged battle armor while keeping Sahainn unencumbered, whilst most of the armor protecting the worgs at the village used less materials due to the peaceful nature of his House's business.

And the fact the leatherworking needed was masterful...Talinth had already worked a bit of leather, but never to that level, and he could not be called a leatherworker. He was a blacksmith, and the secrets of metal were where his skills lied. But not only he had to work with an expensive set of instructions, his funds didn't seem enough to cover the price. It seemed someone with enough charisma and connections could be in order to help his cause...

"Well, my friend, It seems we'll have to wait a while to get those plans completed." he said to Sahainn, who was hidden a little to the side to avoid being seen by the guard. Talinth patted her head affectionately as the worg did her best to hide her large body.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #813 on: August 31, 2012, 11:02:48 am »

Albert spoke to her, not unkindly.

"Rejection is too unkind a word...but if you want to be with me, you must show the world the Woman I know. She is stronger than to be baited so easily as she was tonight-a warrior, with honor and courage. Do not let yourself be drawn into these petty feuds, they are beneath you. Let everyone know who you really are."

"Any suggestions for such a task Mi'lord? It's not that I don't have my own idea, but your opinion would be appreciated."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #814 on: August 31, 2012, 11:22:29 am »

"Suggestions? Make amends with Edgar. At least... publicly. I understand you two may move against each other in some ways, and if it happens, then I will retain judgement until then. But you must show your power in more subtle ways-why not achieve greatness on your own merits, and let people draw their own conclusions between the two of you? Do not engage him so brashly-be more tactful and strategic in all ways.

He is not your enemy, Mi'lady. He will respect you if show him your true colors."
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #815 on: August 31, 2012, 11:28:33 am »

"Unfortunately my liege, I shall not retract what I said about Edgard during the feast. I meant every word I said there, and to suddenly backtrack and admit it was slander would be a complete lie. I shan't lie to you, or the other nobles, thus making amends with Edgard remains completely out of the question.

However, if you want me to achieve greatness upon my own merit, than that is what shall be done. I shall prove in a way no one may challenge nor replicate, Albert."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #816 on: August 31, 2012, 07:55:03 pm »

This city is far larger than my home. This means even more to do to correct this city! thought Anakyrto. To think of all the people who need my help...

Attempt to gain an audience with the king.

The Kings Guards stop you at the castle gates.

"Ah, name and reason for entrance, Saer? What does you need to see the King fer?" a raven haired woman with a battleaxe says to you, rhyming possibly intentionally. She's smiling cheerily. Hmm.

"The king's enemies are numerous and widespread, no?" began Anakyrto. "They live to starve him of his resources, and potetial, and stuggle to gain power for themselves. There I, Anakyrto Vlepo O Athiktos, of the Ralkrian Isles, would offer my serivces and resources to safeguard the king, and increase the glkory of hus reig n and realnm.

I realize what I have said may cause you to disblieve my own innocence, so I beg that you allow me to prove myself in front your king. You may search me, I have no weapons, and my ships is docked at the port, and its name To Chryso Triantafyllo."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #817 on: September 01, 2012, 08:38:29 am »

"Ah. A fellow Reader. I would gladly discuss my studies with you, brother. I can assure you, my sources are numerous. I would not suggest such a major reinterpretation of the old texts without both certainty of mind and spirit. You know, of course, that the passage you cited is translated otherwise amongst both the Eldani and Altani? I encountered evidence for the fourth translation of mine primarily amongst the effects of an old Duluk lord, who sacked the Low Library around 110 BAL. He had in his tomb several sacred pillars, taken from the Low Library, which, though faded, revealed certain inconsistencies in the grammar used to refer to the Piersyja. I found further evidence in Haeger lands of an invasion by an unknown people, which appeared to precede- by layering of artifacts- the emergence of the first Eldanic Empire. Furthermore, early religious texts often refer to the blessed people as the 'saved' people, and whilst this has often been considered a mere translation error, I found in my travels dozens of fellow scholars who could attest to making the same translation- a remarkable coincidence if it is a mere 'error'.
I have written a manuscript of all of my findings,"

Jitpau withdraws a thick book from within the folds of his robes*; bound in leather, titled
"Studia librorum veterum pertinentia ad 'Clade Garrmyn'.
Conclusio est controversiae. Sanctitatem studium invocata."

and offers it to the Inquisitor.

-"which you would be welcome to read. But those are the main points of evidence I have for my claims. All of which pales, of course, before the assurance of the gods themselves that I have uncovered the truth, and that I should spread it throughout the lands, and unite all the Blessed People under one faith, one interpretation of the texts- a new orthodoxy, a BETTER orthodoxy. One approved of by the GODS.
A holy task which begins in earnest today, as the king of Windheath- and so in spirit, the kingdom of Windheath- accepts my orthodoxy, and the salvation that goes with it."

*Reader robes can contain an entire library's worth of books.

The Inquisitor seems suspicious, but he takes the book and makes a cursory glance of it.  [?] He stares at one particular page, frowning intently, then flips back a few pages.  The murmur of the market crowd dies down slightly as they watch this middle-aged man begins to turn furiously through the pages of the book, threatening to tear the binding in his haste.  He mutters to himself, half-heard.

"But-  No, wait, it's-  No, that's- But that would conflict with my own-"

The Inquisitor reaches into his own robes and pulls out an equally thick book, kneeling on the paving stones with a complete disregard for propriety as he flicks between them; no longer a representative of the Temples but a Reader facing opposition to his own hypothesis.  For nearly five long minutes the Inquisitor studies, then snaps both books closed.  He puts his own book away in his robes and stares at Jitpau like a condemned man.

"May Ziamdaka never take you," he curses.  "May you be burned and scattered to the winds.  May your ashes be sealed in water and iron.  I pray that Liodnya may gouge you upon His very own horns, that I see you flayed and roasted, that your entrails are forced into your mouth long before you die.

"I pray for all this, because it would mean you are wrong."

The Inquisitor seems to become aware of the slowly re-gathering crowd in the marketplace.  He gives them a murderous look and the crowd thins quickly.  Then he grabs Jitpau by the arm and hisses in his ear.

"Do you have the slightest idea what this means, heretic?  If this is truth, if this is the gods' will, then for centuries... Viablakitny drown you, heretic.  Your translation seems accurate, this I will grant you, but there are three holes in your argument.  If you are truly a prophet of the gods these holes will easily enough be filled, and filled they must be before you can present such a translation to the Adranic Council.

[?] "The Duluk lord's tomb your account describes contained nine pillars with the given text, but if you check my own research here there is a footnote by Ganray the Game in Volotny's Histories of the Duluks that refers to the lord in question and an earlier investigation of that tomb in which ten pillars were found.  The rubbings in your book from the pillars account for nine of the named pillars, but Ganray's account mentions that the missing pillar contains a partial transcription of the Piersyja story itself in Middle Low Eldanic.  A rubbing of the lost pillar would provide a passage of the Piersyja story for direct comparison, but you would need to find its present location.  Perhaps Ganray himself took it, he does not say.

[?] "Your descriptions of the artefacts found belonging to the pre-Eldanic race is thorough, but their distribution is only confined to a handful of coastal provinces.  It can be argued that this may have come about through trade, perhaps by an off-shoot colony of Haegar.  See here, how you have taken note of this worg icon on their coinage and some of their grave goods, crossed with a sheaf of wheat and an axe?  That bears some resemblance to the later icon of the demon Zelatek, worshipped among the Haegar as a false goddess.  Her present-day icon is much the same, but without the corn and weapon.  If you could find proof that this was not merely a cult within the Haegar, it would give credence to your belief that this was a separate race.

[?] "Finally, there is your correspondence with fellow Readers on the subject.  The record of your exchanges is complete, but I have myself correspondence with several of them; some of which conflict.  Many of these accounts are decades old, whereas mine are more recent.  The primary disagreement comes from Grand Reader Varahan, at Abernost monastery, whose translation tangentially refers to the Piersyja as well.  If you can get him to confirm your translation, it will clear the doubt on the matter.  I believe Abernost is in one of the Arendalian provinces; some border duchy.  Parnoth, I think?"

You know that duchy, you went to the monastery yourself nearly three decades ago.  The border is closed presently due to the re-opening of hostilities between Arendalis and Donnerstein, but you recall hearing news that the Duc de Parnoth's daughter was engaged to the Duc de Arborvent.

"Get this evidence and your translation will be indisputable.  I think you're mad or a liar, and I hope I'm right, but the evidence is in your favour for now.  One more restriction, though.  I am placing you under house arrest on the authority of the Adranic Council; you are free to move anywhere within Stormstead, but leave the isle and I will inform the Council myself of your status as a heretic and if I am lucky, burn you in Razumajstar's fire personally.  So I am afraid you will need to use that golden tongue of yours to find people willing to go out adventuring for you.

"I'd wish you good luck, but I honestly want you to fail."
  The Inquisitor turns to the king.  "Your majesty, I am holding further inquisition and judgement in abeyance.  He is neither correct nor heretical at this time; I require further evidence.  The Temples will not intervene in any personal judgement you might choose to pass upon him, of course.  Good day."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #818 on: September 01, 2012, 12:09:00 pm »

If no further dialogue would be given, start the Cold Drake Hunt. Renart, including his Personal Guard, Trent's Ranger Regiment and the Lords of the Northwatch will be the only ones participating (as everyone else seems busy.  :P)

You rally your lords, [1] but are somewhat dismayed to find that only a single regiment of knights and yeomen are levied from amongst all of them.  Although your men are loyal to you and the king, it appears there are some serious internal divides; Count Lascarg and Count Amen, two of the most influential of your lords, both refused to turn up because they expected the other to be there (you vaguely recall Lascarg's son standing Amen's daughter up at the altar some weeks ago) and the rest of the lords aligned with them in the latest squabble followed suit.  Only the few neutral Barons in the conflict actually attended your call.

Still, disciplining your nobles can wait.  You can't let those drakes prey on travellers, after all.  You head out with the standard regiment, Trent's rangers and your own mounted Guard.

[5] Captain Trent's rangers are all members of the old guard; they know Northwatch like the backs of their own hands.  A little investigation soon turns up leads on the likely whereabouts of the cold drakes.  [3] There are believed to be about a dozen, [2] nesting somewhere in the fens and only emerging to hunt.  This is a bad sign; your prior experience has taught you that cold drakes like to hunt in packs.  Worse, the cavalry will have to strike it lucky to find solid enough ground for charges.  Are there any strategies you'd like to employ, or will you just go straight into the fens and start hunting?

Pick them off quietly, with bows or with steel if necessary. the, start a fire in an outlying tent, drawing them out to be sniped from a concealed location in the grasses by the rangers. I will sneak in the back then, retrieve my gear, and hide back out. The rangers will be spread out, as to confuse our opponents. If it goes south I'll use my rapier to kill them up close, after using my crossbow once.

[1+2 vs 3] You take aim at the patrolling guard, but it is hard to judge distance in the dark.  The arrow whistles past him, and the guard turns around in confusion.  [5+2 vs 5+1]  Your second arrow gets him in the throat and he falls to the ground gurgling.  You close distance and break his neck to be sure.  [4+1] The rangers settle into concealed spots in the hollows, waiting for the hunt to begin.  You look for a suitable tent, [3] finding an empty one with some burlap sacks in it.  You start the fire with a brand from one of the camp's cooking fires, [5] which begins slowly at first, giving you plenty of time to move into another tent to hide.  The fire grows, smoking heavily, and soon enough you hear shouts from the festivities.  [4] A little over a dozen bandits emerge from the feasting tent, [1, 1, 4] whereupon one of them is shot in the chest as arrows fly past the others.

[2] Some of the men have torches and there is no clear way to sneak without being seen, so you run for it [3+1] clearing the distance before anyone can react.  You dive for cover [1+1] and crash straight into one of the [5] recently vacated tables, which falls over and gives you a moment of cover.  In a fraction of a second, you appraise the situation.

[4] There are half a dozen bandits still left in the building, in addition to their chief; a hulking brute of a Haegar with an enormous beard and wild blonde hair streaked with white.  Ulfric of the Stormvale clan [1] wears thick chainmail, but more alarming is the elegant Ralkarian rapier held with surprising grace in one hand.  He twirls it in a complex fashion - your heart sinks when you recognise the flourish.  You know it well; your mother tried and failed to teach it to you for years.  This man is an expert swordsman; more skilled even than yourself.

"Sirenna!" Ulfric booms.  "You've come for me at last, then?  Time to finish what your wife started?"

You're pinned behind cover and a dozen [2] armed [5] but blessedly unarmoured men are getting ready to attack you while an enormous Haegar taunts you with a rapier you only ever saw one person wield so successfully before.

How would you like to proceed?

Quote from: Taricus
50 crowns are to be spent on the mine supports, as well as 10 crowns to dig the men out. Baron jool is to have his ownership of the mines stripped and rendered into Ursa's control. His fief and title are to divided up by the other nobles for their own taking.

You spend money from your own pocket to restore and rebuild the mines, saving the miners.  [4+2] The peasants consider you a hero, cheering their Duchesse for her care for the common man - and there is a certain amount of vicious satisfaction at your treatment of the Baron responsible.  [-2 unrest to commons]  [1] Baron Jool is outraged and flees his manor with a cadre of his most loyal knights, swearing revenge some day in the future, [2+1] but the other nobles are all too happy to seize his property.  [1] Your scouts are unable to track him after he flees into the woods; from there he might camp out as a lowlife or just flee elsewhere.  After all, woods do cover half the province.  The nobility in general remain unaffected by your actions, but you have a feeling this may come back to you some day. 
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #819 on: September 01, 2012, 02:35:42 pm »

Rilaeus Emanhild stepped through the market with a characteristic saunter, yawning a little, bringing a gloved hand to tap at his mouth. His thin leather-gloved hands fell back to his side, pass the bearded axe and shortsword, towards the pockets of his leather leggings.

Investigate the market of Stormstead for anything of value or interest. Including fights.

"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #820 on: September 01, 2012, 02:59:34 pm »

At the feast...

Richard checks if there are any ladies of higher rank than Edgar's sister who are interested in him. If there are, he offers them to dance; if there aren't, he asks Eleanor to dance with him.

Investigate the market of Stormstead for anything of value or interest. Including fights.

[1] You do not find any specific opportunities, sadly, but there are always thing to buy or sell in Stormstead. Metals from the Pact, pearls from Arborvent and Dechire, slaves from Altaregia... There is plenty of choice.


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #821 on: September 01, 2012, 03:14:30 pm »

The young man shrugs, looking over the wares before heading off toward the castle proper...of Windheath, picking at his sleeves and smoothing the crumpled, wrinkled fabric out to the best of his ability.

Attempt to arrange a meeting with the King/Prince.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #822 on: September 01, 2012, 03:25:18 pm »

Attempt to arrange a meeting with the King/Prince.

[4+1] After explaining your status as the half-brother of a duchesse, you are allowed to meet the Prince.

After being searched for weapons, a few guards lead you into the western wing of the palace, where the king's brother resides. [?] When you enter his chambers, Richard is reading a scroll showing a list of prices. He looks up to you and frowns.

"Ah, welcome, sire. I was told your were a relative to a noble, and that you wanted a meeting with the king. He is currently talking with lady Ursula, but I have some free time for now. What did you want to ask for?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #823 on: September 01, 2012, 03:52:16 pm »

"Ah, welcome, sire. I was told your were a relative to a noble, and that you wanted a meeting with the king. He is currently talking with lady Ursula, but I have some free time for now. What did you want to ask for?"

Ril gave a bow to the prince, just a simple bend of the waist, before he straightened into a stiff back stand.
"Well, your Princiliness, and have I said what a pleasure it is to meet you? My tutor recently left with the parting advice that I should get some 'real-world' experience in a position of nobility, serving our great nation. I came to the capital to ask around about any openings." he pauses here, flashing the Prince a smile, discreetly taking the time to take a deep breath of air, "And I heard from someone that there was...some form of diplomat position open?"
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III: Summer 937 AAL
« Reply #824 on: September 01, 2012, 03:56:36 pm »

[5+1] Richard cocked his head to the side, observing the young man.

"Well, it's true enough that we do not have a Chancellor, although the King is the one who chooses his advisers. Besides, that rank is reserved to men and women of high birth, with an experience in statesmanship preferred. What dynasty are you part of, sire?"
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