The Fool bowed his head to the King and sauntered past the bravos, who did not entirely relax back from their stances. Fust did a slight circuit of the room as he made his way to the King. The Fool shrugged a little as he started to speak.
"Nothing too saucy for the most part, I fear.
The usual rumours of the King's affairs,
His choice of bedfellows, his lack of heirs.
A new brothel opened, the Drifting Chemise,
Not grand, but most popular with last night's festivities.
The owner's a mongrel, a Selenid's pup,
Who I hear's at the slave marts to increase his stock.
I say this for the Treasurer, may his beard stay waxed,
I assume such a business will have its own tax?
There's a flood of foreign blood since my liege's coronation,
Many come from far and wide to witness now the sight.
I hear of new mercenaries, soldiers of fortune,
One pair of note looks to be paid to fight.
And there's some Southern spy asking questions thr'out the city,
Who's proving very questioning about our own nobility.
And one last piece of news as the end draws near,
Whose privilege the king's should be the first to hear..."
By this time the Fool had circled close to the king so he bent down and whispered, dropping the cadence entirely.
"I don't have a name, but one of your circle has been trying to recruit mercenaries for a raid upon the Haegar coast. A little bird tells me he offered a two ducat successful raid bonus to a prospective mercenary captain, so whoever he is he means business and can back that up. He was definitely noble, but I can't say what rank. I can investigate further if need be."
The Fool sprang back up with a smile and turned to the rest of the court - eyeing in particular the noble who had smacked his head on the Fool's arrival.
"Now as I remember a wise man did surmise,
There's a time now to posture and another for silence.
Tis the duty of folly to take notes from the wise,
So I'll shut up by choice - there's no need yet for violence."
The Fool planted himself down on the sill of one of the windows and, true to his word, added nothing more.