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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131644 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III
« Reply #525 on: August 07, 2012, 11:32:53 pm »

See if 20 crowns would change his mind.

[3+1] The Baron's eyes light up at the sight of the offered 'gift', though he quickly tries to hide the interest.  He proves more willing to listen to your words - you suspect he is not making that much off his merchant friends in bribes.  [5] A little careful persuasion later, and the Baron finally agrees to the premise, so long as he himself gets to hold the market and charge rents on stalls.  No doubt merchants will gripe, but you have at least managed to get him to agree to stop blocking efforts.  [2+1] With this agreement secured you are able to coax, cajole and in some cases outright threaten the rest of the sheep traders into line.  The market at Lorvese has been centralised, at some cost to yourself.

[2-1] Unfortunately, the rents levied by the Baron reduce the merchant profits sufficiently that they prove unwilling or unable to pass on the bonus from selling the recent glut of livestock to Stormstead.  [No ducat prize.]  The benefits have certainly been passed on to the peasants of Drachengraab though, and your informants ensure that the merchants make sure the commons know that you assisted in their newfound prosperity.
[+1 Commons loyalty, +1 Commons power in Drachengraab.]

"You're a liaison then? Well...the problem is, that Selenid bastard - excuse my tongue - left along that road over there as transactions were...taking too long. He is the only horse trader, as far as we know, that dares go into Windheath to deliver the animals.

[2] The road is a winding one, leading apparently to local villages rather than the main trade route, [6] though a little conversation in the fort later gets you more information.  The track in question leads off into the fens at one point, and if one knew their way around one could use the path as a way to get to some of the old smugglers' coves on the coast or even across to Haegar lands without being seen.  If one did not know their way around, though, they could easily get lost in the bog.

"I'm not sure our foe is Haegar so do not attack until this fact is confirmed, Tellard you come up behind them, keep low and stay hidden your attacks will come after me and Ardella fire the first volley. Darnell move towards the front of the group, but don't get in their sight and wait to attack until me, Ardella, and Tellard have fired upon them.

After that we move about them in circles, stay hidden and only fire from the most well hidden of locations, but keep moving so we can disorient them and pick them off one by one. As for you ally Woman, stay back and don't get in the fray unless they close on one of us then you can aid the one of us they attack. The signal for them being Haegar will be the standard call of the marsh crow, if they are not it'll be the sound of the marsh king's cry. Understood?"

Trent waited momentarily for each of them before turning and pulling the cloak close around him, dropping low to the ground he drew his bow, and notched an arrow on the drawstring as he began to pad towards the hunters.

Follow the above plan, if it is a Haegar hunting party follow the plan as stated, if it is not a Haegar hunting party signal the withdraw and circumvent them. Either way be wary where we travel.

[6] You and your rangers carefully move into position, leaving the woman in reserve until an opportunity arises.  You discover that indeed, it is a Haegar hunting party, but you have the element of stealth, surprise and tactical positioning.  There are [6] six of them, [4] lightly armed with [4] throwing spears and [5] thick cold-weather furs that provide little real armour protection.  [3] They have [2] 2 hunting dogs with them, who sniff the ground hungrily.

The marsh crow's call cuts through the air, [2] and one of the dogs starts barking loudly.  You draw your bows in unison... and release.

Hunters: 6/6hp, +1 Weapon, +1 Numbers (4 ranged attacks)
Dogs: 2/2hp, +1 Bite, (+1 to finding stealthers)
Trent/Rangers: 6/6hp, +1 Weapon (ranged), +1 Armour, +1 Numbers, Ambush (+1 Stealth checks)
Tiakath: 3/3hp, +1 Weapon (ranged, throwing knives), +1 Armour
(ranged attacks in italics)

Surprise Attack!
[3+2 vs 4]  One of the hunters goes down with the first volley, an arrow through his throat.  Another arrow grazes another's knee and they shout warnings that they are under attack! [5/6hp hunters]

[2+1 vs 1, 1 vs 2+1] The dog that started barking continues to stay still, barking into the night, but the second catches a scent and goes straight for Tiakath's hiding place!  The dog bounds toward her for an attack, [2+1 vs 2] only to receive a throwing knife smack between its eyes.  The dog lets out a high-pitched yelp as it crashes to the ground, [6] but the hunters are aware of Tiakath's position!  She has just enough time to make one attack with the element of surprise.  [1/2hp dogs]

[1+2 vs 1, 6+1 vs 4] Another arrow shoots into the clearing, striking the Haeger whose knee had been grazed clean through the other kneecap.  He crumples immediately and starts screaming from the pain.  The second dog ceases its barking as Tiakath steps out from the rushes, hurling another knife into its flank.  It hits the ground with the force from the impact and whimpers.  [4/6hp hunters, dogs eliminated]

[1+1 vs 2-1] One of the hunters seems on the verge of spotting Ardella when Tiakath steps into the clearing, and the distraction of the woman drawing the distinctive crested longsword is enough for the hunters to immediately launch their spears at her instead.

You recognise that longsword.  You've seen it often enough at your liege's belt.

[3+1 vs 1, 1 vs 2, 3+1 vs 4]  Three of the Haegar launch their spears at Tiakath, who ducks and rolls - one scoring her leather armour as it scrapes past.  The fourth is caught mid-throw by an arrow to his throwing arm, then a second, third and forth a moment later to his chest.  Tiakath springs back up from her roll and makes a wild slash with the longsword that belies her lack of training; one of the Haegar parries it with a throwing spear.  [3/6hp hunters, No numbers advantage]

[2] Seeing how badly things are going for them, the Haegar decide to make a break for it.  [2+1 vs 1] Tiakath lunges forward as the Haegar she was engaging tries to run and gouges him in the back.  He stumbles, giving her enough time to catch up and hamstring him, then break his neck with a clumsy swing of the blade.  [6+3 vs 6] The Haegar expertly weave into and out of the reeds, treading across the boggy swamp like professionals, which they are.  Sadly for them, Trent's rangers were raised in these fens and some of their arrows fall true, striking and bringing down another hunter.  [3+1 vs 3+1, 1+3 vs 3+1] Both Tiakath and the rangers make parting shots at the final Haegar, but he flees into the murky fog beyond sight and thus beyond your arrows and knives.

[2] Only one of the Haegar survived the fight without dying quickly, and this one too shall pass soon.  [1] You attempt to interrogate him, but he spits in your face rather than answer and tries to laugh as he gurgles to death on his own blood.  So much for that.  [2] The Haegar had little of value in their possession save some rations, which you take, and the cold-weather furs.  You take the furs anyway; they should provide some warmth on your party's journey north.

We need to investigate that fortress. Let's go.

Investigate the fortress from a hidden position, noting things.

[4] You head on toward where you judge Adderkeep should be without further molestation or getting lost, [3] arriving after dawn has broken and is casting its dull light over the fens.  [3] As you expected, Adderkeep is a formidable defensive post, if one of an older style.  Only the lower walls were originally made of stone, with wooden high walls around the fortress and platforms upon which archers can stand.  The heavy bier of packed earth is the only solid earth for miles, if you discount the raised streat* leading further into the bog.  There are signs that the streat once led through the marsh toward Northwatch, but the old road has either fallen long into disrepair or at some point was deliberately destroyed.

[5] To your surprise the keep shows sign of fire damage and even recent attack - there are heavy axe-marks all over the reinforced front gate and in one place you suspect it may have been hit by a battering ram.  You nearly trip over an iron axe-head buried in the swamp.  [4] One of Trent's rangers identifies the axe, and arrows buried in the swamp, as being of Haegar design, not Adranic.  [3] For all this, you still see archers patrolling the ramparts and you can hear the early morning grumbles of men within the fort cooking breakfast and drilling.  [2] Worse, there are supplies of stone left outside the walls (heavy ruts in the streat suggest carts brought them here) and signs that the lower walls are being not only repaired but extended - the Haegar who control Adderkeep might well be planning to reinforce the tower.

[? vs ?+1] One of Trent's rangers pulls your head down into the reeds.  A raven circles overhead and one of the archers seems to be staring at it for a moment.  He makes some sort of comment to a comrade within the fort that you can't hear.  Then he returns to his post, gazing out at the horizon.

How will you proceed?

*A highway or road in Haegar lands and the north in general.  Were favoured during early Adranic construction, often just consisting of raised banks of earth piled with rocks and gravel.  Paved roads came into fashion somewhat later and the lack of central government in the Haegar lands always precluded that level of investment.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III
« Reply #526 on: August 08, 2012, 02:05:50 am »

"We need a place to watch and hide, something suspicious is going on here."
Try to scavenge an axe from the hunters. Try to find a hiding spot to observe the fortress from.
I honestly thought this was going to be about veterinarians.
Ermey: 26/4/13


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #527 on: August 08, 2012, 02:40:13 am »

"No I am not. I seek an audience with Lord Renart. Is he here?"

The less they know, the better...

"Well, if you're seeking the Marquis, he's in Northwatch Keep. Right...err, behind me, actually. Do you have a formal request for him that I could send? You don't look much of a commoner to me, but regulations exist.

"Reason for seeking audience?"

Must be careful here...

"Tell him... The King has sent me to help with Ban Yi Soong."

The guard's quite cheerful tone falls to one of uncertainty.

[Information and Trust: 4]

"You're a liaison then? Well...the problem is, that Selenid bastard - excuse my tongue - left along that road over there as transactions were...taking too long. He is the only horse trader, as far as we know, that dares go into Windheath to deliver the animals.

"We last spotted his horse traveling down the main road, mayhap quite a while yonder. I've been overhearing the marquis' conversations, as it is an open court and all. The merchant has quite a ship for a horse trader.

"For the better, I guess. The scum asked for a personal house in our land, and even a 'secret' place to store his wares uninterrupted. We've paid him the usual fees, and now...he's left. Probably a smuggler...or a crafty merchant."

Apparently, the guard is overly concerned with the loss of the coinage spent on the merchant, that she is too busy to ask for any official notice from the King.

"The keep is open to all, commoner and noble alike. Lord Renart would accept you easily, um, sire."

"Thank you."

Move to the Keep, and speak with Lord Renart
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III
« Reply #528 on: August 08, 2012, 03:56:59 am »

Galhard stood still for a moment, before picking up his helmet and slowly standing up, "Well, thank you sir, if you don't mind I'll take my leave now." Without waiting for an answer Galhard left, his whole house lost, why, this was more terrible than anything he had expierienced, he would need a drink, or maybe twelve.
In denial of sanity...

and insanity


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #529 on: August 08, 2012, 05:34:58 am »

Hold open court in Drachengrab.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #530 on: August 08, 2012, 09:13:14 am »

Galhard woke up with another headache, not surprising with all that he had been drinking. He had been spending every day since his talk with the king here which was how long ago? Could have been a day, could have been a year, he didn't really care anymore, all he cared about was another drink. As he got up he once again thought of the dishonor of his relatives, how could they? Just when the house needed them the most they fled, then suddenly a thought struck him, how could they? How could he? He was blaming them yet here he was drinking the same old beer in the same old pub everyday, his house wasn't gone, no. He was still here, and he would make the Thunderhounds a powerful force to be reckoned with once again. They had been a loyal vassal to the royalty, and yet they had been destroyed, of course! that was it, it was the queens fault. Galhard crushed another bottle in his hand, the royal family, they had served the, for so long and they were repayed by being abandoned, all that service for nothing! Galhard stood up and looked in the mirror, Windheath needed a new royal family, after all the old ones had plunged the country into crisis, yes. There was now a determined fire in Galhards eyes, he quickly packed up his stuff, payed the inkeeper, and rode off, he would need the old thunderhound lands, or at least thunderhound remanents for his plans, he would bring the Thunderhound to the height of glory, somehow, he rode of to along the north side of the river, Thunderhound lands had been just north of the river, inbetween the red spear and kings crossing. The Thunderhounds would be glorius, yes indeed, the Thunderhounds would be the Royal line of Windheath, he swore it, and he swore he would see it done, personnely.

Find out who now claims the old Thunderhound lands
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 09:16:10 am by Deny »
In denial of sanity...

and insanity


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #531 on: August 08, 2012, 11:01:56 am »

Hold open court in Drachengrab.

You hold an open court, but only very minor petitioners turn up with frankly rather boring problems.  It's almost as if some sort of unseen force of darkness and espionage had already dealt with several of the problems the fief faced before they ever had to come to light.

Closed court has already dealt with all open court actions.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #532 on: August 08, 2012, 12:20:51 pm »

As Talinth waits for the King's answer, he ponders about what the man had asked him about...The deeds of his family. He knew a small number of people from his family had left for the War of the Hounds, and all had made it back alive without grievous injuries, probably due to their preferences of hunting enemies as the worgs they rode did; with wits and patience. There wasn't a great deal of questions asked, and the answers, whatever they may have been, hadn't been passed down to the young blacksmith knight.

Even so, if the King believed in a man's achievements rather than his words, Talinth would gladly prove he can do what is asked of him. He knew full well the consequences of serving the King, and believed those came naturally; it was only the duty that came with his oath, after all.

Spring Action (I don't know when this meeting with the King will end): Work in a smithy in town to get some more metalworking experience there and maybe earn some coins.
((Edit: Not the skill-training action yet.))
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 03:11:21 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #533 on: August 08, 2012, 12:53:11 pm »

OOC:@Cael/Sorry, Lazy King. :P

"The Dalach family has no exploits except what they may have accomplished during the War of the Hounds, and if our forces sent during that time were able to achieve great feats, they did not tell us their story. "

"We do not have a great tale of victories and bloodshed; our people were brought here by slavers and managed to be freed by their own hands, through a uprising, killing or expelling the small-time nobility that lived in the small strip of land we now occupy."
he continues, unfazed.
The King seems to understand.

"Great Feats and Exploits, it seems, must be up to you then. But I don't hold your past against, Sir is the time for your Family fortunes to rise. Go forth, and wait for my summons-find work, as you would. My Hall is always open to you, when you need it...

And, if you wish, I can provide stableage and feed for your Worg in a place of your choosing. She is well taken care of, and should remain so. I wouldn't want to let her go hungry in my city."
The King said with a smile.

The King dismissed him, and when he left, he passed Ria on the way-she went to her King and Lovers side, as much a creature of Duty as He or Sahainn was.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III
« Reply #534 on: August 08, 2012, 01:23:44 pm »

Spring Action (I don't know when this meeting with the King will end): Work in a smithy in town to get some more metalworking experience there and maybe earn some coins.

[6] Your skill with metalworking affords you a rich variety of smiths to work with, and you settle down and do a spot of jobbing smithy while you consider your options.  You could easily take a job with any of the minor smiths in Craftsman Street or even set up a small forge and mend horseshoes and such yourself, but the opportunity to make real money or to learn anything of great skill will be limited - you will mostly be training yourself.  There are two other options that stand out.

Saldus Vetsky is a well-respected expert smith in town who often deals with requests for armour-work and has been saddled with a lot of the demand for weapons to outfit the levies being raised across the country in the wake of the new king's coronation.  You might not be able to learn much from him directly that you cannot pick up on your own, but his forge is sizeable and [5] he only has [6] one daughter who would inherit the business, but you learn that she is quite the smith and businesswoman herself and probably fully intends to retain ownership should she marry.  The large numbers of orders and special work Saldus does would probably give you opportunities to expand your skills on your own.

Gerund Arondson is a name even you have heard of, out on the frontier.  The greatest weaponsmith and armourer in the country, the 70-year-old Arondson is supposedly the last of three brothers in a long line of master smiths.  He has sons and grandsons of his own who will inherit the forge should he die, so there is little chance of taking over his foundry, but even as an apprentice in his employ you could acquire the experience necessary to achieve expertise and set up your own foundry (as many others have done) or even to pursue mastery yourself.

Find out who now claims the old Thunderhound lands

You do a little research amongst the castle bureaucrats and discover that your ancestral lands are firmly under the control of [1] the King himself, as the Red Spear Delta is firmly under Crown control as part of Stormstead.  Your ancestral lands have since been taken by a minor baron of the region, who is now extorting locals with tolls at the North Bridge.  Your family was one of many whose titles might well have been officially stripped when they were defeated, but the utter annihilation of your House spared you that indignity.  On the other hand, the land in question is now very definitely and legally in the hands of the Conricht family.

If you want to get your birthright back, you'll either need to do so by earning the allegiance of a higher noble (or the king himself) or... actually, that's likely your best option unless you plan to take on the whole Royal Army by yourself.  Whatever you choose, you will probably need allies.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 07:32:17 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #535 on: August 08, 2012, 03:19:29 pm »

(Just reposting my spring orders, as Shoot has said.)

Spring Orders:
Raise 1 Infantry (Marine, Beserker, PG) -2.5 d

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 03:23:15 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #536 on: August 08, 2012, 03:38:03 pm »

"And, if you wish, I can provide stableage and feed for your Worg in a place of your choosing. She is well taken care of, and should remain so. I wouldn't want to let her go hungry in my city." The King said with a smile.
The young smith nods, his hand resting on Sahainn's back.
"I will gladly accept your offer. I can take care of her properly, but a discreet spot could be in order."
That said, he turns around and walks away and out of the Hall, passing by Ria on his way out and staring straight ahead as if it was only natural to, trying to avoid causing her any problems.

As he moves out of the castle, causing some more startled reactions on commoners who happened to be around, his eyes meet that of Sahainn. He was only person the worg would ever obey, for her duty was to Talinth and him only; the thought made the young smith chuckle, the sound muffled by the steel of his armor and the generous amount of white fur that was came out of the top of his armor and encircled his neck. Allegiances changed, sometimes suddenly, in the world of intrigue of the men. He was just glad to have a friend that would only listen to him, for even if Talinth had swore an oath to the King, the worg's blue eyes seemed to remember the knight that she hadn't done the same.

A bit of selfishness on his part, he supposed, but a good feeling nonetheless.


Back to the place the King had arranged for him - simple and thus fitting of his taste - Talinth considered his options. His hands quickly undressed his own armor with the skill only someone used to the armoring craft could have, donning commoner clothes and sitting near Sahainn, his back against her side as the worg also rested on the ground. He only walked around in armor, and it was like a second skin for him, and as a consequence, people mistook him for a respectable knight, his age and features constantly hidden, part of his voice muffled and his accent proeminent. If he ever had the need to walk around without being recognized, leaving the worg and his set of armor behind would be enough. He stared for a long time at both his sets of armor and all of his equipment, carefully kept in stands...

His preliminary searches granted him two good options. One was a well-respected smith whose business seemed to be in expansion, but he didn't seem to have much to offer in the way of skill or empiric experience. He did have a daughter to marry who would be the one to inherit her father's business, but Talinth was blissfully obvious to that fact due to his unique personality, and even if made aware of that fact and the implications, he did not find the idea of convenience marriages appealing.

The other was one of the greatest smiths in the country, rich with experience. Many others had already studied under him, and although Talinth didn't want to copy the elder's style, his teachings would most certainly improve his own way of smithing. Blacksmithing was an art, and he wanted to seek mastery himself, although...

Now that he was under the King's service, his weapons would most certainly see use. It would be prudent and proper to practice combat so he would have more chances of making through battles alive and save some of the burden on his companion's back. He knew that their fighting style relied on splitting the attacks taken between man and worg, but if they failed, she would be the first to go down. He had to prepare.

Spring: Work under Gerund Arondson, but for the Spring, Talinth chooses to train his First Trait (the weapon mastery).

« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 04:00:25 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King III
« Reply #537 on: August 08, 2012, 05:47:43 pm »

Move to the Keep, and speak with Lord Renart

Karas bids his leave to the guard, and crosses the stretch of land heading to the gates of the keep, passing through refurbished stone hallways bearing the banner of the Northern houses, with the Lionel sigil being foremost the prominent one as he passes through yet another set of doors leading into the main chamber of the keep.

True to the guard's word, those in the castle do not try to keep you back, or even check for concealed weaponry at all. Looking in the chamber, you identify the man matching Renart's description in full. He notices you standing at the entrance and bids you closer.

"Welcome liaison. I'd be happy to accommodate your presence here, from the King, but as my servant has said, the merchant has left before any notice could be sent. News travels quick these days, hmm?"

He studies you with his eyes before accepting the unspoken matter at hand.

"Do you have any requests?"


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #538 on: August 08, 2012, 09:20:45 pm »

Move to the Keep, and speak with Lord Renart

Karas bids his leave to the guard, and crosses the stretch of land heading to the gates of the keep, passing through refurbished stone hallways bearing the banner of the Northern houses, with the Lionel sigil being foremost the prominent one as he passes through yet another set of doors leading into the main chamber of the keep.

True to the guard's word, those in the castle do not try to keep you back, or even check for concealed weaponry at all. Looking in the chamber, you identify the man matching Renart's description in full. He notices you standing at the entrance and bids you closer.

"Welcome liaison. I'd be happy to accommodate your presence here, from the King, but as my servant has said, the merchant has left before any notice could be sent. News travels quick these days, hmm?"

He studies you with his eyes before accepting the unspoken matter at hand.

"Do you have any requests?"

"I simply need to know his... location."
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #539 on: August 08, 2012, 11:29:45 pm »

((OOC: Takes place after Blauritter's trip to Drachengrab.))

Stormstead, the capital of Windheath. A rather crowded place, with peddler lining the streerts at various times of the day. T'was the place that the Blauritter had to return to due to due to a shortage of funds, and a written request for a loan denied.

So it was that the Blauritter had returned to the castle, requesting an audience with the king over this matter...
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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