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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131173 times)


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1380 on: November 06, 2012, 04:14:10 am »

Surely a small halt can only benefits our hearts and mind.

Follow the Prince inside the Fortress
« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 04:32:42 am by Sheb »

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1381 on: November 06, 2012, 07:50:54 am »

"Renart! I'm glad to see you at last! Are your men up to chase what's left of the Haegar host? In the state they're in, we can probably catch up with them in a day without pressing our forces too hard."
"Greetings my Prince," Renart answered when his forces resumed their defensive, only opening the gates to let the Prince and his other cohorts inside.

"They will only give chase upon my order - and I have not ordered any attack on Osir's people."

He invited the men (for surely the Prince didn't travel alone in this circumstance) to his Private Study, sitting down amidst the cackling of the fireplace nearby.

"Milord. I did not expect your aid, especially in a force such as this! But...there is a reason he halted so long, as you might have noticed.

"Osir was under the assumption that the civil war continued. He told me, personally, that he was only after your head and decided to spare my people in exchange for my neutrality or in his aid.

"He has attacked on false pretenses, and did not know about the current peace. This is the main reason why I deign to face him in battle. While I do relish a Haegar done in by my spear, I do not enjoy a duel with a man who has undergone treachery. As for who did such, I may never know.

"He has come to die or achieve victory. If he turns back to his lands, his name will be spoiled among the survivors - if any, and the Haegar will be lost forever. While this would seem alright to us, I care about our united survival."

Renart stood up and glanced at the window before opening a book about The Iron Queen. "Call me daft, milord, but I wish to see our races prosper united, if not alone. And Osir seems to be our key to the Haegar forces in the long run - an emissary if you will. If he had any other intention, I would've been gutted to the spot, alone in the den of wolves as we talked."


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1382 on: November 06, 2012, 08:03:24 pm »

Richard froze as he listened to Renart. Once the other lord was done, he walked to the window and stared at the battlefield for some time, and he let the silence drag out. For a few minutes, he said nothing - and when he finally started speaking, his voice was soft, nearly a whisper, but there was anger behind it.

"Eleven thousand men and women."

He turned to face Renart and the other men. His glance fell on Ascalon for a little while, thinking, calculating.

"That's how many forces Osir gathered, from my estimates. More than half of those died today, but a large part still remains. He convinced all those men and women to follow him in a mad war against us - against me. His strategy to save the kingdom from a civil war was to gather ten thousand savages and to go looting and burning every inch of land that didn't kneel to Edgard. And these Haegars, they agreed."

He lifted his eyes from Ascalon and looked at Renart once again.

"Half of them dead, but the other half remains. Brothers and sisters. Family. Friends. People who fought side by side and trusted each others. People who hated us to begin with - they volunteered to attack Windheath. Now there's blood on the field, and we're the ones who spilled it. These people, they might not be thinking about revenge - not after the defeat they suffered today. But their children might. And their children' children. Their entire people hate us, and their hate will be even greater after this day. Enough, I say. Five thousand Haegars are still on the field. Raiders and savages, barbarians. They hate us, and they will hate us forever. But there is one thing that is stronger than wrath in the hearts of men - fear.

I say, we track them down. We find them. We kill every single one of them, save for a few dozens. These, we let them live, and we let them go home - so they can tell the tale. So that the Haegars will remember, from this day forward, that Windheath is not to be crossed. They wanted war, they wanted blood, they wanted death - I say, we give them those things.

Osir may be innocent of some crimes, but his hands are not clean. In response to a civil war, he chose to gather an army and bring fire and sword to our lands. If he goes home, he'll either stay warlord or, most likely, be outed by some young warrior determined to prove his skill by succeeding where he failed. I'll be damned if I let him walk away untouched."

His gaze fell back on Ascalon.

"Besides, I have a few questions to ask about who ordered him to assemble an Haegar army. I think the answer may be... Interesting."


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1383 on: November 06, 2012, 09:14:02 pm »

Trent stood silent as Renart and the Prince spoke, and as the Prince finished he broke in himself,

"Fear? You believe fear will stop them from one day standing up to burn the world beneath their weight? Since Windheath was founded, and the Haegar were drove from these lands they have wanted revenge, they did not know fear when the Adrans first came from their homeland and ravaged their people throwing them into the frozen wastes of the North.

They did not know fear when they conquered those wastes that any other race of men would have died trying to set foot in, and they did not know fear when Skald Thymmrk brought his Horde down upon Windheath. When their blood was an ocean as they broke Wolves Den they knew no fear, when we drove the Horde back into their retched home they still knew no fear.

The Haegar will never know fear for they know they are safe, we can kill them by the thousands when they come to burn our lands, and enslave our people, but they are still safe. Safe from invaders for if an army of one hundred thousand strong marched across that border to wipe out the Haegar not a single one would return alive, for every inch of land we take from them every child in Windheath will have no father."

Trent paused and took a deep breath as his hand ran across the top half of his bow sticking up from his back, shaking his head slightly he continued,

"Prince, the Haegar need a man like Osir, we need a man like Osir. I have only met the man in passing, and heard the rest from my Uncle, but I believe Osir can do what we never could, nor ever will be. I think he can change the Haegar, I think that without him the Haegar will one day unite not to make a peaceful nation, but to burn not just Windheath but the world itself. I would rather take the chance of peace then the assurance of Windheath's death."


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1384 on: November 06, 2012, 09:30:21 pm »

Cold fire shot through the prince's eyes directly at the ranger - whom he recognized.

"Osir is a criminal. A would be murderer. He brought a foreign army into our land, and for all we know he would have let them burn the kingdom down. Now he's broken and defeated. He'll be lucky if he lasts a month - dozens of challengers will rise against him, and if I remember well he's no exceptional fighter - and you suggest we'd treat with him? Choose politics and petty arrangements over justice? Damn that, and damn men like you who value profits above what is right. There's no difference between us and the cold-hearted schemer who told him to do this in the first place if we forgive him for what he's done.

Perhaps we will never settle a peace with the Haegars. So be it, then. We'll kill every single one of them if need be - like we did today, and during all the wars before that. This kingdom has stood independent for nine hundred years, with the Haegars on our borders, and they've never defeated us. Perhaps they'll come back once again one day - but not any time soon. Osir brought the cream of the fighters of his part of the North, the majority of the fighting force not spent in clan wars and blood feuds. Half are dead, and half should be dead soon. You speak of legends and tales for children, but I speak of numbers. The North's big and wide, but there aren't that many people in it. It will take a generation for the Haegars to recover from this hit... I say, we finish what our men started today."


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1385 on: November 06, 2012, 11:33:26 pm »

"He was acting on the...Edgard's orders." Renart said nonchalantly. "You know how far they went until our dispute was settled, Prince Richard. Raiders to Dechire and Northwatch - Theor suggestively making expletives against us...

"I'd say we meet Osir in secret."


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1386 on: November 06, 2012, 11:55:09 pm »

"Profit? You think I want profit, I am not a heartless bastard who seeks only money Prince, I say what I do because I want to save the lives of our people. But I care not what kind of person you think I am, the Marquis is right I wouldn't put it past Edgard to do something like this."

Trent turned to face Renart and continued,

"I am heading out North within the hour, I'll send reports back of whats left of the army, and then head for the Haegar border to take another look at the fortress the Haegar have occupied. I checked the records the other day and they said it was Adder's Keep I believe, anyway do you have any final orders for me?"


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1387 on: November 07, 2012, 01:30:05 am »

Renart looked at Richard with the expression stating "It's your call but I'm going with Trent."

"They will not attack Northwatch, is all I know with their condition. The hills protect us as much as our faith."


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1388 on: November 07, 2012, 04:37:53 am »

"Well said my Prince!" exclaimed Ascalon. Looking alternatively at Renard and Trent, he continued in a low voice "This would be a sorry day indeed if the Royal blood of Windheath itself was to choose expediency over honour and politics over what is right. It is below the Prince's dignity to fight with mere knights such as ourselves, but my sword is the Prince's, and if one of you want to discuss the matter further, I'd be more than happy to engage in some knightly debate.

Then, turning to the Prince "However my lord, if you would allow an humble knight to make a comment, I think more could be done. It is a great folly to venture in the Haegar's land in the depth of winter, but when spring come a campaign should take place. This transformation of the Haegar Sir Trent is talking of can happen by force, and with their best and brightest dead, they cannot oppose us. And in sooth, if the Haegar can't be civilized, I'm sure we could induce good Ardans from the northern kingdom to settle the area. You have the opportunity to end the Haegar menace for good my Lord, don't waste it.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1389 on: November 07, 2012, 10:44:13 am »

"Comte Blackshield? We've failed to eliminate Parnoth's threat, but have no choice but to hold our current position, lest Altaregia or Arbovent come under attack. As the sole General of the King in this army, I believe you are the one to report to Lord Regent"
« Last Edit: November 07, 2012, 10:48:58 am by Azthor »


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1390 on: November 07, 2012, 03:50:05 pm »

Trent turned on the man accompanying the Prince, Ascalon was what the Prince had called him, a look of fury covered his face and he instinctively gripped the knife at his belt. Thumbing the top of the hilt he broke in before the Prince could say a word,

"That plan will bring this land nothing, but sorrow! Osir very well could have united only a single clan or two, and tens of thousands more will be waiting for us the second we cross that border with an army. There may as well be no seasons up there Ascalon, I have witnessed it myself, that place is a frozen waste and fifty times the number of men could hide from that 'army' you have outside these walls.

The day we cross that border to crush the Haegar is the day we will see a true army, for every one of our men that cross that border I guarantee you their will be five Haegar to face them. The day you agree to attempt to conquer the Haegar you will sign the people of Windheath to death. I do not care what bloodline you are of, the second you declare to conquer the Haegar I will gather every man I can and stand in your way, I will not let foolishness like yours Ascalon kill the people I have sworn a blood oath to protect."


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1391 on: November 07, 2012, 09:13:00 pm »

Richard frowned and closed his eyes as the two argued. He had no patience for this - not now. Eventually, he cut Trent off, speaking with the voice of a general.

"Out! All of you! Matters of the realm are not to be discussed with petty lords and guard commanders! Ascalon - start assembling the troops. No matter what is decided here, I have to talk with Osir, and I sure as hell won't be meeting him without an army with me. Trent - go somewhere where you won't get in the way and meditate on the wisdom of speaking of treason in front of the realm's marshal while you're at it. You're not going to leave this fort until I've dealt with this - I won't bring a lunatic waiting to go berserk with me on the field, no matter what I do. This is the second time I see you having distinct problems with authority - and I will remind you, soldier, that no matter how much you may dislike the nobility and think yourself superior to the high born, a good officer must learn to follow before he learns to lead. An organized command chain is what causes an army like mine to move with efficiency and precision, and young fools like you are what cause armies like Osir's to loose more men to trampling than to steel in a battle. Now get out of here and be glad I'm not stripping you of your rank again.

Renart - a word with you in private, please."

Once the others were out - the prince did not let them say a word - he looked at Renart with a careful look. Eventually, he said what both of them were thinking.

"That little speech I made to the knights - bullshit. I don't think Osir acted with getting orders from above - and neither do you, I believe. If Edgard invited an Haegar army into Windheath, I am staging a coup against the man, either for a crime against the realm, or at least because an idiot like that can't be allowed to rule the country. That's why I need Osir alive and in a state good enough to answer a few questions - and that's why I'm hesitant to let him get away, Renart. This may have flown over Ascalon and your enthusiastic little idiot, but Osir proved that he was loyal to the Regent, and not the Kingdom. And I don't know about you, but I don't want a hostile army on my backside if things turn awry in Stormstead.

I don't think we have a choice. We'll have to go after the Haegar army."


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1392 on: November 08, 2012, 12:50:31 am »

Renart sighed as he considered the probabilities.

He did not know Osir's true intention, but then his tone, timbre and pitch of his reply soon after being informed of the end of the civil war gave cause for concern.

"There more thing I have to say. Richard, while I wholeheartedly agree with pursuing the enemy, I believe Osir had another thing up his mind rather than the bond to Edgard. If I can wrack my memory about it...

"We can use Osir. He only aimed for the headpiece - the goal in which he was given and could rally the Haegar to his aid as quick as that. And, if the army dies - leave nobody alive to tell except those loyal to Osir - the man can act as our Emissary to the Haegar, and also spread the word of our prowess. As for Edgard, I am unsure as to why he did not sent Osir a messenger when it was confirmed we wouldn't have swords at each other's throats.

"I will ride with you in the coming hours. We go after the army."


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1393 on: November 08, 2012, 07:43:43 am »

3 more ships are ordered to be built and launched in Stomstead for spring. (-3d from the treasury)


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Re: You are King III: Winter 937 AAL
« Reply #1394 on: November 08, 2012, 09:31:38 am »

"As you wish my lord"

At these word, Ascalon goes outside and start organizing a marching column with Royal Army. The Regent's Archer are spread out as a vangard to guard against ambush.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.
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