LinkStoryYou're one of the crewmembers on the HMS Titanic. Not the real one, one of the several space ones. Now, for some reason, you seem to have extremely bad luck, and disasters keep happening aboard. Security expenses cuts due to the Galactic Credit crunch didn't help either. Now, since you're the only crew, you must try to keep the ship flying, against the best of odds.
This game will be a cross between a board game I never played, FTL, and an Rtd.
Tldr: Spaceship Titanic, you need to keep it flying
Players have one move action and one normal action each turn. Normal actions include things like redistributing power, firing the lasers, fighting of boarders, ..
People can move to an adjecant part of the ship whenever they want.
The ship
The ship is not static, it can be damaged and modified.
Random events
Strange things happen in space, and the players will have to work together to avoid disaster.
Possible actions (You can be original too)
-Repairing segments
-Evasion maneuvers
Lifesupport systems
-Not much, you can toggle this one on and off
Internal defense system
-Can close and open doors
-Can activate the internal defenses in a room
Main power reactor
-Distribute power to other systems. The reactor provides 5 power units each turn
Laser and missiles
-Shoot stuff. Lasers use 2 energy each shot.
-Adjust the shield levels. Shield uses 2 energy per turn per level. In the beginning the max level is 2
-Adjust the speed. 1 Energy unit is used per turn per speed level, The faster you go, the faster your reach the next station
Bridge: You control the ship from here. Making Dodging maneuvres and such. The autopilot is dumb, and the computer will move in standbye if not touched every X turns
Atmospherical control and lifesupport:
Internal defense and blastdoor control circuits: (The internal defenses have no friendly fire parameters, and are shut down by default. Likewise are all doors open)
Engines (If you want to reach your destination safely, you'd better keep these running)
Main power reactor (Power distribution is manual. Things requiring power are the lasers, shields and engines)
Starboard lasers
Portside lasers
Missile launcher(Comes preequiped with 3 missiles)
Shield generator (Deactivated by default, uses power. All not automated)
Other (Bought later)
Picture, if needed
Preferred times:
Reactor overload
Solar flare's jamming systems
Boarding party
Reactor running out of fuel
Incoming asteroid
Distress call
Derelict ship
Asteroid field
Black hole
Near nova sun
Spatial anomalie
Good events:
-Badly drawn map
-Random events
-This will not be to silly nor freeform. Please refrain from using the map as a multiplayer paint program.
-6 to 8 players
-Using, as soon as I figured that out
-All time is GMT +1, unless stated otherwise