This time i really give up on the TFC server. Not only am i always alone, making no difference from playing solo, except the lag and various issues, but i just lost a copper anvil that i spent a whole day prospecting, mining, smelting and working on. How ? well i left my house in the middle of the day, walked to my forge, and blew up from a creeper coming from behind. Now, this happened before, but the thing is, this time the anvil got caught in the explosion, and dropped to the ground ... as a stone anvil. The stone anvil, once placed and used once, turned into a stone. Yay.
I said before that i enjoyed much more playing TFCraft on peaceful, and i stand by that statement. Not only is it impossible for me to defend properly with the lag i have, but regardless, 99% of the time i spend on the server is during the day, only adding the tedium of having to sleep all the time. Someone said to me that "playing TFC on peaceful misses the point", and i disagree. If it's about fighting vanilla monsters, i've done it a thousand times before and there's no real interest for me. TFC makes progression so hardcore that allowing the possibility of losing it all to a single creeper is masochism. I already restarted from scratch so many times because of various reasons like new updates, that i have never gotten past tier 1 of metals (out of 6 tiers), except for this time where i had copper. Adding creepers to that is not "fun", it is only making me play the same content over and over. That's like Sisyphus's ordeal or something.
Heck, seeing how i was the last player left on this server anyway, i guess i was still the most resilient...