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Should we start fresh with version 1.4.6? (Regenerate map, etc)

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Author Topic: Forsaken's Gaming Servers  (Read 299205 times)


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1095 on: October 06, 2012, 09:29:58 pm »

Technically, one would only need 3-high walls and a door to stay alive.  Unless you went for some modded creatures, like giving zombies the ability to (slowly) bash through wood and cobble tiles, or allowing creepers to get "as close as they can" and when they get stuck, to explode.  If further mods were made, like making it more difficult to obtain smoothstone and metal, and spawning zombies by the dozen, then you get into proper defensive horror.

That AI pathfinding mod also included digging zombies. It was hell. Personally I hate creepers for their troll factor, so I usually play with them disabled somehow. Doors would totally be breachable by zombies.
I really want that one as a "when". I want "grubs", and "virgin woman" to turn into a dragon. and monkey children to suddenly sprout wings. And I want the Dwarven Mutant Academy to only gain their powers upon reaching puberty. I also have a whole host of odd creatures that only make sense if I divide them into children and adults.

Also, tadpoles.


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1096 on: October 06, 2012, 09:41:24 pm »

I feel as if this supposed mod should include some degree of distance difficulty.  Like, the spawn is set to 0,0 and the further you get away from there, the more enemies spawn and the more types of enemies spawn, but also the more resources can be harvested.  I'd say it should peak at...  5,000?  10,000?  Once you get that far away, the density of mobs and loot becomes constant, so you couldn't go to 50,000 and find mountains made of solid gold.  This way though, spawn point can be relatively safe and boring, but any profitable exercise would be rather dangerous, and as resources in local clusters are used up then you have no choice but to venture into the wilds.


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1097 on: October 06, 2012, 10:29:25 pm »

Would mind this crossing over with TFCraft's Mineral Distribution/Metalcrafting side of things. Would make me feel like a True dwarf that TFCraft already does in some ways...
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Broker: Wasn't there an ambush squad here just a second ago?
Merchant: I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want this goblin ankle bone amulet or not?
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Akhier the Dragon hearted

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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1098 on: October 06, 2012, 11:43:29 pm »

For hell, what about adamantine veins including horizontal (4x4 with a hole in the middle pits) portals that warp you to the nether, which would have mobs that eat your face...
   I don't think it should lead to the nether if only because even if you overhaul the nether and add really nasty mobs it is still the nether and reachable with ob gates. Just have the pits open to the void so falling through is death. You can't actually go to hell in DF and the void is not something you come back from either. Just have a fancy liquid that players and normal mobs can't swim in but demons can so you can spawn the Demons in it and have them swim out.
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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1099 on: October 07, 2012, 08:55:00 am »

For hell, what about adamantine veins including horizontal (4x4 with a hole in the middle pits) portals that warp you to the nether, which would have mobs that eat your face...
   I don't think it should lead to the nether if only because even if you overhaul the nether and add really nasty mobs it is still the nether and reachable with ob gates. Just have the pits open to the void so falling through is death. You can't actually go to hell in DF and the void is not something you come back from either. Just have a fancy liquid that players and normal mobs can't swim in but demons can so you can spawn the Demons in it and have them swim out.

That also makes sense. To avoid unecessary complexity with making a liquid so demons swim out, why not spawn them directly above the hole?
I really want that one as a "when". I want "grubs", and "virgin woman" to turn into a dragon. and monkey children to suddenly sprout wings. And I want the Dwarven Mutant Academy to only gain their powers upon reaching puberty. I also have a whole host of odd creatures that only make sense if I divide them into children and adults.

Also, tadpoles.


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1100 on: October 07, 2012, 09:52:05 am »

I say YES YES YES to making minecraft actually DANGEROUS.
Its too easy to get in a safe hiding hole until night is over.
I want goblin sieges badly. Mayby if you craft a special block and put it down you could eventually get "migrants" to do stuff for you?

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.

Akhier the Dragon hearted

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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1101 on: October 07, 2012, 01:32:10 pm »

   I don't think it should lead to the nether if only because even if you overhaul the nether and add really nasty mobs it is still the nether and reachable with ob gates. Just have the pits open to the void so falling through is death. You can't actually go to hell in DF and the void is not something you come back from either. Just have a fancy liquid that players and normal mobs can't swim in but demons can so you can spawn the Demons in it and have them swim out.
That also makes sense. To avoid unecessary complexity with making a liquid so demons swim out, why not spawn them directly above the hole?
   Because not all the demons should fly and if you spawn them directly over the pit they would fall right back into the pit. What I see for it is that the hole goes through bedrock and the sides are bedrock so its however many layers there are in the chaotic bedrock level of open space which would be filled by something that the demons can go up through but players and normal mobs can not. I don't want the demons spawning on the outside of the pits to make it possible to block the pits though of course I would have some fun surprises for those who get really close to the pit.
   Though thinking about it a liquid is probably not the best for this, maybe take one of those clouds you could go up through that are in the aether mod and modify it so it glows and is somewhat clear with a good red tint to the block itself and then make only demons be able to go climb through it. Another thing is you could make a bunch of different color type and have that be where the different demons spawn, for instance Frog demons come from green while fire ones come from red. With the improvement to spawners it should be easy to set this up as you have a lot more control over them so a few ones hidden with bedrock around the pit should work (this is where the fun surprise mentioned above would come in - a spawner set so only if your right at the pit would spawn a really tough demon prince or something). Another option is of course to make hell like it is in the more recent versions and forget the pit to the void.
Join us. The crazy is at a perfect temperature today.
So it seems I accidentally put my canteen in my wheelbarrow and didn't notice... and then I got really thirsty... so right before going to sleep I go to take a swig from my canteen and... end up snorting a line of low-grade meth.


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1102 on: October 07, 2012, 03:53:34 pm »

I feel so alone on Terraria..  :-\


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1103 on: October 07, 2012, 03:56:34 pm »

   I don't think it should lead to the nether if only because even if you overhaul the nether and add really nasty mobs it is still the nether and reachable with ob gates. Just have the pits open to the void so falling through is death. You can't actually go to hell in DF and the void is not something you come back from either. Just have a fancy liquid that players and normal mobs can't swim in but demons can so you can spawn the Demons in it and have them swim out.
That also makes sense. To avoid unecessary complexity with making a liquid so demons swim out, why not spawn them directly above the hole?
   Because not all the demons should fly and if you spawn them directly over the pit they would fall right back into the pit. What I see for it is that the hole goes through bedrock and the sides are bedrock so its however many layers there are in the chaotic bedrock level of open space which would be filled by something that the demons can go up through but players and normal mobs can not. I don't want the demons spawning on the outside of the pits to make it possible to block the pits though of course I would have some fun surprises for those who get really close to the pit.
   Though thinking about it a liquid is probably not the best for this, maybe take one of those clouds you could go up through that are in the aether mod and modify it so it glows and is somewhat clear with a good red tint to the block itself and then make only demons be able to go climb through it. Another thing is you could make a bunch of different color type and have that be where the different demons spawn, for instance Frog demons come from green while fire ones come from red. With the improvement to spawners it should be easy to set this up as you have a lot more control over them so a few ones hidden with bedrock around the pit should work (this is where the fun surprise mentioned above would come in - a spawner set so only if your right at the pit would spawn a really tough demon prince or something). Another option is of course to make hell like it is in the more recent versions and forget the pit to the void.

Adding actual DF hell to minecraft would mean dedicating a sizeable chunk of the (still, but less) limited Z layers to it. Hence why my original suggestion of using gates. What about making a custom dimension which would be hell, which has coordinates paired on a 1:1 basis with real world. it'd have a molten rock "roof" high in the sky, and then a ground of slade and demons. Portals would have their coordinates paired, except that in the hell dimension they'd pop on the underside of the molten rock ceiling. Not falling to your immediate death after crossing such portals would require a deal of player ingenuity.
I really want that one as a "when". I want "grubs", and "virgin woman" to turn into a dragon. and monkey children to suddenly sprout wings. And I want the Dwarven Mutant Academy to only gain their powers upon reaching puberty. I also have a whole host of odd creatures that only make sense if I divide them into children and adults.

Also, tadpoles.


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1104 on: October 19, 2012, 03:35:46 am »

I want to return to this, do i still have to downgrade?

Edit: yes i did.

Holy shit, everything i had here is left as it was back then, nothing has been taken or added to my house, or that place in the age of exploitation that was supposed to be my quarry place. Fuck.
Its like frozen in time, does anybody even frequent theese servers anymore? Twelve sands has grown so much
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 03:56:53 am by DrPoo »
Would the owner of an ounce of dignity please contact the mall security?


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1105 on: October 19, 2012, 09:22:19 am »

Nope, the servers are kinda dead ATM. There is an active TFC server tough. (1.3.2, it should be lingering at the first or second page).

But hey, thats the curse of B12 i guess.

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1106 on: October 19, 2012, 09:24:02 am »

People here are pretty fickle, aye. Generally I take servers down after nobody logs in for a month.

After about 3 weeks of activity most of these servers devolved into one person logging in, typing /who, and then logging out because nobody is on. Then 10 minutes later someone else does the same thing. etc etc.

No worries though, so long as people had fun I don't mind donating my time towards it.


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1107 on: October 19, 2012, 03:20:39 pm »

I was actually having some fun with the bees, but for some reason a chunk in my "ranch" rolled back and the other didn't. The chunk where I took the bees from, including some rare ones, didn't reset and was left devoid of bees, while the other chunk did reset and was left empty also.

So I gave up on that for now :P


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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1108 on: October 19, 2012, 03:22:30 pm »

I was actually having some fun with the bees, but for some reason a chunk in my "ranch" rolled back and the other didn't. The chunk where I took the bees from, including some rare ones, didn't reset and was left devoid of bees, while the other chunk did reset and was left empty also.

So I gave up on that for now :P
I'm sorry to hear that. The only consolation I can offer is that when RP2 updates I'll be putting in the newest version of Extrabees which promises to be much more stable. In fact the server overall should be far more stable in SMP.

The Darkling Wolf

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Re: Forsaken's Gaming Servers
« Reply #1109 on: October 19, 2012, 03:29:09 pm »

Have you considered adding Cart Mod? Assuming it updates ofc.

It's nice for transporting goods around between bases, and a serious lifesaver for making a farm, because you don't need to painfully lead animals to the pen with wheat.
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