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Author Topic: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!  (Read 531034 times)


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4935 on: March 24, 2017, 06:36:38 pm »

Can't grow a new brain.

Or solve cancer, for that matter.  Maybe cancer is destined to happen eventually, even with longevity treatments, due to mistakes in DNA copying and repair.  Again, doesn't do us much good to keep our bodies from wearing out for 200 years if we're going to get cancer in our 70s anyway.
Oh, we can't now, but that hardly proves anything. We couldn't cure syphilis 100 years ago. We couldn't run 3310 version of Snake on the research mainframes 50 years ago. I've had to present an article on growing neurospheres - effectively tiny brainlets - from stem cells couple of months ago.

Cancer may have to 'happen', but it happens, relatively speaking, all the time. And I mean in you, not the population as a whole; on the purely getting-a-bad-mutation level, the problem isn't the mutation(s) - it's that it's not dealt with properly very, very rarely, which results in the development of cancer.

You only get cancer proper when several layers of security fail. First, your cell needs to get compromised to get them to divide, usually due to some repair mechanism fucking up, second they have to circumvent the internal checks and balances that SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING in this exact case - in turn, due to other mutations that shut down these directly or indirectly.

Then it also needs to escape the external hazards - the immune system for example also recognizes the patterns that point to the cells going rogue, and  the majority of survivors of the previous phase die or get sequestered at this point, aside from other factors.

It is those extremely lucky select few that develop the right set of modifications to develop into a full-on malignant tumor. That's why it develops so long!

So the trick is not preventing it, it's figuring out a clean way to kill the fuckers without also shrapnelling everything else if possible. And already there's progress towards that. I read one guy taking part in the clinical trial for new-gen treatment joke that he felt like a fraud, because he wasn't even in pain during the therapy.
We are doomed. It's just that whatever is going to kill us all just happens to be, from a scientific standpoint, pretty frickin' awesome.


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4936 on: March 24, 2017, 07:30:11 pm »

Climate Discussion

Both gases are diatomic with the same molar heat, but CO2 has higher molar mass so the specific heat used to calculate the lapse rate would be different accordingly, 44/28 means CO2 should have 1.57 times greater cooling per kilometer than N2, but that same mass ratio means it would sit about 1.57 times lower than N2, so the temperature change between the surface and the top of the adiabatic layer (a.k.a. the troposphere) should be roughly the same if you swap out CO2 for N2.
Nitrogen isn't a greenhouse gas (and CO2 isn't diatomic). It reflects very little of the sun's thermal radiation. If you keep an atmosphere of equal density but with materials that do not facilitate thermal retention, there is a massive drop in average temperature. Earth's would, with only the removal of the 0.04% of it that is CO2, drop by several degrees C. Same is true for Venus, but on a far more drastic scale.
We would need to increase the mass of the atmosphere by 90 times in our death throes, this isn't something that just accidentally happens, especially with a water cycle in place busily dissolving gases out of the atmosphere and fixing them into sediments and so on.
My words were specifically about a scenario in which we successfully break climate stability for good, ensuring that Earth's organic and water mass are increasingly converted into atmosphere. This is particularly severe as the majority of the greenhouse effect is caused by not CO2 but water vapor, the latter is simply not increasing. Were Earth's rather substantial supply of water enter the atmosphere alongside its carbon, extreme alterations would occur. Whether or not that would actually happen is a question of the exact circumstances of humanity's suicide and the long-term corrective effect of the carbon and water cycles.

But as I said before, Venus is an example of the greenhouse effect's existence not Earth's future, which is how this all got started. We'd all be dead long before any of that!
Do you or do you not agree that the presence of carbon dioxide in a planetary atmosphere directly correlates with the heat retention of that atmosphere?
Well, Venus has something like 3000 to 5000 times as much CO2 (dealers choice, molar or mass percentage) at 92 times the pressure, so call it 270,000 to 460,000 higher concentration? According to Wolframalpha that's about 218 for either value, so what effect would 18 CO2 doublings have? If 2xCO2 gives a rise of 1.5 K that's 27 K warmer than here? Even if you proposed an outlandish value of 5 K per doubling we're still only looking at 90 K!

Does anybody wanna get behind the temperature increase per CO2 doubling being 22 K? Cause that will get you 400 K warmer than here, so that seems to be something of a pickle, doesn't it?
See the point above. CO2's exact temperature effect isn't going to be contained in this margin because it's not a matter of the CO2 getting hot, it's a matter of it getting in the doorway and keeping IR from escaping in diverse atmospheric conditions. Prepare to get very rich if you can actually determine CO2's climate sensitivity in WolframAlpha, because there's been a lot of people working on it.

Also, you didn't answer my actual question. You don't need to know the exact sensitivity to give a fairly confident answer; no more than Galileo needed to explain how the Earth could possibly orbit the Sun in the face of God's primacy over the universe.

Longevity Discussion
Anti-aging therapy stuff. Hot from the science-oven.

The approach is interesting - rather than try to save every last cell, they're throwing the aged, senescent cells under the bus so they don't spoil the party for the rest, and turns out that even naturally-aged mice fare better.

I haven't read too much into the methods yet though, so not sure how overblown this might be. The target has been implicated in longevity earlier though, so there's some basis for hoping it at least helps a bit.

And the thing that makes me really happy is that it's actually a peptide, meaning you can just get the ol' syringeful of liquid in your bloodstream and get the benefits, rather than - like the Salk paper that was posted here a while back - requiring actual gene therapy to get working at this stage.
Goddamn that's cool. I'll put this on the Hail Mary list if I suddenly start dying.
I suspect biological prostheses will become available at a similar time to functional cybernetic prostheses, and while they might not let you acquire superhuman abilities, they'll be your own flesh and blood.  No need to recharge batteries, no need to perform maintenance.  Just get a new arm, leg or pancreas grown and attached.
There's a grey area here, however. Eventually you're working on nanotech scales, and those act a lot like synthetic cells. What we need most at this point is a good way to let machines talk to human nerves.
Or solve cancer, for that matter.  Maybe cancer is destined to happen eventually, even with longevity treatments, due to mistakes in DNA copying and repair.  Again, doesn't do us much good to keep our bodies from wearing out for 200 years if we're going to get cancer in our 70s anyway.
What this needs most for longevity is a regulatory system. I envision some sort of central implant that puts out nanomachines who review your DNA/RNA and telomeres for damage and correct such mistakes.

Also, I'd like everybody to take a look at my favorite scientific experiment of all time, Project Cyborg. Kevin Warwick is the coolest and most crazy mad scientist in the world. He implanted an electrode array in his arm and sucessfully used it to control a robot arm over the internet. Said arm was across the Atlantic ocean at the time. Not only that, and this is the craziest part, but Warwick's body did not reject the electrode array as was expected, and in fact his nerve tissue grew around the array and encapsulated it.

It's a crime that there haven't been many followup experiments to all this, because it suggests that a mind-machine interface may not be that difficult after all. And it makes a certain degree of sense, there's no reason for human neural signals to be overly complex or secured like that of a computer.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 07:32:23 pm by MetalSlimeHunt »
Quote from: Thomas Paine
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
No Gods, No Masters.


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4937 on: March 25, 2017, 01:52:09 am »

Nitrogen isn't a greenhouse gas (and CO2 isn't diatomic). It reflects very little of the sun's thermal radiation. If you keep an atmosphere of equal density but with materials that do not facilitate thermal retention, there is a massive drop in average temperature. Earth's would, with only the removal of the 0.04% of it that is CO2, drop by several degrees C. Same is true for Venus, but on a far more drastic scale.
I derped on the diatomic, my mistake, I was typing and checking tabs and so forth, I meant CO2 works out to have the same molar heat but even there I might have run afoul of trying to track down the info on different tabs and missed that the conditions under which N2 has ~29 J/K aren't exactly the same as where CO2 has ~29 J/K (so I think they'd be 20/29 N2/CO2 together), but it doesn't actually change the main point: unless you're trying to stack the deck and set up conditions which support one argument but not another. All atmospheres in the solar system exhibit an increasing temperature gradient from the 0.1 Bar altitude down to the 1 Bar+ altitudes, or from the top to the bottom of the region which mixes convectively. The temperature at the altitude at which a planet hits 0.1 Bar lets you work out the temperature at any point below it.

Whether we're looking at mostly hydrogen or nitrogen, carbon dioxide or a mishmash of moist oxygen and nitrogen, they all exhibit that profile in the lower regions.

You might notice Titan on there is steeper than Venus despite being something like 95% N2 down low with the rest being largely farts, it would need to be taller from the surface to the tropopause if Venus was covered with an N2 atmosphere, but arguing it would just fall over and snow out when it hasn't managed to do that anywhere else in the solar system seems a bit much.

Also, uh, not gonna jump on it since as I showed we all make mistakes, but reflecting solar thermal has nothing to do with anything, and one of the key concepts in the radiative greenhouse effect model is that CO2 in the upper atmosphere is better at cooling because it is more radiatively active, and this is then said to raise the tropopause and drag the surface temperature upwards.

An incredibly massive atmosphere of N2 being swapped in on Venus for CO2, if going by the simplified "it just doesn't emit radiation" model for convenience here, would have no way to lose heat outside of conduction against the surface, and thus convection would lift parcels and establish the familiar tropospheric temperature/pressure profile and in the lack of outside energy input it would gradually eject faster molecules and relax, but until the Sun shuts off that isn't a reasonable assumption to work under.
My words were specifically about a scenario in which we successfully break climate stability for good, ensuring that Earth's organic and water mass are increasingly converted into atmosphere. This is particularly severe as the majority of the greenhouse effect is caused by not CO2 but water vapor, the latter is simply not increasing. Were Earth's rather substantial supply of water enter the atmosphere alongside its carbon, extreme alterations would occur. Whether or not that would actually happen is a question of the exact circumstances of humanity's suicide and the long-term corrective effect of the carbon and water cycles.
Bleh, I don't feel like going down the "constant relative humidity assumption" road.
See the point above. CO2's exact temperature effect isn't going to be contained in this margin because it's not a matter of the CO2 getting hot, it's a matter of it getting in the doorway and keeping IR from escaping in diverse atmospheric conditions. Prepare to get very rich if you can actually determine CO2's climate sensitivity in WolframAlpha, because there's been a lot of people working on it.
I'd say I was giving a constraint on the far end: there's no way anybody can claim with a straight face that doubling CO2 concentration would give 22 K of warming without missing that such a claim implies we should be something like 10 K warmer than pre-industrial periods currently. Obviously we aren't, so it seems clear to me that CO2 doubling doesn't produce the amount of warming needed to call Venus proof of the CO2 greenhouse effect.

Arguably it's worse because it shouldn't be increasing on a linear scale like I used above, probably need to go logarithmic or something at the higher concentrations.

Tossing in additional handwaved "well of course it isn't just because the CO2 got hot, but in the end CO2 did it" just sounds like a way to get around the issue that you're willing to accept a scenario where it's already hot and credit CO2 for it, but above when I suggested an N2 scenario you dismissed it because you want to assume that it's starting out cold and apparently without the cloud decks? As it stands there is no way to credit any form of the radiative greenhouse effect/related properties of CO2 with more than 20 K or so of the difference between here and there, short of declaring that something arbitrarily changes the situation there and then only allowing that something to include some way of boosting the greenhouse related properties of CO2.

On the other hand, as I explained, having that much atmosphere is going to mean the 0.1 Bar altitude is much higher, and whatever the temperature there is (which I guess I should have specified to be the same as the CO2 atmosphere one is in my thought experiment to cut the "ah, but if I just say N2 starts cold it doesn't work" stuff short) the temperature profile below it is a matter of the masses involved.

Unless you want to propose that Hydrogen has some sort of greenhouse effect and that is why Jupiter exhibits the same 0.1 > 1+ Bar profile, but that would basically be trying to credit the greenhouse effect with creating the adiabatic lapse rate, wouldn't it?
Also, you didn't answer my actual question. You don't need to know the exact sensitivity to give a fairly confident answer; no more than Galileo needed to explain how the Earth could possibly orbit the Sun in the face of God's primacy over the universe.
I'm pretty sure I showed that the radiative properties of CO2 can not account for the temperature of Venus without inserting a hidden fudge-factor or assumption somewhere which actually explains it before giving credit to CO2. If CO2 does actually explain it then it doesn't work very well for explaining things here, water vapor or not. You may note I left Mars out of the discussion, despite the mostly CO2 atmosphere it doesn't even have a 0.1 Bar altitude (outside of a warm day at the bottom of Hellas Planitia?) so it has to sit in the corner and think about what it's done.

Il Palazzo

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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4938 on: March 25, 2017, 03:22:00 am »

Would it be too much to ask for cessation of crackpottery in this thread?


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4939 on: March 25, 2017, 01:59:53 pm »

Would it be too much to ask for cessation of crackpottery in this thread?
You're right, can't have discussion about science in a science thread, my bad.


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4940 on: March 25, 2017, 02:16:03 pm »

Science is empirically tested facts. And occasionally pure undiluted awesome sauce.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4941 on: March 25, 2017, 03:04:26 pm »

It's the method of formulating and testing explanations for why/how observed facts have certain properties/exhibit certain behaviors, and some pure undiluted awesomesauce on top.


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4942 on: March 25, 2017, 03:24:23 pm »

That's what I said. Except overstated. :p
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4943 on: March 25, 2017, 03:51:34 pm »

I'm just twitchy about the use of "facts" in scientific contexts. An experiment can support a hypothesis and improve the status of a solid theoretical framework by confirming predictions like we recently saw with gravitational waves and the Higgs, but even General Relativity has a different status from a fact, as it is used to predict and explain properties of observations, while those observations themselves are closer to facts, but even then they depend on certain assumptions about the methods and equipment being used but it starts to get into philosophy and mathematics as you head down that rabbit hole.

Frickin' mathematicians and philosophers with their constructed proofs and enunciated facts.


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4944 on: March 26, 2017, 05:03:23 pm »

Correction: THIS is science, and probably the most giggle-inducing headline I've read since "avoidance behavior of boobies and tits after stimulation with bouncy balls" was never a thing.

Controlling Turtle Motion with Human Thought


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4945 on: March 26, 2017, 05:35:21 pm »

I now want a thought controlled dog. Oh, the marvellous mischief that would allow for. I'd have to practice saying 'bad dog' without bursting out into laughter though.
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4946 on: March 26, 2017, 05:41:39 pm »

I don't think dogs are as easily guided as a turtle, though I have had some remarkably stupid dogs.


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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4947 on: March 26, 2017, 07:25:41 pm »

Mars Tsunami

(The journal link on that page effectively 404s.  There's other places reporting it as news, however. Maybe they link to the current version's source and not last year's speculation.)

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Re: SCIENCE, Gravitational waves, and the whole LIGO OST!
« Reply #4949 on: April 01, 2017, 05:20:37 am »

Anti-aging therapy stuff. Hot from the science-oven.
> Misread "nuclear exclusion" as "nuclear explosion".
> Contemplate that viruses can cause "nuclear explosions".
> Head off to Terrible Jokes thread.
Reading his name would trigger it. Thinking of him would trigger it. No other circumstances would trigger it- it was strictly related to the concept of Bill Clinton entering the conscious mind.

THE xTROLL FUR SOCKx RUSE WAS A........... DISTACTION        the carp HAVE the wagon

A wizard has turned you into a wagon. This was inevitable (Y/y)?
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