and these are the ones that can get your legendary armorsmith hammered to death.
Don't know if this is more ironic (given that he should know how to protect himself) than the legendary weaponsmith being hammered to death.
It's been
ages since I've had an "I want <foo> in my room!" demand. I actually thought they'd been taken out... Must be just the PRNG's little joke with me... (As for the lack of tin issue, I never create a noble[1] without first cutting out of the shortlist all the ones with material desires incompatible with my embark's provably-available materials. Not that this would have stopped the Fine Pewter Bed situation from arising. There's the footnote-mentioned alloy-avoidance, but iron/copper/spoilermetal beds are
just as improbable.)
[1] If I can help it, the Expedition Leader, who often becomes mayor after a while, is often chosen (forced to be so, by the appropriate spatter of social-skill spamming) for having an uncomplicated choice of metal (often the easy-to-obtain copper[2] and rarely an
alloy of any kind), rock-types that are as generally available as possible, and it's a plus-point if they have a preference for any actual item that I would want to be making anyway. (Bags, certain weapons, chairs, tables...)
[2] Although I've gone off "iron" as a choice, after so many embarks where iron did not exist either on my map or for my civilisation...