So I'm mid siege in my latest fortress. This time I built the trade depot on the surface next to a river with walls all around, a draw bridge, and fortifications flanking either side of the bridge. I've trained a squad of crossbow wielding, leather clad dwarves from the third or forth immigration wave. I've also trained a reserve of axe dwarves to defend against anything that might breach my defenses or anyone going beserk.
So a horde of goblins attacks. I place both squadrons on the surface, one on the fortifications, and one besides the entranceway to the fort. I don't see much action, so I head down a few levels to carve out my new grand dining hall (the 5x5 dining hall was getting a little crowded with 120 or so dwarves). I come back to the surface a minute later and notice blood is all over the place. Here, one or two of my marksdwarves had begun dismembering a few of the goblins that happened by, as I could make out about four piles of goblin body parts, and one dwarves toe (not sure how that happened).
Then suddenly I get a message about a minotaur attack. Thinking I'm doomed, I ready the troops and wait at the gates. Fortunately, the goblins butchered the minotaur as he was trying to find a way around the river. My men were tired and hungry by this point, so I releaved them of duty and left the bridge up to protect my fort. I know it wasn't anything spectacular, but I'm so damn proud of my little fort lasting more than ten seconds during this siege. Only problem is I still don't understand why the dwarves won't practice at the archery ranges I built, or why the goblins are just sitting on the other side of the map waiting. Is there a reason for that?