Huh? People actually want Pokerus? I ended up getting it on my Azumarill somehow yesterday (dumb luck I guess) and I'm like "Great... if only this had happened in any gen without Super Training."
Still, if others want it, I have a junk guy in the box to preserve it for me. I can always pass it to a few more and trade them away.
In other news, I'm trudging through Victory Road. Shouldn't be too long now...
Edit: Also, why does Goodra suck, exactly? (Disclaimer: I don't play competitively) I use mine to fill holes in the move types I have on my team. It can learn all sorts of useful TMs. Mine has Ice Beam, Earthquake, Dragon Pulse and Thunderbolt. Of course you gotta be careful to avoid heavy-hitting physical attacks, but besides that it seems to do alright.
Pokerus is still extremely valuable. See Horde EV training. me, Goodra felt subpar compared to the other Dragon-types, on top of being part of the generation that created Fairy-types. Not to mention that Goomy is found in the route directly before the Fairy-type gym, so from the get-go, he feels mildly useless. On top of THAT, he also has a slow experience gain. It was mildly frustrating grinding him up to the rest of my party after the Fairy gym. He doesn't have a subtype either, so no STAB attacks except for Dragon, which is ONLY super-effective against other Dragons.
Don't get me wrong, I loved my Goodra, but he was one of the Pokemon on my team that got carried. Maybe it was just a bad nature or bad EVs. Although, looking at his base stats, his Sp. Def. is quite ludicrous. Could work well as a wall. Also, I loved that he had Hydration, but hated that it always required setting up Rainy Day.
I think it's mainly that he came with the Fairy generation. To me, it seemed like a lot of trainers used Fairy-types.