1) Have the squad size of 3 for new squads. Once they're good at what they do you might want to consolidate them into mondo 10 man squads. Or maybe not.
This is correct, training this way is
much faster.
2) Have each squad set to Train for 8 months & No Scheduled Order for 4 months. Break up that 4 months off time across the year - not all at once.
Not sure what the point in that would be unless you want them to continue their civilain duties. They are fine on duty all year indefinatly
3) When set to Train make sure they are set to Train, 2 minimum & don't forget to copy that order for the other 7 months.
From my reasearch and understanding, this is not nessesary unless you want them to perform civilian jobs. They will still eat and drink while on duty.
5) In addition to all this, for each xbow squad, create 3 archery targets. DEFINE EACH TARGET AS A SEPARATE ARCHERY RANGE. ( This was the biggest "Ah Ha!" moment for me. Just defining one that overlaps the others DOES NOT WORK. Training really took off after I got this. ) Assign each xbow squad to 3 of them.
This was a big "Ah Ha!" moment for me aswell, I think this is still the case, annoyingly.
6) Assign ammunition for each xbow squad. I use "200" bolts per squad - that's 100 wood bolts set as Train, & 100 bolts of anything else that is not wood for Combat. You could go all wood all the time for everything.
Last I checked, combat and trainning ammo is bugged and they will just use what their holding, it only effects which ammo they will pick up when they need more.
One last suggestion, have each squad set to sleep in their rooms, & don't let them carry any food or drinks.
I agree with this, there is little point in sleeping in barracks other than to always have them where you want them. Carrying drinks works fine (requires flask) however carrying food is slightly bugged in thaat if they are eating when you give them an order, they will abandon their meal but it will still be claimed as theirs so no one will clean it up and it will rot. Having them carry food also means they won't use the dinningroom, which is good if you don't want them to make friends but prevents them getting the happy thought from eating in a legendary dinning room.
On a related note, I would recommend having a full time military and always haveing them busy (with trainning) so as to prevent them making friends (to prevent tantrum spirals).
Also, having both hunters and marksdwarves dose really weird thing with ammo designations, I would reccomend just hunting with squads if nessesary and disabling all hunting labours.
make sure you military is properly clothed in the most reacent version, I think armour counts as clothing, but it is easy to underproduce it, resulting in a tantruming military.
Oh and a lot of people don't realise, but you can use a shield with a crossbow, this is
highly adviable.