I tried this a few days ago, and initially quit because I ran into something like 5 bugs in 5 minutes, one of which the developers probably thought was a feature: when I entered the first mission it dropped me into one in progress, gave me no instructions, and ended it a couple minutes later because the person who was already there was about to finish it when it dropped me in. I can't recall the other bugs I ran into at the time now.
I gave it another try a few minutes later, and had a hacking terminal refuse to function properly and continually trigger security alerts, on top of the fact that at no point had the game ever given any kind of instructions on how to operate said terminals. I attempted to repeatedly use the same hacking terminal (and why not?), and it kept failing to work, and eventually it gave me a puzzle with no center piece, and I just quit right then and uninstalled it.
One person I know kept praising it up and down, so I reinstalled it a couple days later to give it another try, and played by myself to avoid drop-in-the-middle-of-games, and it worked fine that time, but there was nothing compelling about it at all. It was completely boring and uninteresting, the UI was flashing things that didn't matter at me, it didn't tell me important things that it should have been telling me, and was telling me unimportant things instead, and the gameplay wasn't the least bit interesting either. There wasn't anything fun or interesting going on, it was just skinner boxes with a bad UI and bugs, glowy red balls appearing on my character and exploding randomly, and only dying if I let several enemies reach melee range.