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Author Topic: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)  (Read 21307 times)


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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #105 on: July 06, 2012, 12:40:58 pm »

Garett Nipton might be rich, but he's really having it hard.

Pity his poor capacity for MP.

And his sanity, whatever remains of it.

Right, we need Garret to upgrade his firepower if he's gonna survive. Upgrade the Plasma Cutter's impact and the Handcannon's rate of fire, which should reduce the wait time between shots to 2 seconds from 4, so it's a massive upgrade. Put in our new capacity core too and then switch weapons to the plasma cutter and get ready to rock. Grab something to throw to get attention from a distance then listen at the door quietly for noise, then open it carefully and head to the end of the corridor. Throw the disposable item down it and when the creature comes around the corner, BLAST THAT SUCKER! Try aiming for it's legs to slow it down, then go for the head and arms.

And yeah, we need more fiyahpowah!

Also, it might be a good time to trigger a significant background plot event.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 12:43:38 pm by New Guy »
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.


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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #106 on: July 06, 2012, 07:21:38 pm »

Leave a note on the front desk stating CLOSED for now, then proceed to the first engine as that would have more people to save. Also, if possible try to find and repair a communications relay on the way.
"Also I always figured you were like Tesla, only requiring two hours of sleep before going onto whatever you do"


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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #107 on: July 06, 2012, 07:33:29 pm »

I'm not gonna make a huge post just simple ones

"Maybe we should go back" try to get the guards to go back and keep a lookout behind in case it jumps out of the vent
In denial of sanity...

and insanity

The Fool

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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #108 on: July 07, 2012, 02:38:25 pm »

((Background plot point? If you're referring to how the virus got there you can find out as you go. If this was a Dead Space console game this would be chapter 1 with the pre-necromorph events as a prologue. If people are interested enough this can keep going until the end.

As for huge posts, it gives me a better idea of your character and it might improve the writing, but they aren't necessary if you don't have the time.))

Dr. Garret Nipton (Bay 12 Forums)

Before you do anything you apply your capacity core with your maintenance kit. You place a power core on the bench along with the plasma cutter attachment. The bench hums as it scans the object. The noise stops and the attachment breaks apart allowing the power core to slide in. You do the same with your handcannon. You can't help but feel as if you need more firepower to make it out of here. While the handcannon is reconfiguring you grab an empty canister to throw down the hall, conveniently finding a small plasma cutter energy pack. The handcannon is sitting on the workbench, fully reassembled and waiting for you to pick it up. You grab the handcannon, placing it in your pocket with the handle hooking the corner, before rushing out.

Your heart is beating frantically as you toss the empty container with all your might down the hall. The container hits the ground with a clang as a creature dives out from around the corner, staring at the container. You swallow hard as you see the light from a RIG and the plated suit of an engineer with massive holes where its limbs come out, but thankfully the thing hasn't seen you yet. Carefully you aim at the creature's head, using the lasers to guide the shot. The creature looks up from the canister and towards you. You manage to pull the trigger on it's head which comes cleanly off, but the thing dives at you, almost at a sprint. You're tackled to the ground with what felt like a sledgehammer to the stomach. The headless armored monstrosity is towering over you with a spike-like limb raised on high. Your arms are free, so you take another shot, but you miss. You take another as the spike starts to come down. The arm falls harmlessly beside your head as the RIG lined creature slumps onto you, tossing small amounts of blood onto your face. You push the 200 pounds of ex-engineer off to the side. Now that he's closer and not moving around, you can tell that his backpack is still intact, even if it is part of his suit.

The supply elevator is being hit from underneath as a claw slides under the elevator. Inhuman cries are calling for your blood. There is the door to the stairs to your back and an empty bloody hallway to your front.

Spoiler: Status (click to show/hide)

Kathryn Winters (Dwarmin)

After a moment of silence you decide to take the initiative. "I'll go with Ferris. We could use that Comm, in some help." Your voice was hesitant, but you seemed more confident then the rest of them.

The chief seemed sympathetic to your nervous hesitance. "Just be sure to keep him safe, rookie. You may be one of the best on the station, but don't let it get to your head." The chief started coughing again, almost making his cigarette fall from his lips. "Ferris... Ferris may not look like it, but he started studying to be an engineer a year ago. If it is downed he's our best shot of getting it up now without dragging someone from Engine Control." After another moment of silence he spoke up again, this time with anger colouring his face, "Is no one else going to take a job!? You know damn well that this needs to be done. Out of my office! All of you. You can fight over who does what, because I know that your families sure won't have a choice if the shit hits the fan!" All of the officers leave with their heads down, except you and Ferris.

Ferris seems concerned that you aren't leaving his office while the boss is fuming, but a question is burning in your mind. "Sir, have we started emergency containment procedures yet? There's alot of...non-combatants on board. I'd think most of them are holed up in the Medbay, or some of the emergency shelters in the commercial districts."

The chief takes another drag of his cigarette before taking it away with his right hand, revealing blood near the filter of the cigarette. "Medical was evacuated according to Hopkins when he came in off that tram you were looking into. We got orders to send a bunch of people to Residential to try and keep things locked down until comms are back online. No one can go in or out of there. It sucks for anyone outside, but it guarantees that no monsters can get in. Anyone that wants in will have to do a walk along the outside of the ship to get into the heat exchanges. It's safer than it sounds and it's a miracle that we got orders when we did. That answer your question?"

You nod, "Yes. It does." You walk out of the office with Ferris.

Ferris turned to you after leaving the office, "When you're ready to go there are two paths to the comms array. One is the maintenance corridors. It's a tighter space, meaning that if there is something in there I probably can't help without deafening you. The other is the on the path to Residential with a turn off into the relay rooms. The processors will have it's own room past there, and even further in is the receiver tower itself."

If you have any personal belongings to bring with you the locker room is just along the way.

Spoiler: Status (click to show/hide)

Andrew Cartel (Deny)

You stop walking for a moment. "Maybe we should go back."

The guards give you a strange look, "We're almost at Engine Control and Medical is shut down. No way." One of them turns their light onto you, "What's got you spooked?" The lights in your eyes make it hard to keep an eye on the creature. When he lowers the light you've lost track of it. Wherever it went it isn't in the vent's opening.

You know that you saw something, but chances are that they'd think you're crazy. "It's... nothing." You keep walking, paranoidly looking back until you arrive in Engine Control's station. A rumbling sound greets you as you step onto the station's platform.

The two security officers give each other a strange look as they continue towards the door. The text on the door is flickering madly, displaying a few words in red, 'LOCKDOWN INITIATED'. One of the guards slams his fist into the door, "Fuck. This is the only way into the docks." He tries to lift his foot to take a step back, but finds that it's gripping. "The hell is this?"  A spongy flesh pink material lines the floor around the door. "Anyone see anything like this before?" No one can tell him anything but no. "Whatever. We're going to get the door open. If you got a suit or something I suggest you get it now.

Next to the door there is a Store that still has power. You stand in front of the screen, but there aren't many options available here.

Spoiler: The Store (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Status (click to show/hide)

Dalia Cytheria (Zecro_The_Scourge)

You quickly record a log file saying that you're sorry you missed them and that you'll be heading to Engine One's vent. You leave the journal behind at the foot of the door. Engine Control is pretty quiet out in the outer edge of the engines so chance are that no one else will find it. You put the lung into your backpack of your suit, and start walking towards Engine One's vents. The engines hum noisily outside the monitor room, but you don't mind it with your synthetic ears dulling the repetitive noise from the engines, leaving behind every other noise to be heard clearly.

There are a lot of ways to the vent's manual control room. You can head upwards now using ladders to climb up the four floors to the vents, or you can head inward first and climb up the main shaft with the elevators. Either way it's handy that you're already so high up in Engine Control. You realize that the comm array is rather far from you, and that it would take a lot of time to walk there. Time that you don't have right now.

Spoiler: Status (click to show/hide)

((Oh god. This took two hours to write. It's either I'm slow at writing or this is a lot of text.))

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #109 on: July 07, 2012, 02:49:08 pm »

Take the ladders and listen for any signs of life, who knows why the engines stopped.
"Also I always figured you were like Tesla, only requiring two hours of sleep before going onto whatever you do"


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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #110 on: July 08, 2012, 04:45:45 am »

Right, clearly decapitations don't work all that well. Seems like only massive bodily damage or taking off limbs works. Good thing we have a more accurate weapon now. Keep this in mind.

Blast off that claw coming from under the elevator and drag the corpse to the stairs and into them, keeping an eye on that elevator and the corridor. We'll need the backpack for holding anything we find of use, and some armor from wearing that suit would also be nice incase we are ambushed by more creatures. If the creatures under the elevator manage to get out of the shaft, aim for their legs to slow them down, making sure to cripple as many as possible instead of focusing on just one, then if they are still going, take off their arms. If we are getting rushed, leave the corpse and just run for the stairs and slam that door shut and reload quickly, backing up the stairs to get some space and checking both up and down for any more creatures. Remember to aim for the limbs!


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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #111 on: July 08, 2012, 06:05:21 am »

Kathryn gained a vital amount of confidence from the fact that Henry As safe as anyone could be in this mess. Right. Steady on. He was going to be all right. Scratch that. If she did her damn job, he was going to be alright. If she fucked up, no one was getting out of here-not Henry, not Her, not anyone. She wasn't going to let that happen.

Kathryn went to her locker, putting in the number code (1019246).

Everything was still here.

Emergency Medium Med-Pack, for a rainy day. Well today, it was pouring.
Divet Pistol with 2 clips, one loaded-always nice to have a backup. She attached it to the slot on her hip.
Silver Cross Necklace She slipped it over her neck, feeling a bit safer with it on. Yes, there were still people like her who were Christian, even now. Not everyone fell for the Scientology racket.
Lover's Photo...they had taken this one on their third date. She was smiling, Henry was was too-and they were leaning in close, heads turned, about to enjoy a kiss-when her pal Clarice had snapped them with one of those old fashioned cameras, the kind that still flashed. It had caught them in that moment of perfect bliss...Kathryn picked this up and put it into her hip pocket, but she couldn't say why. It felt important to keep it with her.

Aside from some extra pairs of clothes and boots, there wasn't much else, aside from some spicy Meatco Synth-Jerky. She downed what was left as quick as possible-she would need the protein, more likely than not.

Then she walked back alongside Ferris.

"...I know it's risky-what isn't-but let's try the maintenance corridor. It was clear when I came in.

If we move fast and decisive, we can keep from getting pinned down by these...things. We just have to be quick. Once we go in, we stay back to back-keep moving, no matter what. I get injured too leave me behind. I'll hold them off as long I can. You just get to that array.

Also, I noticed how you killed that monster-you shot it to pieces. So, aim for their legs-don't waste ammo trying to shoot them in the chest or head. I'm fine with outrunning them, really.

Last. Watch the Goddamn vents. I heard them bumping around in there, when I was coming up. I figure they're using the vents to move around and hide."

With that, Kathryn dropped into a combat crouch, rifle ready. Ferris nodded, ready.

The doors opened, and they stepped into Hell.

Action: Opt for travelling the Maintenance Corridor-move quickly, not stopping for anything. Keep an eye on the vents.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 06:08:30 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."

The Fool

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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #112 on: July 10, 2012, 10:13:04 am »

I feel terrible for having to do this, but I'm going to have to put this on a long hiatus. It's taking far too long to write, and I have other projects that I need to work on. I'm sorry.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #113 on: July 10, 2012, 10:28:44 am »

Just don't be a zoigberg with those projects, promise that to us please.
"Also I always figured you were like Tesla, only requiring two hours of sleep before going onto whatever you do"


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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #114 on: July 10, 2012, 05:38:47 pm »

Well, dang. :P

I might have to start my own one of these.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #115 on: July 10, 2012, 08:45:56 pm »

Well, dang. :P

I might have to start my own one of these.

All the good ones...

And then some.

Wishing you well TF!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #116 on: July 14, 2012, 07:40:15 pm »

Are there any more spots open?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You like?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 08:22:38 pm by Gotdamnmiracle »
Go back see if he's there and run him over, and drink his gun!


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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #117 on: July 14, 2012, 07:45:55 pm »

I feel terrible for having to do this, but I'm going to have to put this on a !!long hiatus!!. It's taking far too long to write, and I have other projects that I need to work on. I'm sorry.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are On Daedalus Station (A Dead Space Suggestion Game)
« Reply #118 on: July 14, 2012, 08:10:52 pm »

I feel terrible for having to do this, but I'm going to have to put this on a !!long hiatus!!. It's taking far too long to write, and I have other projects that I need to work on. I'm sorry.

Go back see if he's there and run him over, and drink his gun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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