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Author Topic: You are an ancient alien  (Read 46260 times)


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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #150 on: July 27, 2012, 09:38:47 pm »

Ah! sorry Armok, that'll be in the next post, and SoHowAreYou, somehow I don't think the salmass have forgoten what you did to them, or the Vorglockie of their master's warning.

Armok, yes I do mean heavier than air, but cut me some slack, I was really tired and most of my thoughts on the post were of the crusade.

And it seems that School is in fact a motivator for me to post this stuff, don't know why it just is

And Zanzekuthen, the wall would be acceptible, if it were not for the crusade, as the Salmass are constantly on the move, and if you did build a wall then the Salmass and Vorglockie would probably see it as a threat, and it would take way too long to build such a wall for it to have much impact, anyway crusade details coming up
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #151 on: July 27, 2012, 09:52:51 pm »

I know but the life fleets goal is strange but do not worry they have a plan.
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #152 on: July 27, 2012, 10:30:59 pm »

The Crusade

By the year 900 the localraces have all formed into their own alliances, the Salmass have two crusades, Matalosh's, the largest, but another crusade led by a Salmass named Valstor, who's goal is to find a way to rach he stars, and so they often destroy Vorglockie hives for the sake of it, the third Salmass faction is nott in a crusade, but called the Shriles alliance, who are still about unity, but less about change and so only fight in self defence.

The Vorglockie are also in three factions, the ornalord dominated hive is led by an Ornalord named Vorlask, and he leads the Vorlask alliance, an alliance of four of the major fourteen, now eleven, hives, alongwith many smaller hives seaking protection, the next alliance os of five of the remaining major hives, named the Slaskier alliance, they refuse to allow any smaller hives to join them so their land is not much, the final vorglockie alliance consists of only two major hives, but most of the smaller hives this is the Steliek alliance andit feels the damage from the Crusades the most.

Salmass pop, 4 billion
Vorglockie pop, 6 billion
Matalosh crusade, 2 billion Salmass,
Vastor crusade, 1.2 billion Salmass
Shriles alliance, 0.8 billion Salmass
Vorlask alliance, 2.4 billion Vorglockie
Slaskier alliance, 1.5 billion Vorglockie
Steliek alliance, 2.1 billion Vorglockie
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Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #153 on: July 28, 2012, 01:07:12 pm »

No mention of the Kel'nar?  The Shriles alliance seems to show the ideals of the Kel'nar the most of all the factions.
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #154 on: July 28, 2012, 07:47:35 pm »

Because the main races are the Salmass and Vorglockie, since the Kel'nar are more like a third power with some of its warriors fighting on both sides, the Kel'nar aren't mentioned, they also share a similar appearence to war beasts which both sides use quite frequently.
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #155 on: July 28, 2012, 09:14:55 pm »

I would like to mention that the towers and gate are complex missiles that are constructed and launched from the main citadel that transform into their purpose on impact with the ground.  Won't take long to isolate the two races.  Everything required is on board, including the cyborgs.
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It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
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Re: You are an ancient alien The Century of Death
« Reply #156 on: July 28, 2012, 09:40:08 pm »

Year 1000, The Century of Death

In comparison to the previus centuries this was a time of death and destruction. The Kel'nar attempted to talk peace however the ancestral hatred between the two races was too great, however they were able to write up a series of rules for war to the races but only the Shriles alliance and the Slaskier alliance agreed to this. The two crusades linked up together and the Vorglockie began to fight one another. The life ships returned and also began to ask for peace, but only the Shriles and Slaskier alliances would listen, and the pressure from the Kel'nar and Life Ships finally won them over to peace, but they would still defend their borders. On everyone else the Life ships commenced bombardment, but the Salmass had much experience with this and the Vorglockie hives were nigh indestructable. The life ships went in and were butchered and so they resorted to a weapon that would truly give this century its name, they used the Vorlon Plauge.

The Kel'nar attempts of peace were difficuolt from the start, as they succesfully recalled their warriors their attempts to capture the leaders of the alliances resulted in the deaths of seven guardians, and twelve rangers. It was not until the year 912 that they were finally able to get the leaders of all the factions to meet up in one place. They spoke of peace and harmony however no-one, not even the Shriles alliance would agree to a permanent peace, and Matalosh also attempted to take the life of Vorlask, and soon most had left. The leaders of the Shriles alliance and of the Slaskier alliance agreed on an Armistice, and on a series of rules that would lessen bloodshed for when they went to war, the major rules were, if an enemy surrenders he must be allowed to live, no-one is allowed to kill a civilian on either side on purpose, if peace talks are offerd then they must be accepted and that no side is alloowed to burn the lands of the other. Those two sides fought using those rules only against each other, which still happened, and so against all other factions fighting was still just as bloody. When the Life ships arrived the Kel'nar first had a good opinion of them. As the life ships managed to convinve the Shriles and Slaskier alliances on an actual ceasefire and peace. But when the life ships began to ruthlessly attack those who would not agree the Kel'nar opinions of them began to drop, especially when they released the Vorlon plauge which aso slew many Kel'nar.

The Salmass were once again the superpower in this century, as when the Vastor crusade joined the Matalosh crusade, they went about butchering even more hives, sacking one of the major hives for the Steliek alliance and the Vorlask alliance, and then two hives of the Slaskier alliance, along with many smaller hives. In the eace talks the Salmass finally got  good view of the Kel'nar, but they refused any offer of peace and Matalosh used the meeting as an opportunity to try an kill Vorlask, the Kel'nar intervened however and so he went back to the crusade, butchering millions of Vorglockie with his crusade. When Matalosh finally died in 962 a Dalsier named Virmess took over andhe was rather succesful at first then the life ships came, they first sent out a telepathic message to stop fighting, however the Salmass who were psionic disrupters didn't get this message, then the Life ships began bombardment, howeverthe Salmass had much experience with this and so damage was minimal, then the life ships attacked, but the Salmass technology had still risen, they now had Flack cannons, artillery, aircraft, rapid firing weapons and even some rockets and so the damage suffered by the Life ships was immence, an the Psionic disrupting capabilities of the salmass cuased the Life shits to lose cordination. Then the crusade recieved an invetion from the Shriles, a psi intercepter which allowed them tointercept messages sent by the Life ships and even the Vorglockie who would use psi to talk between hives fromgreat distance. By the time the life ships realised that the Salmass were intercepting their messages, they had lost two thirds of their Atmosphere fleet and even some of their Ground pounders, then the Plauge struck them, it annihalated the population and even the Shriles alliance felt its wrath, and soon the crusade fell apart. By the year 1000 the salmass population had decreased by about 80% leaving the Salmass a muh weaker force, and making their hatred of the life ships grow even more.

The Vorglockie fared even worse than the Salmass as the different alliances began to fight one-another to steal their larvae for the war effort. In the peace talks only the Slaskie alliance would listen from the vorglockie and so the vorglockie began to develope technology for the war effort. Psi-amplifiers, flack guns, rockets and even some Vorglockie tanks began to emerge. The Vorglockei also began to show another physical adaptation as they developed a soft organ at the back of the head, Vorlask decided to try for immortality and ut a special device that would constantly renew his brain, the main organ that rots which causes death at old age for the Vorglockie, others put compases, Psi-amplifiers and other such things in the back of their heads and this began to increase their coordination. The Vorglockie began to lose more and more hives not just to the Salmass, but also the Karlask and even other Vorglockie. The then Life ships came, and while the Vorlask and Steliek alliances wouldn't listen, so they felt the attack of the Life ships, but while the newer hives were often destroyed the older ones were to well built to suffer from Life Ship assult. When the life ships engaged them inside the atmosphere the Vorglockie met them with fury, the Mariners of the life ships were hated the most as they were traitors to Slask, so the Vorglockie forces anihalated the Life ships, accoutning for a full half of life ship casualties, they even launched rockets into space to destroy the ground pounders. Then the Plauge struck, this was terrible for the Vorglockie due to the tightly packed nature of their hives, entire hives were lost, even Vorlaskhimself fell victim to the plauge, such was its devastation that by the end of the century only two of the major hives were left, both of which had been part of the Slaskier alliance, the alliances were gone as those hives left isolated themselves and 90% of the population had been lost, those towhives were the only source of vorglockie on the planet.

The Life ships were soon to be hated by the creatures on the planet, when they first arrived back in orbit their forces had swelled increadebly, they sent out the message of peace to the races and when they had identified who had listened and who hadn't they attacked in the year 976. However the bombardment was highly innefecive and so they assulted the planet directly, only to find that their foes had changed, they suffered heavy casualties as both sides targeted them more than any others, and then the Vorglockie and Salmass began to launch missiles into space which did terrible damage to the Ground pounders that were hit. As their forces suffered more and more casualties they sent down plants to change the atmosphere, however these plants could not cope with local competition and so in 997 with no other option left, they released the plauge. The plauge was increadably succesful, anhialating th planet, but it had huge effects on the fleet aswell as, unknown to them it slowly corrupted their own fleet, until it finaly began showing effects, the planet soon had thousands or even millions of liife ships floating in space, dead. The life ships retreted from the planet to escape their own plauge, with only 12% of their population left.

That plauge brought back memories, she was reminded of the plauge that the enemy had released on them, she shuddered asshe rememberd the appearence of the infected, and shook her head to clear it of those nightmarish memories. The Vorlon plauge had decimated the planet, 70% of its life had ben extinguished as the plauge caared not wether it was plant or animal that was struck, only two Vorglockie hives were left and those were the two that had made up the Slaskier alliance before its fall, the Shriles alliance also had the only survivors as they had been forced to isolate their cities from the plauge infested, so only about seven cities of Salmass were left as the rest had opened heir doors as part of their kin phycoligy, she had developed a cure and if they wanted to then she would release it, but the plauge was a fast evolving so she had to constantly uptade it, its adaptiveness had caused thedeath of the many life ships whose own cure was inneficent to combat the plauge. Only the Kel'nar who were isolationists had gotten of better, and yet they had lost a full 60% of their species had been slain, it would be interesting now to see how the races would evolve now that the more warlike of aboth races had been wiped out.

(Phew that took three hours, now I was thiking of making a map with hexographer so tell me what you think of that, and the next turn will be over twenty years not one century, tell me if theres anything I missed OK, and Zanzekuthen do you know the amount of feul it would require to do what your wall plan is, not the mention the size of the planet, it would take a long time to isolate the races and you deont have enough fuel for that kind of operation anyway, not to mention you don't have that tech either)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 09:43:31 pm by Deny »
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #157 on: July 28, 2012, 10:21:10 pm »

I brought peace, happy?

Anyways long term plan.

Three things:

Work to psionically remove the conscience of creatures and replace them in something else.

Create a new ship to remove and store these conscience.

Finally try to create a self-sustaining psionic field that will finally accept these consciences.

Yes that was my massive awesome plan, to end death, which will definetly be needed

Also clean up the corpses through any method and try to get up numbers, without giving up quality.

Oh yeah and to be a dick let loose uncontrolled bio nano that is programmed to live symbiotically with the virus, carrying it and applying it to bodies and then feeding on the bodies while they are in distress, because you know I've done my one humanitarian future deed. 

Let loose bio nano using radio instead of psychic power to kill all over land life including plants and try to make a desert then release more diseases this time tailored to crops and specific creatures, less mutable and use bacteria and protozoans (these should cause things similar to malaria.)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2012, 12:02:43 pm by SoHowAreYou »
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #158 on: July 29, 2012, 04:34:24 am »

-Ensure that no Salmass, be it Dalsier or alshar, suffer from the Crusade.
-The Crusade must, as possible, annihilate all menaces on Salmass. "Annihilate" is not necessarily litteral, as perma-no aggression treaties are acceptable. However, those breaking it are not allowed a second chance (until they beg for it on the brink of diseappearing, in which case they are allowed -maybe- to live, but on much more restrictive terms.)

-Salmass believe in fair fighting, as long as they can afford it. They wont resort to torture or other sadistic method until they have no other choice. All low-suffering (physically and mentally) methods (including some biological/chemical warfare) are considered acceptable.
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #159 on: July 29, 2012, 08:05:17 am »

well matalosh had a deep hatred of the Vorglockie, deeper than most Salmass, and in any case that would have had little impact on the end result of the Century
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Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #160 on: July 29, 2012, 02:56:54 pm »

(Phew that took three hours, now I was thiking of making a map with hexographer so tell me what you think of that, and the next turn will be over twenty years not one century, tell me if theres anything I missed OK, and Zanzekuthen do you know the amount of feul it would require to do what your wall plan is, not the mention the size of the planet, it would take a long time to isolate the races and you deont have enough fuel for that kind of operation anyway, not to mention you don't have that tech either)

It was a long-term goal, that is now obsolete due to the death at the end of the century.  It looks like my race is the most populous on the planet, currently.


Send out a mechanoid ranger to the remaining areas, and use them as envoys.  Try to get them to make peace, along the lines of "the enemy (other race) of my enemy (the Lifeships) is my friend."

Begin major research into the defense against diseases.  Share the technology with the other races if they make peace.

Construct multiple airlocks inside the citadels that scan for disease, and only allow through those that are disease-free.  Medical teams will head to the location if disease is found.

If there is peace between the races, share non-lethal technology (solar panels) with the other races.
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It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #161 on: July 29, 2012, 05:57:39 pm »

The vorlocke, if things go as planed, will adapt by establishing technology and culture of working around constant layers of quarantine, to secure them against both this plague and future similar weapons. With even more luck, these traditions will be flexible enough to protect against things with radically different spreading vectors, maybe even things like memetic weapons spread vie psionics.
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #162 on: July 29, 2012, 05:59:38 pm »

...It looks like my race is the most populous on the planet, currently.

Its actually not since there weren't that many Kel'nar to begin with which is also part of the reason that your race suffered the least casualties, also you do know that only tthe Ataqalaas have a cure the best your races can do to avoid it is to isolate themselves from the world
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 06:01:22 pm by Deny »
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #163 on: July 31, 2012, 07:09:07 am »

OK, I just need Kaian's actions now
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #164 on: July 31, 2012, 09:35:05 am »

ah? well... quarantine, develop medical technologie, then study the disease to understand how it work (as in: what does it f**k up in our bodies) to make counters. Also try to anti-psy it to death since it originate from Life ships.

Stop crusades until plague is eradicated and population is rejuvenated.
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