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Author Topic: The HARDCORE RTD II: Turn 12 (Join Fast Any Time) 24 Deaths and counting!  (Read 22549 times)


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Re: The HARDCORE RTD II: Turn 8 (Join Fast Any Time, Die Fast All The Time)
« Reply #120 on: July 06, 2012, 04:13:50 am »

Turn 9 from Outer Space

Welp! Let's get another one over with.

Scelly9 - Mark: You attempt to rip off your clothes and bind your gunshot wounds like some kind of action movie badass (1) but you have a brief intersection with the real world and just aggravate your wounds trying to get your shirt off. You start to see darkness around the edges of your vision. Furthermore, (1-1) you realize that your lack of gnarliness has angered the vengeful and jealous rap gods, when a fissure in the ground opens up and emits blinding white rays of pure awesome. It's so awesome that your mere mortal body can't handle it, and you are COMPLETELY OBLITERATED, so much so that you are MORE THAN DEAD; YOUR SOUL IS CLAIMED TO THE INFERNO FOR ALL ETERNITY. So, you would've died anyway, but it really adds a little cherry on top.

Noodlerex - Hans Handerson: Having observed a very consistent pattern of people near you dying extremely horrible deaths, you decide, and not unreasonably, to not be where you are right now. You book it out of there! (6)vs(3) Your cover an impressive amount of ground in precious little time, thoroughly evading the murderous furry creature that interrupted your battle earlier. However, when you finally stop running, you realize you've come far from the warm light of the bonfire. You're in a dark tunnel, with only echoes of the chaos earlier still audible. Barely able to see, you reach for a wall to lean against and collect yourself. Instead you lean up against, much to your dismay, something furry. Something huge. Immediately it releases a foul murderous shriek and you run back towards the bonfire and the large cavern. (3) As you come back into the light you see the form of your pursuer: A giant, vicious bunny. Oh, and you have no pants. Although unsure of the causes of this recent development, you at least permanently escape the bunny in become Hans Handerson, The Pantsless.

lawastooshort - Ran: As you expected, the nearest furless freak runs from you. (3)vs(6) However, your attempts to catch and kill it are completely fruitless, on account of your stubby little gerbil legs. You only manage to follow it to a dark tunnel. You decide to wait. Nobody lasts long in those dark, treacherous tunnels: it'll be back. (2) And it is back: When it is, it's followed by a giant monster rabbit. You don't see what happens to your quarry, but you DO see that, as they both run past you, the giant rabbit steps on. You, a gerbil, don't have the anatomical knowledge to know exactly what has happened to your body. You do know, however, that IT HURTS. OW.

anailater - Johnny Momma: Now without bullets, you walk over the finish off the bleeding cop with your knife. Which would be incredibly brutal and reprehensible if he were, in fact, a person. (1) As you swagger up to him, you are suddenly caught in an unexpected blast of pure awesome- targeted at the cop. You're left dizzied and without eyebrows, but not killed. It looks like the cop was completely destroyed. The Blast of Awesome, you reason, can only be an incidence of divine retribution, which really vindicates your "It's okay to kill cops" philosophy. With this revelation you feel enlightened. You are Johnny Momma, the Existentialist Gangster. As you leave the mortal world, you can't wait to explain your new views on the nature of existence to all of the other immortals.

lopocozo - Mikey: You very carefully slip closer. The animals are very intriguing. You think you even see a rodent towards the back of the pack stand up on two legs and raise its fore-paws to the sky in some kind of worship sign. You slowly adjust the focus on your camera, trying to get him clearly in frame, (2) when OH HOLY SHIT A GIANT RABBIT GOUGES YOU WITH ITS MENACING CLAWS. You're wounded somewhat badly. You even drop your camera! Despite all the pain, you sort of wish you could have recorded the incident somehow. For the time being though, you'll have to get away alive...

Nocholas1024 - Joshua: You go looking for your sword. (2)vs(6) Amongst a lot of commotion, including but not limited to rap beams from hell, falling chunks of burning metal and an angry giant rabbit, you have a lot of trouble finding your sword. Nonetheless you see a glint in the pool of water: There's a sword down there, and damn is it shiny! You quickly engage a pursuit of this marvelously shiny sword. This necessitates diving into the pool of water to reach it (1) which proves a bad idea. First the pool is a little deeper than it looked, and second off, you're a lousy swimmer. You pull the sword up out of the water, but not before almost drowning and taking in a few big gulps of the water from the pool. You lean up by edge and VOMIT BLOOD UNCONTROLLABLY. The pool is quickly turning crimson with your blood. Sure enough, the water was horribly poisonous, sapping your bodily fluids to the point of massive tissue trauma and exsanguination. It doesn't help that you already had large open wounds- those that stopped bleeding earlier have started again, and profusely. In other words, YOU VOMIT ALL YOUR FLUIDS AND DIE.

EveryZig - Greyblade: (6)vs(2) You SHINE as hard as you can, even making an audible TING sort of noise. Sure enough, your supernatural allure captures the attention of a human swordsman. He even goes so far as to dive into the pool of water for you. He's a terrible swimmer, actually. The useless bastard barely makes it down to where you are and almost drops you a couple times on the way back up! You're glad that he made it the first time though, because after he props you up on shore he starts dying. You're not sure why- it looks like his meat bags popped. Normally humans don't seem to lose all of their meat unless a sword cuts them, but hey, they're flimsy, you guess. Heck, YOU wouldn't be able to cut anything if you were made of bags of meat. But the important thing is that you're out of the water. It is your time to join the pantheon as Greyblade, Inveigler of Warriors.

DinosaurusRex_x - Starfox: Picking one of the little moving shapes on the ground at random, you bring your Arwing into a steep kamikaze dive within the tight confines of the cave. (2) As you're lining up with your target, an engine malfunction (helped along slightly by a very disgruntled God of Swag) blows up your craft entirely, so that only a cloud of small, burnt pieces of metal and roasted fox flesh reach the ground. Needless to say, you are DEAD.

TCM - puTac: Finding yourself deep within an unexplored cave, you promptly deal with your insecurity towards your agoraphobia by brashly declaring your WESTSIDE allegiance and decrying the Holy Name of MC Fly Money, hoping that your audacity will hide your immense fear of the dark, open spaces, and paranoia towards any and all possible sources of harm. You promptly panic and start firing your gun, (6) you shoot a giant rabbit- but it looks like you really only managed to piss it off. It turns to, bares its claws, and gives a horribly bunny-shriek.

Time to hit the sack! Lots of gods and deaths and stuff. Sorry to those of you who didn't quite make it, them's the dice! Losing is fun.
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Randolph can't sleep, so he's pretty much completly out of whack. In fact, he has begun dreaming into the real world. Unsuprisingly, this causes issues.
Halluciagenic reality shaping
How to Lucid Dream
Read book, yo.


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Mikey scrambled towards his camera, he would shake the scientific community no matter what the cost!
Generation 12 The First time you see this copy it into your sig and add one. Social experiment.


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Johnny Momma, the Existentialist Gangster decrees,
For surely, those who do not kill, have no reason of being and shall be punished bro.
Those who don't kill in 3 turns will have to wait an extra turn for godhood.
At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
So how are you today?


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Name: Higgs-Boson
Gender: Particle
Skill: Higgs field excitation
Item: Higgs field
Background: This elementary particle has remained hidden for eons and has finally come out to let the world know of its existence and to finally garner the worthiness of its namesake as the eponymous "god" particle.

Immediately decay, like Eddie Murphy's career after Vampire in Brooklyn


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Gnaw ALL the legs off the nearest sentient creature!


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This beast that reeks with the Eastside Fleece,
Westside on that hide like the Golden Geece,
Tell my homies at Murder Row to roll out,
Show this fluffy bitch what we all about.

((In Short: Call for back-up.))
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Name: Doctor Whom, Private Investigator
Gender: Human
Skill: Travelling time in a fixed rate, linear progression.
Bio: Doctor Whom was a failed Time Traveller, travelling only as we do through time, so he bacame a copper.

Look for a crime,
make a funky rhyme.


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Turn 10

Noodlerex, Everyzig, and IronyOwl have unused god actions. Which is funny, because I thought you guys'd be more eager to use them. Also, remember that now you have to survive 4 turns before ascending to godhood, or 3 turns like before if you've managed to kill another player.

I apologize anything seems a little on the brief side, I lost a good chunk of work to browser crash and had to rewrite it.

Spinal_Taper - Randolph: You wake up in your room- you think. You're sure it's your room, actually: it's the same enormous, dark, stalactite-lined cavern you always sleep in. You aren't sure if you've actually been asleep at all though. You haven't been able to doze for more than a moment or two in so, so long. You're not sure why- maybe it's your studies, or you can't help but brood on the bitter arguments you had with your family. Or maybe it's the noise from the neighbors- so far you've heard loud music, yelling and screaming, gunfire and even explosions. For want of something to do, you start reading your book on lucid dreaming. (3) You manage to comprehend the text, in between bouts of dizziness and fatigue. Can lucid dreaming really be as simple as that book made it sound? You focus your thoughts on anything, just the first thing that comes to mind, and you think you see with your eyes a rubber ducky. Which is funny, because you're pretty sure you've never owned one of those.

lopocozo - Mikey: You crawl, even though the edges of your vision are darkening and you can feel your heartbeat in your ears, to retrieve your camera. (4) Fortunately for you, the malevolent rabbit seems to have turned its attention to somebody else, for now. The camera is damaged, getting any more footage with it will be difficult at best. The film from earlier seems undamaged, so your irrefutable proof is still in there. Now it just remains to see if you can get your precious camera -and yourself- back to the university intact.

agentorangesoda - Higgs-Boson: (5) You decay, but barely give off any measurable energy before returning to being a pattern on the Higgs field. At this rate, you'll never get to flaunt your stuff! It might take more drastic measures- or luck, you suppose. The Rap Gods consider punishing you, but at a narrow margin decide that you have indeed acknowledged the world of swag rap.

lawastooshort - Ran: Your campaign of leg-gnawing will not be ended so easily! You turn around and charge after the giant rabbit, determined to gnaw off all four of its legs! (6) You just get shot several times in an unexpected hail of bullets. Your various gerbil body parts flop down about the room, DEAD.

TCM - puTac: You holler loudly for the company of your homies, hoping that their company will help you surmount your crippling fear of large spaces. If you're lucky, they'll even have your medicine for you; you forgot to take it earlier this morning. (4-1) The monstrous rabbit is charging towards you, but at the last minute, your crew arrives all at once packed into a tricked-out 1997 Dodge Neon. Seeing your peril at the moment, they bring to car fishtailing to a stop, and lean out the windows, all eight of them (yes, in the Dodge Neon) opening fire on the creature. They don't kill it, but it roars in pain and runs away into some dark crevice- for now.

Windpoison - Dr. Whom, PI: You walk calmly onto the scene of the crime(s). It's a real bloodbath, this one. (3) You walk over to a pile of burnt wreckage of some aircraft. It looks like his flight came in late. Near a pond, you see the body of a man who looks like he died vomiting blood. Guess he just didn't have enough guts. You find the body of man whose leg has been gnawed off and then run through his kidney. Must have been time to break a leg. Another one is a splattered body which, your forensics expertise tell you, was once two people fused together. Maybe two heads really aren't better than one. You could do this all day.

Oh, if you haven't noticed, the rolls for this turn were reversed. Too bad there weren't a lot of ones that made it obvious. That was Flintus10's god action, anyhoo.
Let's Play: Automation! Bay 12 Motor Company Buy the 1950 Urist Wagon for just $4500! Safety features optional.
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Add me on Steam: [DFC] Sensei


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Monopoly is a cruel game da? it was after a vicious game of monopoly that Hans became a travelling circus actor. in russian monopoly if you roll the same number twice in a row you go to jail, so in real life if that happens YOU DIE!!! if the same number is rolled twice consecutively the person who rolled dies a horrible death by jail cell.
also new char:
-A NAME. Myranosaurus Vex
-ONE SKILL biting heads
-ONE ITEM.dead caveman
-A BACKGROUND. Myranosaurus was always jealous of his brother tyranosaurus so he decided to become a gladiator
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 09:52:02 am by Noodlerex »


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NAME: Tinkerbell the magnificient
GENDER: Female
ONE SKILL: collecting teeth in a rude, bloddy manner by making heads explode
ONE ITEM: magic wand of make heads explode
BACKGROUND: Tinkerbell was once a nice toothfairy but the supply rate was not enough for her. Teeth, as you may know, are kinda the bling bling for little fairies. Thats why she became Tinkerbell the magnificient, the militant tooth fairy, aiming to increase her dental swag to a level not seen before. The pointy star at the top of her magic wand is the last thing their teeth-donors see.

ACTION: Sup, they call me tinkerbell, I'll collect teeth liek hell, What the dentist doesnt tell is approachin you, me, tinkerbell

(is my first RTD move ever... so sry if I fail miserably)
"In Plaguemoments I slew a human over a week." - Em Kisstorments, administrator

"Can Kutsmob Pimplehate save the world?" was a legendary bone-bound book. The written portion consists of a 30 page essay entitled "Can Kutsmob Pimplehate save the world? authored by Kutsmob Pimplehate. It concerns the giving up on being a fishery worker of the goblin necromancer Kutsmob Pimplehate in Bristleseductions in 29. The writing has its moments of cleverness.


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Welcome to the RTD Board!

NAME: Menalos Svarrich
SKILL: Polearms
ITEM: Steel Spear with Lion-crested Pennon
BACKGROUND: A Knight on the Crusades. Got lost along the way. He ventures to this day. Unaware of hidden dismay.


There was once a lonely man
Who took a shortcut through the fen
After days, he appeared wan
And decided to count to ten

At the strike of number five
Came the thought of martial mind
And so he did in enthusiastic stride
Decide to call upon his animal guide!


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Thinking quickly, Mikey extracts the tape before getting to his feet and running towards whatever looks the most like an exit.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 10:52:50 am by lopocozo »
Generation 12 The First time you see this copy it into your sig and add one. Social experiment.


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These cause of death puns are quite fun,
But they're even better with shades from sun!

(Put on sunglasses)
Noticing the dead guy Ran,
This P.I's gonna find his man!

(Investigate Iwastooshort's death)


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Waiting on: TCM, Spinal_Taper and agentorangesoda. Funny thing, it's the first "waiting on" post I've made in a long time.

(Put on sunglasses)
Noticing the dead guy Ran,
This P.I's gonna find his man!

I'm not going to stop you or anything, because we don't really follow things like logic and reason most of the time, but I should point out that Ran is a gerbil. Just sayin'.

(is my first RTD move ever... so sry if I fail miserably)
Don't worry. It's usually not your fault if you fail- or succeed, for that matter. Well, except for the mistake you made. ;)
Let's Play: Automation! Bay 12 Motor Company Buy the 1950 Urist Wagon for just $4500! Safety features optional.
The Bay 12 & Mates Discord Join now! Voice/text chat and play games with other Bay12'ers!
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