I do hate that, but the ultimate frustration for me is pain in relationships. I... Don't handle strong emotions well. I very very rarely actually get angry or happy or anything. Usually its just a vague 'meh', all the time. So when something happens that actually causes strong emotion in me, it is very far beyond what the the 'normal' expected response is. So when I get hurt, then get angry, they get freaked out because mild mannered me turned into the Hulk over some basic relationship bullshit.
Which makes me not want to get angry, but in reality, that fuels the whole cycle, because I deal with stuff that would bother me until something actually truly bothers me, then the whole laundry list of anger comes pouring out into my mind like gasoline onto a grease fire.
And THAT is why I'm single, and have been for 2+ years.
On a unrelated note, I really don't like people that talk just to fill the silence. It annoys me. Motherfucker, maybe I like the silence. Silence is a magical gift from whatever powers may be. And you're shitting ALL over it. Just shut the hell up, please for the love of all that is good and pleasant, just shut up. No, I do NOT give the tiniest shit over what you ate for lunch, what you did last week, what you think about Subway, what Joe Blow did to Suzy Smith a month ago, or what you're doing on your day off. Stop. TALKING.