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Author Topic: Chieftain: Suggestion Game  (Read 7214 times)


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2012, 06:28:00 pm »

Svarte Troner has not a bad idea, but they're too few tribes.

Only 4 tribes? Come on...


Fuck yeah!

Culturally superoity should be our target my friends!

Those question marks are other tribes I didn't feel like naming and describing because it was like 3 in the morning. I'd say make the large questions mark in Russia the trogocs, because that would be most fitting for a Russian  :P. But, whatever, just throwing it out there.

edit: I'll throw my vote in for the Keinuu.

Name: Khoine of Karjaala
Biography: Growing up in the woodlands of Karjaala, Khoine was abandoned by his parents at a young age. He was forced to survive on his own in the wilderness, nearly becoming a feral subhuman. He unknowingly wandered way up north into Inaari lands and was captured by a roving band of Trogoc and forced into slavery. In captivity, Khoine learned the language of his captors and made important allies among slaves from all corners of the earth. He eventually led a slave rebellion, bringing us to the present day.
Acquisition: Pretty much self-explanatory

Actualy, I had a sort of "evil scottish highlander" in mind with them, but russia fits there brutish ways perfectly. :P
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2012, 04:00:02 am »

Thus, the game commences.

The lands of Hyperborea are a fickle place. The winds are cold and a killer of many, yet  lead many ships to their home and jetty. The ground is hard and rough, but fertile and ready to be used. And the sun looms above, watching and rarely setting. In this land live many people. All barbarians to the southerners and nothing but a dirty rabble. Some of this 'rabble' tends to their herds and crops, others to their fishing lines. Some spend their days gathering goods from all over the lands, trading them from tribe-to-tribe, from land-to-land. And others simply raid and steal. Whatever the task and life, Hyberborea is a land of great riches, and great hardships.


The Trogocs. That's all people needed to say when they appeared in a village one day, dirty and bloody. Everyone would understand. Then the questions. Would they come here next? Were they still plundering? What if this one was a spy? Sometimes a village would pack and move just at the word of the Trogocs appearance. But that was a generation ago.

The Trogocs were smaller now, strong but far smaller. They were little more than 800 and were scattered along the Hillands, tending to horses and the uncommon grape or grain. Raids were still performed on the Lowlanders such as the fishloving Skoltte and the treehugging Afette, but no longer did the Trogocs even dare raid the Pyte or anyone else for that matter.

Oluft Macoluft was the last chief and under his rule, the Trogocs had continued their previous policy of raids, rape, and tribute; quite a lucrative business, even if they were forced to prey on weaklings. Problem was that Oluft was not of the generous type, he accosted too many women, killed most traders (even when it was a very good idea not to) and he was a wierdling. Most would have throttled him immediately after learning about that but Oluft kept his friends close. He always had his bear near, a huge creature he fed human flesh, and a loyal cadre of tribesmen he made sure to reward from time to time.

You like to believe that you would have been able to pummel them all at the time, but you never really had a chance to prove it. You, Haggash Maclarken, had accepted an invitation to serve in the Grekland to the far south, where the sun set often and cowards spent their days thinking and talking. Cowards they may have been, but they payed much for guards and fed them well too. You had served in the household guard of one Aiolos Nemonos. He was an obese man with too much love for wine and vine and would've served a fine meal. No guts about him but he had lots of gold. And for that, you put up with your broken pride and defended him from the occasional assassin and the drunken party guest. It was a good life, just missing some real fighting. As the years passed,  you earned enough to buy a proper set of armour and weaponry and a few slaves. You also gained some friends among the houseguard, interestingly enough.

You would have stayed had you not heard about who was in command and how he had been ruling. Angered and seeing a great opportunity, you resigned from the guard (not after a drunken party where a man died) and made the trip back to the Hillands with a small group of "friends". The moment you returned, your men cut through Oluft's men and you personally marched up to Oluft's hall. The fighting was fierce, with the hall filled with the sounds of iron and steel striking one another as well as the growls of a great bear. The Clan-fathers were there too. Were this any normal fight, they would have attacked you to, but they knew you had a chance and thus moved to the sides. The battle soon proved to be yours as Oluft discovered breaking through chain was harder than leather and cloth. Eventually, you grabbed him by the neck and pushed him into the firepit. The screams of the wierdling seemed to go on well as that of his bear. A weaker man would have ended him there with a stab through the neck, but you were strong. You plunged his head deeper into the fire, letting him suffer the flame. He died soon enough and you became Chieftain.

Its been a month since that time, and you now control the Trogocs. Your people are scattered over the Hillands in four small villages and spend their days fighting among themselves and raising horses. The Lowlands are no good for extensive agriculture and there are few streams. The Highlands are also occupied by several other tribes, including the Pyte. Generally, the Pyte live to your north and east, the Skoltte to the northwest, and the Afette and Lesob to the south. 

The principal village of Trothem contains your hall, which your ex-guard allies reside in; a shrine to the gods, where the priest accept supplications to the gods and try their best at healing; and several dozen huts and a few tents. The village is built on three large hills; your hall occupies one of them with the shrine and Clan Macgrommen, a major clan, occupying the other two. Along and at the base of these hills are the huts and tents of the common folk. Of most import among them arethe markets, pens, and smithies. The markets, located on the southern side of the Shrine hill, are currently being used by Clan Aflekt to show off the goods they acquired on a recent raid. There is a trader from the south coast present. The pens are currently occupied by a large amount of goats. The smithies are just on the eastern side of Your Hill, strangely with less smoke erupting from the area than usual. Several herds of horses and goats can be found grazing on the nearby fields. A small stream can be found to the south a little more than a kilometre away. Clan Oluft has set up their new abodes here.

Your friends in the guard, while still very much loyal, are expecting a reward for their part in the coup. There is also the business with Clan-Father Leik Afleckt who is demanding to see you and Clan-Mother Getha MacDoffen, one of the major clans, also expects a word. There is also a problem of iron supply; it has dried up completely. Traders used to pass by, bringing in iron, but that all stopped at the start of your reign. These traders originated from an Inaari settlement some days to the east. Oh, and you personally owe 3 horses to Gef MacRet after you bet you would never return.

Oluft's advisor who you chose to keep, is ready to answer any question that comes to you. He's called Old Hemegger and no one knows his real name. He reminds you that you  only have real power in Trothem with the other villages more or less being independent, although still listening to you on certain occasions. He says that Oluft was able to control Trogeil and Gotch during his younger years. He further states that Trogeil and Gotch have been victims of raiding from Alheim as of late. Finally, the tributes from the Lowlands have not arrived.

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There. If any questions about the game feel free to ask. If anything seems wrong, say so.

E: a general map has been provided.
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« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 05:38:57 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2012, 04:25:55 am »

Can we get a map?


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2012, 04:30:31 am »

If you need it, I guess. It wont' be that good though.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2012, 04:35:56 am »

If you need it, I guess. It wont' be that good though.

Just for the overview.


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2012, 07:27:07 am »

I've seen lots of maps and I'm telling you thats a good map
In denial of sanity...

and insanity

Svarte Troner

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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2012, 11:32:01 am »

Well, that was pretty epic.
That metal guy that pops up sometimes in places
To put it simply, Dwarf Fortress is the Black Metal of video games.


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2012, 11:54:53 am »

Give Gef MacRet 3 horses.

A Macoluft always pays his debts.


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2012, 02:26:04 pm »

Go to the meeting, and afterwords find a pet as iconic as the old Bear. A trained moose with sharpened horns, a bird of unusual size, or even  a dog: personal protection aside, it gives the fighters something to focus one, a totem of sorts.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2012, 01:02:48 am »

Give Gef MacRet 3 horses.

A Macoluft always pays his debts.

Macoluft can't pay any debts when he's dead!

Ah MacRet...old farmer with a penchant for Lowlander beer. Pathetic. He did however give you a free horse that one time, might as well repay this old debt. You tell Hemegger to send the horses his way. Hemegger nods and heads off. You order a slave to call in Clan-Father Leik Afleckt and Clan-Mother Getha MacDoffen. A problem forms in your mind however: which one to receive first. You think for a moment of the strategical advantages of both clans; Afleckt is made up of litter more than raiders. They occasional provided the town with its slaves and 'foreign delicacies'. For the most part they just bring back rustled livestock and crops. Clan MacDoffen on the other hand owns more than two thousand heads of horses and goats, as well as having family in Gotch. You weighed your chances and the risks for some time before getting tired of this complex thought and decide to just call them in at the same time.

The doors of the Hall soon open, bringing in the frosty gale and the smells of livestock. the Clan-leaders entered bristly. Yyrre Macdoffen was an elderly woman, too old to raid, farm, ranch, or even see. Normally, she would have been killed but she had shown herself resourceful in breeding. The woman was rich too; she had a necklace wrought in Grekland that she loved showing off, even if she couldn't see it herself. Battham Afleckt in comparison was in his middle years and a bull of a man. He often wore a set of horns and painted his face red in fact, till the Inaari traders stopped coming and he ran out of the stuff. He had been a raider leader for years and had gotten good at it too. Of course, now he couldn't live at all without his precious Lowlander women or his Brythan wines.

The two walked through your hall, up the the path, by the firepit, and to your throne of command. Your guards stood to your right, watching . Your left was curiously empty with Hemegger gone. Oluft kept a bear at his side...Perhaps one would suit you as well? A matter to think of later.

Afleckt spoke first. He congratulated you for your taking of the leadership and says he was busy raiding, otherwise he would have thrown a celebration for you. He then goes on to tell you about the raid. Apparently, it was extremely successful, with 200 horses (10 of which have been passed on to you), 43 slaves, and many casks of mead and wine, as well as several pieces of jewelry and some weapons. He said that he had been raiding to the far west. You wonder why he had bothered to go so far when he could have just went down into the Lowlands, but you thought it best to stay quiet for now. He goes into a long speech about the bravery of himself and his raiding band, which quite frankly, bores you and Macdoffen. Eventually he gets to an interesting piece of information: he found a cave a week's journey to the west as he was returning. Exploring it, he found that it was large and connected to a network of other caves and tunnels, going on for miles. While interesting, you really don't see the point of this meeting. Then Alfekt says he wants to claim the caves. He wants to build a village in the caves, fortify it, and raid the rich villages there. You're pretty sure he's mad. You deflect answering him by asking what Macdoffen wanted.

Macdoffen bluntly states that what Afleckt wants is impractical and idiotic. Afleckt begins arguing, but you silence him for now. Yyrre then goes onto business. She had sold a herd to the Fremiit clan in Gotch. But before they even arrived, raiders from Alheim stole them. She understands that just asking for the herds back or plainly attacking isn't going to work. Instead, she asks that you go and spread your rule to Gotch and Trogheil. She also suggests garrisons in those villages to enforce your rule and defend against raids. The idea is appealing, but expensive.

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You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2012, 01:43:18 am »

Send a few young men (slaves) into the caves proper to check them proper for interesting things of note, but focus on preparing a expansion into Gotch, and of course send a request to meet with the currant array of clan heads in Alheim.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.

Child of Armok

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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2012, 03:57:58 am »

Take 15 slaves and 10 warriors to guard them and send them to the South-West until you reach the woods and start a Lumber camp.


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2012, 04:23:29 am »

Fuck, wrong name...


A Maclarken always pays his debts!

So, now it's right.

Send scouts to the caves. Maybe there's as he wants to tell you.

Wayward Device

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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2012, 01:17:21 pm »

Take 15 slaves and 10 warriors to guard them and send them to the South-West until you reach the woods and start a Lumber camp.

or maybe Valve goes out of business because they invested too heavily in something which then fails - like, say, human civilization.
Alternatively, initiate strife to refuse additional baked goods, and then abscond.


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Re: Chieftain: Suggestion Game
« Reply #29 on: June 16, 2012, 01:54:59 pm »

Take 15 slaves and 10 warriors to guard them and send them to the South-West until you reach the woods and start a Lumber camp.


Oh well. Lumber is fine.
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