X-Pony part 2: Hit the ground running: Ok. Time to review the checklist. Build a base? Check. Check. Requisition supplies? Designate new barns, sleeping area, one laboratory and a brony holding cell for construction? Check. All that's left is to review the new recruits.
Pony me in as Sugarfawn Bonbon. If possible, with much magic boomboom.
...erm...Bon Bon is actually a character, but she's an earth pony, and therefore doesn't have magic. I'm going to assume you didn't realize that Bon Bon was a reserved name and that you wanted a unicorn named Sugarfawn Bonbon.
Bubbleguff, Unicorn Soldier
: That's it, then. Every item on my checklist is complete! Now all we have to do is wait.
: Aww, man. I hate waiting. It's so boring.
(On the 12th, we detect our first signs of a brony craft.)
: Aww, yeah! I'll smash 'em to pieces!
: No, wait. We don't want to destroy it. There might be valuable information on that ship.
: Yeah, Dashie. Haven't you ever played X-Pony before? If you attack the ships you don't get all the neat stuff!
: ...what are you talking about? No, wait. Don't tell me. Let's just board the sky chariot and hope they land. Who's coming?
: If it's all the same, sugarcube, ah'd just as soon stay. You fancy unicorns with yer magic'll probably do a lot more good on the ground than me. Plus ahm still building the holding cells ya asked for.
: Good idea, Applejack. Earth ponies sit this one out. Also, Fluttershy, you stay here-
: Oh. Yes, I think that's a very good idea.
: -in case another craft appears and we need you to take it down.
: Eeek!
: Now, before we board the chariot we'll need a full checklist of -
: Oh, come on! Checklists are lame. Let's GO already.
: *sigh* Fine.
: Alright, ponies. Move out!
This is about when I notice I don't have everyone designated to be aboard the sky chariot, and we only have 6 ponies on the ground.
: Hey! I'm a dragon.
Ok, make that 5 ponies and one baby dragon. Difficult to see him since his head barely clears the wall of the craft.
Twilight goes out first, and hides behind the fence for cover, completely missing the brony standing in plain sight in the clearing. Spike takes a few steps and sees him right away, but isn't able to hit him at all.
Rainbow Dash ends up swooping in and taking him out.
: Awww, yeah! Because I'm awesome!
A bunch of stuff happened here that I apparently don't have screenshots of, but basically Rarity and Spike went clockwise around the craft. while everybody else went counterclockwise around it. Twilight somehow kept not seeing bronies and just walking past them, as Bubbleguff and Sugarfawn followed behind her, seeing everything she missed, and pouring magic into trying to hit them but failing miserably, though Bubbleguff did get one eventually.
After that, Bubbleguff stayed with Twilight to continue going counter-clockwise around the craft while Sugarfawn and Rainbow Dash went south to try to take out a brony firing on them under the cover of a building.
Meanwhile, Rarity comes around the top side of the craft, and somehow manages to get a crazy sniper shot in the dark on a brony right on the edge of her line of sight. That black spot where the cursor is had a brony in it.
: Worry not, M'lady! I will save you!
And then the following turn she takes out another one in almost the same spot. Remind me never to mess with Rarity. meanwhile, Spike spent most of the mission just following her around and not doing much. Not by design, but it fits thematically.
By that time, Twilight had reached the front door after having gone the long way around and entered the brony craft. Strangely, the last brony in the mission was standing there with his back to her when the door opened.
: Ooohhhh! Look at all that stuff we recovered from the UFO!
: ...what'r you lookin' at sugarcube? Ah don' see nothin' up there.
: I'm looking at the floating words and numbers from the victory screen, silly!
: Floatin' what now?
: Just ignore her. It's Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.
Also amongst those screenshots I apparently don't have, Sugarfawn just about destroyed half the walls of a building trying to take out that lone brony hiding in them, and Rainbow Dash was injured by a stray shot in the process.
: What? I'm not hurt! I'm totally fine!
: Really? So what happens when I poke you here-
: OUCH! That hurt, Pinkie.
: Well, maybe you should take a few days off. The injury doesn't look that bad. As for the rest of us, I think a celebration is in order. We've had our first sortie and it was a success!
: OH! OH! Celebration party! Celebration party!