Released another version:
- ? to access keybinds screen, esc to exit.
- Added status information on the right side of the screen.
- Refactored the ui presentation mechanics. Mostly it was to make them work in a more unified manner but you should see some minor aesthetic improvements here and there. Report if anything looks strange.
Good discussion going back and forth. Both the aggressive and the defensive mechanics are pretty well-founded in my opinion, and their viability depends a lot on which direction we want to take the game. I read a nice article earlier on 'Zombie science' and would suggest reading it ( ). These pheromone ideas kind of fit in there if you think about it.
That's why I'd like people to explicitly state which way they want to go:
1. Stealth-centric (for example, cone-like field of vision, greater emphasis on finding ways to avoid zombies through mitigating smell, sound, etc)
2. Arcade-style (piling 'em up with big weapons like rocket launchers, miniguns, etc)
3. Survival style (sleeping, eating, drinking, shelters, barricading, etc a la Rogue Survivor)
Of course we don't have to strcitly choose one but I'd like to have a consistent vision on what we're going after, because features are supposed to be made to support the vision, not the other way around. That's not to say these ideas aren't good - they're great! But the problem is which ones to choose!
edit: There's also an article on Gamasutra regarding mechanics that you can employ to make Zombies better. Check it out if you have time. Next I'll probably improve the performance of the zombies' sensing algorithm. It's currently pretty slow but I did come up with a way to speed it up by quite a bit. It'll take some effort though.