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Author Topic: StNPO - 2 - A new challenger approaches!  (Read 111611 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #510 on: August 24, 2012, 01:37:09 am »

Okay... FINALLY the update. Really sorry about how late this is, first it was stuff coming up, then it was just me being lazy. And then me being very annoyed with dwarves who refuse to take a pick to a wall, even when they are holding one, have no job, and no non-mining labors enabled. Until I realized that there was a burrow active. I really hope that I'll get another one off tomorrow with a bit more meat to it, but what happened after this just wasn't exciting or terribly interesting. Also, the dwarves have an odd aversion to bed-building

---This fragment of a journal was found at the site of some dwarven ruins, apparently called 'Agsalkikrost', in the year 1548. Little is known about this ancient settlement, except that the vast numbers of skeletons found around the site suggest that it was home to a fierce battle. The best translation of the original document is reproduced below, along with stylized illustrations, mostly formed from representational and symbolic glyphs, which, with analysis of the dyes used, have been fully restored to their original color.

10th Granite, 11, Early Spring

Truly, as the old saying goes, 'another one bites the dust'.

We found the body of Cog the bowyer today, but dare not retreive it as it appears to be surrounded by the shades of the fallen- no doubt the cause of his death. As a cruel irony, the ghost standing over him was none other than Cog Hailboards, the child. Now, we are five.

It seems that there is nothing more that can be done for old Thob, as we lack the resources and truly the willpower necessary to produce a bed for him to rest on, and he is incapable of moving himself.

The ghost of his assistant, Datan, hovers by him, as though waiting for their chance to reunite. Our old leader, Iden, wanders the halls, kicking at whatever clutter lies about, while Obok has succumbed to melancholy. Only I and the captain, Steel, remain in full command of our minds and bodies.

16th Granite, 11, Early Spring

I and the commander have come up with, if not a plan to defeat the monsters which besiege us, at least a plan which will give us a little more time to think. We've found some old pickaxes and have begun digging out a small set of chambers, which will be easy to stock with food and drink enough for the two of us. With luck we can seal this off from the rest of the fortress and give ourselves room to plan while the doctor inevitably joins the ranks of the mostrosities outside and the others give in to their despair. For reference, I have mapped out our plans and the design of the currently accessable parts of the fortress.

In the interest of completeness, regarding that third picture, the bit to the south you can't see is a dead end, while the bit to the north you can't see is a short passage way and then a raised drawbridge.

From here, we will be able to easily secure a part of the wooded area to the east, provided the doctor does not prove a threat, and the soil should make suitable ground for farming. We are taking as many of the animals with us as we can carry, though we hope it shall not come to slaughtering them. Once we have settled in, it will fall to us to begin the long task of appeasing the dead. Only then can we hope to rebuild, and reclaim what is ours by right.

Again, sorry for this short, late update. I'll try to do better than this in the future
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #511 on: August 24, 2012, 03:55:41 am »

'twas a good read ^_^
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #512 on: August 24, 2012, 04:26:35 am »

I recommend sealing in a few rocks with the two dwarves so you can make slabs for ghosts if they become a pest


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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #513 on: August 24, 2012, 10:04:44 am »

I recommend sealing in a few rocks with the two dwarves so you can make slabs for ghosts if they become a pest

If? IF? IF they become pests???

half the crap that's been done to them so far is from those freaking poltergeists!

Okay... FINALLY the update. Really sorry about how late this is

This being my first read of a succession fortress that I've been able to follow along with as it comes, I'd say your update was fairly timely. Hope you get another migration wave and are able to pull the fortress out of the fire.

Incidentally, is there a way to turn off burrows other than deleting them?
You are never lost as long as you have a trusty and reliable Compass. Mine kept pointing North, so I just removed the red Needle! Problem solved!

Then I proceeded to pick up the rest of the bunnies, the masterfully crafted bronze statue, and its head. The head will be his trophy... But I need money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #514 on: August 24, 2012, 10:31:35 am »

I recommend sealing in a few rocks with the two dwarves so you can make slabs for ghosts if they become a pest

Part of where they are is rocky, and they have picks, so that shouldn't be a problem. Once I get food production and basic needs (water, furniture) set up, I'll set one guy mining and the other guy slabbing.

This being my first read of a succession fortress that I've been able to follow along with as it comes, I'd say your update was fairly timely. Hope you get another migration wave and are able to pull the fortress out of the fire.

Incidentally, is there a way to turn off burrows other than deleting them?

It's less that the update is late and more that the update is much later than I said it would be. As for the burrow question, dwarves can be assigned either through direct assignation (and can be removed in the same way) through the burrow submenu or through military alerts, which can be turned on and off. Military alerts supersede normal burrows, which can sometimes screw things up. With only two dwarves to worry about (although one of the sad dwarves has been holding up surprisingly well. If I ever see him without a big red arrow I might let him in too), it's easy to just assign them wherever I want them to stay.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #515 on: August 24, 2012, 08:59:27 pm »

Alright, here's a quick update. I hope I'll get another one off tonight, but this was too good not to post.

20th Gratnite, 11, Early Spring

Work on the bunker was halted briefly today by the notice that Id's skeleton has vanished from the corpse stockpile. It seems that that place was not safe from the corruption after all. Thankfully no one else seems to be missing apart from the duck.

The captain has told Iden to search for it, which has at least stopped him wandering the halls aimlessly. I am feeling less optimistic about our chances now, but if nothing else we have the means to seal the bunker away from those dreadful creatures, provided they remain incapable of opening doors.

23rd Granite, 11, Early Spring

What in the name of Armok's !!XXpig tail fiber sockXX!!

So... yeah. I guess it's up to the zombies and the goblins to fight over who gets these guys. If any of them are miners I'll stuff them underground and see how that goes, otherwise I'll try to let them into the passage I mentioned in my last update and close the door behind them. They'll be locked in since I closed the other end, but the two guys I have now should be able to pierce through easily enough once they make it past the rock and into the soil. Id seems to be stuck in a corner now, so I'd say that odds of survival are up overall, though only by like half a percent.

edit: Alright, here's the rest of the update.

24th Granite, 11, Early Spring

On the heels of those idiotic immigrants came a collection of cursed sparrow men. They don't seem to have noticed us yet, but it is only a matter of time. I and the commander have been working feverishly to bring in sufficient food for us to survive on until we can dig out an area in which to grow our own. The immigrants have survived so far, thanks to one who wields a steel axe, but as they are unable to dig into the fortress and we are unable to open the gate, as we have had to seal off the room containing all the levers, it is unlikely that they can be saved.

28th Granite, 11, Early Spring

And the time has come for us to flee to our bunker.

Iden and Obok are dead, and only Obok's screams have saved us from their fate. Fortunately both I and the commander were within the bunker at the time, having brought in perhaps two months worth of food, so we simply locked the door behind us. Our resources at this time are as follows:

On our persons, two full sets of clothing and a single copper pick. For furniture we have a single highwood bed, and for food we have one full barrel of wine, two half-full of beer, and one half-full of rum, as well as about thirty plump helmets.

Our labor now is dedicated to constructing a farm plot and digging out space for some rudimentary workshops, so we can begin to appease the ghosts which have been tormenting us. Armok save us all.

4th Slate, 11, Mid-Spring

Somehow those immigrants have managed to break down our drawbridge and seal themselves in the fortress proper.

Some of them seem to be soldiers, so I guess we shall see if they can deal with what Id has become. Meanwhile, we've found a patch of sand, which we hope will serve well enough for growing more plump helmets. We've also built a masons workshop, which the captain has been using to make some chairs and tables.

It feels good to finally make some progress.

10th Slate, 11, Mid-Spring

The sparrow men finally caught up with the migrants.

We shall see how well they fare.

I've played a bit more, and they actually don't do horribly, but all but five or so die, with the rest stuck on the lower level, fortunately with all the food, so I'm letting them into the bunker once it's big enough to keep them separate (since some are unhappy enough that they're likely to go berzerk). Weirdly, they all seem to be fisherdwarves.

Also, I locked most of the place with the forges off from the outside so it should be possible to reclaim it for the bunker once the sparrowmen get away from it. I'd hoped to trap one of the immigrants inside too, but no such luck.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 12:09:52 am by TSTwizby »
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #516 on: August 25, 2012, 04:56:17 pm »

Sorry for the repeated posts, but you guys aren't saying anything.

4th Felsite, 11, Late Spring

Five of the immigrants managed to seal themselves off in the lower level of the fortress, fortunately for them with all the food and the entrance to our bunker. I and the captain talked it over and decided to let them in.

We lack the resources to make proper rooms for all of us, but with five extra pairs of hands the pacifying of the dead will go faster. Also, they bring with them the supplies we had left outside. The weapons are useless to us, unless we find some trees, but the extra clothing and food will be very helpful.

15th Felsite, 11, Late Spring

Work has progressed well on the slabs, and we are almost ready to attempt to take back the forges. The newcomers have told us that they tried to seal them off, so the odds of our success appear to be greater than we had hoped. If we can manage to also claim an area with trees, we will be able to build some more beds and hopefully get everyone in their own room. Among the newcomers there is one in particular, a bowyer, who seems more volatile than the rest, and the sooner I can lock myself away from him I think, the safer I will feel.

Meanwhile, outsiders continue their streak of inexplicable optimism.

1 Hematite, 11, Early Summer

Not much of note has happened since I last wrote, but I feel that an update of our situation is in order given the year is a quarter finished.

At the moment there are seven of us remaining, one of whom, Lokum, spends most of his time wandering the halls, looking for someone to blame his troubles on.

This part of the fortress is completely secure from the outside, and contains a mason's workshop, craftdwarf's workshop and a still, as well as many memorials to the fallen. There are only two or three ghosts left as far as we can tell, so our efforts have greatly exceeded our expectations. We have a certain amount of clothing available, as well as three picks and a steel axe, and many barrels and pots, all in the lower part of the fortress, which, while it is currently sealed off from above, is still at risk if any kind of troll or forest titan were to arrive.

We have access to plump helmets and dimple cups, as well as an untame giant wolverine. What we really need to do right now is gain access to wood, so we can build bedrooms for ourselves, and maybe calm Lokum down somewhat. In preparation for this, we are attempting to recover the forge, which, while not particularly useful for us now, will give a nice boost to morale and may make things easier for us in the future.

14th Hematite, 11, Early Summer

Our plan was a partial success.

Although we were unable to secure the forge, we did rescue a stray donkey and water buffalo who had been trapped outside. There is little for them to eat here, but even starvation is a better fate than would have awaited them outside.

Lokum's mood seems to have improved, despite this setback. We shall have to wait and see if our luck continues to hold out.

I probably won't be able to get online tomorrow, and maybe not the day after.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #517 on: August 25, 2012, 09:17:14 pm »

So, all you need to do (if you have time), is to expand to include that area containing the fungal-wood saplings so that eventually, someone will have wood, then the reclamation of the fortress can commence without abandoning (an awesome feat, if you ask me).
You are never lost as long as you have a trusty and reliable Compass. Mine kept pointing North, so I just removed the red Needle! Problem solved!

Then I proceeded to pick up the rest of the bunnies, the masterfully crafted bronze statue, and its head. The head will be his trophy... But I need money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #518 on: August 26, 2012, 10:12:08 am »

Yes quite well done.  With this we should be able to retake the fortress section by section.

BTW, since the citadel challenge was more than unrealistic for you to complete I'll likely just push that back to a future overseer or turn it into a general project like the bunker.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #519 on: August 26, 2012, 02:59:10 pm »

awesome job preserving the fort!

and i think i mentioned it before, but i'm putting in a standing request to be dorfed as "Reginald X", where X is the reincarnation number.

Yeah.  Thus why I didn't make a trap.  In it's current state the fortress didn't need a trap, the whole damn fortress is a trap.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #520 on: August 26, 2012, 04:03:40 pm »

...since the citadel challenge was more than unrealistic for you to complete...

I think I'm going to have to take that as a... challenge.

awesome job preserving the fort!

and i think i mentioned it before, but i'm putting in a standing request to be dorfed as "Reginald X", where X is the reincarnation number.

Will do. Just for convenience's sake, can everyone who wants to be dorfed let me know? Since, now that there are seven dwarves, I can actually follow through on it. After this, GreatWyrmSteel and me, there are four left.

I won't be able to update today, but I might be able to tomorrow.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #521 on: August 26, 2012, 04:39:21 pm »

I won't be able to update today, but I might be able to tomorrow.

No pressure, whenever you get around to it. ^^
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #522 on: August 26, 2012, 07:28:08 pm »

It seems like I'm destined to always be wrong about these things. I say, 'I'll have an update later tonight' and there's nothing for three days, I say 'I won't be able to update until tomorrow' and I post one three hours later. Things just got too awesome not to follow up on.

7th Malachite, 11, Mid-Summer

The captain had ordered me to dig a tunnel underneath were one of the cursed ones had been heard wandering, in the hopes of capturing it. However, all did not go as planned.

Before I knew it, the thing which had once been Zasit Akurobok had gripped my leg. I reacted in the only way I could think of.

Abruptly, the creature stopped moving, became nothing more than a corpse. I could scarcely believe my eyes. The sounds of another cursed one approaching brought me back to my senses, and I fled back into the safety of the stronghold, as the newcomer was trapped in the cage meant for the thing which had been Zasit.

And as though my victory over the one who had been Zasit had been some kind of signal...

20th Malachite, 11, Mid-Summer

Words cannot express the wonder I feel at this miracle which has occured.

Not only have all but two of the immigrants safely entered the fortress, sealing the gap behind them, but thanks to their efforts we have managed to reclaim both the forges and a part of the top level of the fortress, while making progress on reclaiming the entire top level, while at the same time making it safe from aerial invasion forever! Where once there stood two dwarves in a cramped hole, nothing but a pick and a bed to their names, there are now the twelve of us, capturing and destroying the cursed ones who had held us hostage with fear for so long!

We have agreed that this warrants the construction of a temple, to the great Armok, down in the depths of the mountain. We may have lost access to the caverns as surely as we have lost the rest of the fortress, but now I defy anyone to say we cannot recover these as well. For us, now, there is only victory!

27th Malachite, 11, Mid-Summer

Success. The upper layer is ours.

That went very very well.

I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #523 on: August 26, 2012, 07:53:29 pm »

Huzzah! Celebrations for all.
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: StNPO - 2 - Actually pretty alive!
« Reply #524 on: August 26, 2012, 07:53:39 pm »

Yo Dawg, so we heard you like fortresses, so we built a fortress inside your fortress so you can dorf while you dorf.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.
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