When you press pressing [p][t] to Edit the Custom Stockpile Settings, you would be lead to a new menu containing a list of created Custom Stockpiles. This menu would have options to [a]dd Stockpile, [e]dit Stockpile, [n]ame Stockpile, [c]opy Stockpile, [Enter] Select Stockpile.
-[a]dd Stockpile
This creates a new entry in the list called 'Custom Stockpile
- ' where # is the nth Custom Stockpile that has been designated. Also there would be a file where Custom Stockpile configurations are stored. This is similar to how Embark Profiles are stored now.
-[e]dit Stockpile
This leads you to the Stockpile Settings screen we are all familiar with.
-[n]ame Stockpile
This lets you name the Stockpile Type. Think of this being the same as the names Wood, Food, etc. It sounds like the code should support this.
-[c]opy Stockpile
This creates a new stockpile with the name 'CopiedStockpilesName(c)'. This clone also has the same settings as its parent.
-[Enter] Select Stockpile
This selects which custom stockpile will be used when you press [p][c] and designate an area.
This would solve a lot of frustration for the following reasons:
- Alcohol/Meal stockpiles. We all create so many and QuickFort doesn't solve the naming issues. Also this means the stockpiles will be automatically named if you get lazy on changing stockpile names(when that gets fixed).
- Refinishing and workshops. We all have very distinct production schemes in mind, ones that would be helped by being able to work from a reliable toolbox of premeditated stockpile types.
Also because the custom stockpiles are read from a file, it would be possible(i.e. very likely) a 3rd-party utility would emerge which would allow for headache free creation of complicated stockpile types on the fly.