In related news:
The IFPI decides two more ISPs must block Pirate Bay with a new court order. And this is before the case even starts on Friday! Not that it's going to do
anything about it... The PP is all up in a rage about it, too, claiming the ruling is vague as the "conditions are to be decided later". That and censorship, which is growing ever so more valid. Even the comments on various news sites are raging about this. And they say the US is corrupt. Hah!
At least they can't easily bring down the PB locally as they're hooked up with the Swedish PP. Political censorship, and everything.
"Additionally, the court ruling does have an effect on the common attitude." - Antti Kotilainen, IFPI.
Oh I could certainly say it will have an effect. However, I predict it to be negative, Mr. Corrupt Big Brother. And while you're at it, why don't you remove this "copyright levy" that you decided to slap on every single electronic storage device known to man that "may or may not" hold or have the ability to copy media. Like CDs, harddrives, PCs and tablets and printers. Makes sense, since you've already "blocked" off the PB thus the piracy devil is no longer an issue and you no longer need to
steal "be reimbursed" when us petty and lowly plebes who can't possibly fathom your infinite wisdom decide to buy some of the many locked-down, DRM-ridden, PCs with a bolted down webcam that connects directly to your Evil Mastermind's Blu-ray, which immediately starts to record our every move.
And when the dust has settled, all your profits should be soaring, right? I mean, obviously the Eldritch pirate abominations were the ones "stealing" all your money from your divine princesses and princes. How could there possibly even be a dip in profits when those responsible have been hanged, drowned, burned, dissected and fed to the dogs and their lives stricken from all official records? Surely all the artists and content makers will live in gold-plated houses built by the
bodies of the dead "immortal angels of IP". And we shouldn't need to hear another complaint from you or your
slaves "brethren" again now that our minds are
enslaved "embraced" by your
fiendish "holy" mind chip? Inconceivable, forsooth.
Quick, we need a new backronym for IFPI!